Reputation: 145
I've been messing with this code for awhile now and I can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to get 2 different triangles to print based on a users input and so far I have only gotten the first triangle to print correctly.
For instance, If a user enters 4 the output should be like so:
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
My code produces the first triangle correctly but for the second it adds one and outputs like this
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
My question is how do I get the correct output
org 100h
Input db "Enter size of the triangle between 2 to 9: $" ;String to prompt the user
Size dw ? ; variable to hold size of triangle
Main proc
Mov ah, 09h
Mov dx, offset input ;prompts user for input
int 21h
mov ah, 01h
int 21h; takes user input
sub al, '0'
mov ah, 0 ;blank top half of ax reigster
mov size, ax ; we use ax instead of al because we used dw instead of db
mov cx, ax ; copy size into variable size and cx reigster
mov bx, 1
call newline
lines: ; outer loop for number of lines
push cx
mov cx,bx
stars: ; inner loop to print stars
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '*'
int 21h
loop stars
inc bx
call newline
pop cx
loop lines
call newline
; second triangle
mov cx, size
push cx
mov cx,bx
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, '*'
int 21h
loop stars2
dec bx
call newline
pop cx
loop lines2
call newline
mov cx, size
; third triangle
mov cx, size
push cx
mov cx,bx
main endp
proc newline
mov ah, 02h ; go to a new line after input
mov dl, 13
int 21h
mov dl, 10
int 21h
ret ;returns back
newline endp
end main
Upvotes: 1
Views: 45
Reputation: 10391
After the first triangle, BX is one number above the desired, so, just above the lines2:
label add the line dec bx
; second triangle
mov cx, size
dec bx ;<========================
push cx
mov cx,bx
Upvotes: 1