Reputation: 3425
I recently took all my code a manually imported it into an eclipse project from BlueJ, I then got use to the settings up "Run Configurations", finally thinking I was home free. Then I ran the code, and I got this error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
Exception in thread "main"
so I figured I had to add a main method (I never had to do this in BlueJ, why?). So I did that just called the constructor method (in BlueJ I would just create a new object and the JFrame would show). So I did that, same error. After trying different things (such as moving the code in the constructor to a different method etc.). I just put this in for the main method:
public void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello, this is main why won't Java find this.");
After that I still got the same error, so I then decided to add it to all my classes to make sure it wasn't using another class as the main class. Still same error, so I come to you wondering if any of you have encountered this problem. Also I did search Google and all I found was problems with private
classes etc and sense all my classes are public
(hey I come from Python :) ). I knew that wasn't the problem. Help Please :)
Picture of my Run Configuration
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class AppFrame extends JFrame
public String status = "Status:";// Status of Applet
public int paint_count = 1;// Number of times applet has been painted
public int[] mousePos = {-1, -1};// Stores Mouse's Last Clicked X and Y Cordinates
public int[] boardPos = {-1, -1};//Stores The Board's X and Y Cordinates
public int[] selectedSquarePos = {-1, -1};
public int[] boardSquare = {-1, -1};//Stores Last Clicked Square
public Color P1_Color = Color.GRAY;
public Color P2_Color = Color.WHITE;
public Color SquareEven = Color.BLACK;
public Color SquareOdd = Color.RED;// pieces move on this one
public int boardHeight = 400;
public int boardWidth = 400;
public boolean pieceSelected = false;
public boolean CheckersPiece = false;
public Board CheckersBoard = new Board();
public Image buffer = null;
public Graphics bg = null;
public void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello, this is main why won't Java find this.");
public AppFrame()
buffer = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());
boardHeight = getHeight() - 40; // 20 pixel border at top and bottom and 20 pixels for blue bar
boardWidth = getWidth() - 40; // 20 pixel border at left and right
bg = buffer.getGraphics();
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
public void handleClick(MouseEvent e)
/* Handles tracking of mouse clicks; DOES NOT HANDLE DISPLAY, it just updates the data and calls redraw */
mousePos[0] = e.getX();
mousePos[1] = e.getY();
public void paint(Graphics g)
public void render(Graphics g)
bg.clearRect(0,0, getWidth(), getHeight());
//Draw Chess Board and Pieces
renderChessBoard(bg, 20, 20);
// Display Info
System.out.println(String.format("Last Mouse Click @ (X:%d Y:%d)", mousePos[0], mousePos[1]) );
System.out.println("Paint #" + paint_count );
System.out.println(String.format("Board Square (x:%s, y:%s) %b", boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1], CheckersPiece) );
System.out.println(CheckersBoard.status );
paint_count += 1;
// Draw Image to Screen
g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 25, null);// so it does not get hidden by the blue close/min/max room
public boolean isValidSquare(int col, int row)
if (col > -1 & col < 8) {return true;}
return false;
public void renderChessBoard(Graphics g, int x, int y)
/* Renders board and pieces*/
// sense the row squares are well squares then the
// board will be a square also; so we draw it with whatever
// side is smallest, width or height
boardPos[0] = x;
boardPos[1] = y;
drawBoard(g, x, y, boardWidth, boardHeight);
boardSquare = getBoardSquare(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]);
CheckersPiece = isCheckersPiece(boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
boolean validSquare = isValidSquare(boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
if (validSquare)
if (CheckersPiece)
selectSquare(g, boardSquare[0], boardSquare[1]);
if (pieceSelected)
int selectedCol = selectedSquarePos[0];
int selectedRow = selectedSquarePos[1];
int toCol = boardSquare[0];
int toRow = boardSquare[1];
System.out.println(selectedCol + " " + selectedRow + " " + toCol + " " + toRow);
if (!CheckersBoard.move(selectedSquarePos, boardSquare)) // not a valid move;
pieceSelected = false;
parseBoard(CheckersBoard.board, g);
public void drawBoard(Graphics g, int Bx, int By, int Bw, int Bh)
int numberRowsDrawed = 0;
int rH = Bh / 8;
int rW = Bw; // Row width is the same as the Board's width because the board and the row share the same sides
while (numberRowsDrawed < 8)
int rY = (numberRowsDrawed * rH) + By;
// Row X is the same as the Board X because the board and the row share the same sides
int rX = Bx;
Color EVEN = SquareEven;
Color ODD = SquareOdd;
// Yes Yes The EVEN Color is now odd and vica versa its because rows only now there row counts and so they start at 0 and don't
// include the rows above
if ((numberRowsDrawed % 2) != 0) {EVEN = SquareOdd; ODD = SquareEven;}
drawRow(g, rX, rY, rW, rH, EVEN, ODD);
numberRowsDrawed +=1;
public void drawRow(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color EVEN, Color ODD)
System.out.println("Board Y: " + y);
int squareW = width / 8;
int squareH = height;
int numberSquaresCreated = 0;
while (numberSquaresCreated < 8)
// needs a special case because Java's modulo uses division (so it would give a divide by 0 error) STUPID JAVA!!!!!!
if (numberSquaresCreated == 0)
g.fillRect(x, y, squareW, squareH);
if (numberSquaresCreated % 2 == 0){g.setColor(EVEN);}
else {g.setColor(ODD);}
int sX = x + (squareW * numberSquaresCreated);
g.fillRect(sX, y, squareW, squareH);
numberSquaresCreated +=1;
public void drawMan(Graphics g, int boardRow, int boardCol, Color pieceColor)
int x = boardPos[0];
int y = boardPos[1];
int pixelPosX = x + ((boardWidth / 8) * boardRow);
int pixelPosY = y + ((boardHeight / 8) * boardCol);
g.fillOval(pixelPosX + 13, pixelPosY + 13, (boardWidth / 8) - 26, (boardHeight / 8) - 26);
public void drawKing(Graphics g, int boardRow, int boardCol, Color pieceColor, Color crownColor)
drawMan(g, boardRow, boardCol, pieceColor);
int x = boardPos[0];
int y = boardPos[1];
double DsizeFactor = ( (float) boardHeight / 8.0) / 3.75;
int sizeFactor = (int) DsizeFactor;
int pixelPosX = x + ((boardWidth / 8) - sizeFactor) / 2 + ((boardWidth / 8) * boardRow);
int pixelPosY = y + ((boardHeight / 8) - sizeFactor) / 2 + ((boardHeight / 8) * boardCol);
int[] xPoints = {pixelPosX, pixelPosX, pixelPosX + sizeFactor, pixelPosX + sizeFactor, pixelPosX + ((sizeFactor * 3) / 4), pixelPosX + (sizeFactor / 2), pixelPosX + (sizeFactor / 4) };
int[] yPoints = {pixelPosY, pixelPosY + sizeFactor, pixelPosY + sizeFactor, pixelPosY, pixelPosY + (sizeFactor / 2), pixelPosY, pixelPosY + (sizeFactor / 2)};
g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 7);
public void selectSquare(Graphics g, int bSX, int bSY)
/*+10 is to offset text (the xy cordinates are the bottom left side of the text NOT top left.*/
pieceSelected = true;
int squareX = boardPos[0] + (boardWidth / 8) * bSX;
int squareY = 10 + boardPos[1] + (boardHeight / 8) * bSY;
selectedSquarePos[0] = bSX;
selectedSquarePos[1] = bSY;
g.drawString("Selected", squareX, squareY);
// Data Handling and Retreiving methods
public void parseBoard(String[][] Board, Graphics g)
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
for (String[] rowOfPieces : Board)
for (String piece : rowOfPieces)
if (piece != "X")
Color PIECE_COLOR = P1_Color;
if (piece.contains("P2")) {PIECE_COLOR = P2_Color;}
if (piece.contains("C"))
drawMan(g, col, row, PIECE_COLOR);
if (piece.contains("K"))
Color Crown_Color = P2_Color;
if (PIECE_COLOR != P1_Color) {Crown_Color = P1_Color;}
drawKing(g, col, row, PIECE_COLOR, Crown_Color);
row +=1;
col = 0;
public int[] getBoardSquare(int x, int y)
//row or col = boardpos - offset / row height or width
if ((x < boardPos[0]) | (y < boardPos[1]) | (x > (boardPos[0] + boardWidth)) | (y > (boardPos[1] + boardHeight)) )
int[] BS = {-1, -1};
return BS;
int col = (x - boardPos[0]) / (boardWidth / 8);
int row = (y - boardPos[1]) / (boardHeight / 8);
int[] BS = {col, row};
return BS;
public boolean isCheckersPiece(int BoardSquareX, int BoardSquareY)
int Px = BoardSquareX;
int Py = BoardSquareY;
if (Px == -1 & Py == -1)
return false;
String Square = CheckersBoard.board[Py][Px];
return Square != "X";
Upvotes: 2
Views: 14257
Reputation: 597422
You forgot static
public static void main(String[] args)
But in order to really start your application, you should launch it from that method, not merely have it. Here is how to start it:
public static void main(String[] args) {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
AppFrame frame = new AppFrame();
It's important to note the EXIT_ON_CLOSE
- this will make the JVM exit when you press the X button. Otherwise your application will continue running, and you might even not notice.
Upvotes: 13