Reputation: 381
lst.ItemClick += delegate(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) {
var intent = new Intent (this, typeof(TracksByGenres));
intent.PutStringArrayListExtra ("keys", items);
StartActivity (intent);
TracksByGenres is fragment2
Error:The best overloaded method match for `Android.Content.Intent.Intent(Android.Content.Context, System.Type)' has some invalid arguments atnew Intent (this, typeof(TracksByGenres));
public async override void OnActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstancesState)
base.OnActivityCreated (savedInstancesState);
paramKey = Intent.Extras.GetStringArray ("keys").ToString();
lst = View.FindViewById<ListView> (Resource.Id.lstHome);
Where is incorrect?
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Views: 197
Reputation: 2444
var intent = new Intent (this, typeof(TracksByGenres));
intent.PutStringArrayListExtra ("keys", items);
StartActivity (intent);
Above snippet is to create an instance of a new Activity and launch it. Second parameter , typeof(TracksByGenres)
should be actually typeof(A class inheriting from Actiivty (not fragment))
This is causing the exception.
Inorder to switch Fragments, you need to use FragmentTransaction
. Here is a tutorial about how to manage fragments.
EDIT : Example of passing Data to Fragment , asked in comment
public class TracksByGenres :Fragment
string mData;
public void AddData(string data)
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
// inflate layout and store in variable
//you can use data here
// myTextView.Text=mData;
Then In Activity,
Creating First Fragment, adding Data and Loading in FrameLayout
FragmentTransaction fragmentTx = this.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
TracksByGenres fragment = new TracksByGenres();
fragment.AddData("Xamarin is awesome");
// The fragment will have the ID of Resource.Id.fragment_container.
fragmentTx.Add(Resource.Id.fragment_container, fragment);
// Commit the transaction.
Replacing the fragment with a new Fragment, adding data. In this example Im using the same fragment for ease.
TracksByGenres aDifferentDetailsFrag = new TracksByGenres();
aDifferentDetailsFrag.AddData("Xamarin is awesome");
// Replace the fragment that is in the View fragment_container (if applicable).
fragmentTx.Replace(Resource.Id.fragment_container, aDifferentDetailsFrag);
// Add the transaction to the back stack.
// Commit the transaction. fragmentTx.Commit();
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