Reputation: 599
In swift, I want to show a google-map with a marker on it. here's storyboard image:
and here's the code
var camera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(-33.86,
longitude: 151.20, zoom: 6)
var mapView = GMSMapView.mapWithFrame(CGRectZero, camera: camera)
mapView.myLocationEnabled = true = camera = mapView
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-33.86, 151.20)
marker.title = "title"
marker.snippet = "snippet" = mapView
in the line: ' = mapView' if I write 'self.view = mapView' it will work fine and shows me the marker. but I have other views in the page along with mapView and 'self.view = mapView' will hide them. camera goes to the coordniates also. the only problem is that the marker is not appearing. what should I do? thanks
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Views: 3339
Reputation: 599
I solved the problem after hours googling. the key is to use Container View inside the mainView and in the containerView initializing the map with these codes:
var camera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(-33.86,
longitude: 151.20, zoom: 6)
var mapView = GMSMapView.mapWithFrame(CGRectZero, camera: camera)
mapView.myLocationEnabled = true = camera
self.view = mapView
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-33.86, 151.20)
marker.title = "title"
marker.snippet = "snippet" = mapView
Upvotes: 2