Reputation: 51
I'm currently trying to use the entry widget in tkinter to get a number from the user, and then use that number to define a parameter of one of my other functions.
The code is very long, so I'll try summarize my thoughts after the block.
class NimGame():
def __init__(self, numberOfBalls):
self.numberOfBallsRemaining = numberOfBalls
print("Nim game initialized with {} balls.".format(self.numberOfBallsRemaining))
def remainingBalls(self):
return self.numberOfBallsRemaining
def take(self, numberOfBalls):
if (numberOfBalls < 1) or (numberOfBalls > 3) or (numberOfBalls > self.numberOfBallsRemaining):
print("You can't take that number of balls. Try again.")
# ## Update Label in the GUI to tell user they can't take that many balls.
# It might be better to "inactivate" the buttons that correspond to invalid number to take.
statusLabel.configure(text="You can't take that number of balls. Try again.")
self.numberOfBallsRemaining = self.numberOfBallsRemaining - numberOfBalls
print("You took {} balls. {} remain.".format(numberOfBalls, self.numberOfBallsRemaining))
if self.numberOfBallsRemaining == 0:
print("Computer wins!")
# ## After removing player-chosen balls, update graphics and then pause for 1.0 seconds
# before removing computer-chosen balls. This way the player can "see" the
# intermediate status. Perhaps think about a nicer way of showing this.
computerMaxBalls = min(3, self.numberOfBallsRemaining)
compBallsTaken = random.randint(1,computerMaxBalls)
self.numberOfBallsRemaining = self.numberOfBallsRemaining - compBallsTaken
# ## After removing computer-chosen balls, update graphics again.
print("Computer took {} balls. {} remain.".format(compBallsTaken, self.numberOfBallsRemaining))
if self.numberOfBallsRemaining == 0:
print("You win!")
def updateGraphics():
centerX = leftmostBallXPosition
centerY = ballYPosition
for i in range(nimGame.remainingBalls()):
canvas.create_oval(centerX - halfBallSize,
centerY - halfBallSize,
centerX + halfBallSize,
centerY + halfBallSize,
centerX = centerX + spaceBetweenBalls + ballSize
def initializeNewGame():
numberOfBalls = e1.get()
def initializeNimAndGUI(numberOfBalls):
global nimGame
global ballSize, halfBallSize, spaceBetweenBalls, leftmostBallXPosition, ballYPosition
nimGame = NimGame(numberOfBalls)
ballSize = min(maxBallSize, int(((canvasWidth-canvasBorderBuffer)//numberOfBalls)/1.2))
halfBallSize = ballSize // 2
spaceBetweenBalls = int(0.2 * ballSize)
leftmostBallXPosition = (canvasBorderBuffer//2) + (spaceBetweenBalls//2) + halfBallSize
ballYPosition = canvasHeight // 2
def createGUI():
global rootWindow
global canvas
global statusLabel
global textEntry
global e1
rootWindow = Tk()
canvasAndButtons = Frame(rootWindow)
canvas = Canvas(canvasAndButtons, height=canvasHeight, width=canvasWidth, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=2)
buttonframe = Frame(canvasAndButtons)
e1 = Entry(buttonframe)
button1 = Button(buttonframe, text='Take 1', command=lambda:takeBalls(1))
button2 = Button(buttonframe, text='Take 2', command=lambda:takeBalls(2))
button3 = Button(buttonframe, text='Take 3', command=lambda:takeBalls(3))
button4 = Button(buttonframe, text='New Game', command=initializeNewGame)
statusLabel = Label(rootWindow, text="Play Nim")
def runNim(numberOfBalls):
So to me it seems that the program is having issues updating the graphics when I do a second game. What should happen is that, for example, i call runNim(20) and play a game with 20 balls. After the game, I need to be able to enter a number in the entry widget, click new game, and have that be the new numberOfBalls. When I do that, I get the init message back stating "Nim game initialized with 10 balls." But the GUI doesnt change, no balls appear in the GUI, and if I try to take anything it gives traceback and errors.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 156
Reputation: 51
I figured out my problem. When I was trying to convert the string from e1.get() into an integer, I wasn't accounting for the empty string when I first run the program. This gave me a ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''. So I had to account for that, and now it works.
Upvotes: 1