Jeff Lockhart
Jeff Lockhart

Reputation: 5611

Android Support BottomSheetBehavior additional anchored state

I have been using the AndroidSlidingUpPanel library in my app. With versions of the Android Design Support Library since 23.1.1, this breaks some things in my layout. Since the newest versions introduce the BottomSheetBehavior, I'm looking to replace the AndroidSlidingUpPanel library and use BottomSheetBehavior instead. However, BottomSheetBehavior only has 3 states, hidden, collapsed, and expanded (as well as 2 intermediate states dragging and settling). AndroidSlidingUpPanel additionally has the anchored state, which is a state the panel snaps to in between collapsed and expanded. How could I use BottomSheetBehavior and get this additional anchored state?

Google's Maps app has this behavior for example.



Dragging (between collapsed and anchored):


Dragging (between anchored and expanded):


There are some parallax effects going on with an optional image sliding up over the map in the anchored state when locations have them. And when becoming fully expanded, the location name becomes the action bar title. I'd eventually be interested in achieving something similar as well.

My first instinct is that the anchored state is in fact the expanded state, with the empty space above the panel, where the map is still visible, being a transparent portion of the view. Then the dragging between the anchored and expanded states is just scrolling the contents of the panel view itself.

This is validated by the fact that while in the anchored state you can continue to scroll the panel up by swiping the visible map region above the panel. This invisible portion of the view must expand into its area (as the optional images visibly do) while swiping up from the collapsed state though, as it is not possible to slide the panel up from the map in the collapsed state. I suppose I could go this route but wanted to see if there were any better approaches out there.

Upvotes: 8

Views: 13138

Answers (2)


Reputation: 5531

BIG UPDATE Because there were like 4 or 5 questions about the same topic BUT with DIFFERENT requirements and I tried to answer all of them. A non-polite admin deleted/closed them making me create a ticket for each one and changing them to avoid "copy-paste". I will give you a link to the full answer in where you can find all the explanation about how to get full behavior like Google Maps.

Answering your questions

How could I use BottomSheetBehavior and get this additional anchored state?

You can do it by modifying default BottomSheetBehavior adding one more stat with the following steps:

  1. Create a Java class and extend it from CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V>
  2. Copy paste code from the default BottomSheetBehavior file to your new one.
  3. Modify the method clampViewPositionVertical with the following code:
    public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) {
        return constrain(top, mMinOffset, mHideable ? mParentHeight : mMaxOffset);

    int constrain(int amount, int low, int high) {
        return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
  1. Add a new state

    public static final int STATE_ANCHOR_POINT = X;

  2. Modify the next methods: onLayoutChild, onStopNestedScroll, BottomSheetBehavior<V> from(V view) and setState (optional)

I'm going to add those modified methods and a link to the example project

public boolean onLayoutChild(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, int layoutDirection) {
    // First let the parent lay it out
    if (mState != STATE_DRAGGING && mState != STATE_SETTLING) {
        if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(parent) &&
                !ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(child)) {
            ViewCompat.setFitsSystemWindows(child, true);
        parent.onLayoutChild(child, layoutDirection);
    // Offset the bottom sheet
    mParentHeight = parent.getHeight();
    mMinOffset = Math.max(0, mParentHeight - child.getHeight());
    mMaxOffset = Math.max(mParentHeight - mPeekHeight, mMinOffset);

    //if (mState == STATE_EXPANDED) {
    //    ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mMinOffset);
    //} else if (mHideable && mState == STATE_HIDDEN...
    if (mState == STATE_ANCHOR_POINT) {
        ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mAnchorPoint);
    } else if (mState == STATE_EXPANDED) {
        ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mMinOffset);
    } else if (mHideable && mState == STATE_HIDDEN) {
        ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mParentHeight);
    } else if (mState == STATE_COLLAPSED) {
        ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, mMaxOffset);
    if (mViewDragHelper == null) {
        mViewDragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(parent, mDragCallback);
    mViewRef = new WeakReference<>(child);
    mNestedScrollingChildRef = new WeakReference<>(findScrollingChild(child));
    return true;

public void onStopNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout, V child, View target) {
    if (child.getTop() == mMinOffset) {
    if (target != mNestedScrollingChildRef.get() || !mNestedScrolled) {
    int top;
    int targetState;
    if (mLastNestedScrollDy > 0) {
        //top = mMinOffset;
        //targetState = STATE_EXPANDED;
        int currentTop = child.getTop();
        if (currentTop > mAnchorPoint) {
            top = mAnchorPoint;
            targetState = STATE_ANCHOR_POINT;
        else {
            top = mMinOffset;
            targetState = STATE_EXPANDED;
    } else if (mHideable && shouldHide(child, getYVelocity())) {
        top = mParentHeight;
        targetState = STATE_HIDDEN;
    } else if (mLastNestedScrollDy == 0) {
        int currentTop = child.getTop();
        if (Math.abs(currentTop - mMinOffset) < Math.abs(currentTop - mMaxOffset)) {
            top = mMinOffset;
            targetState = STATE_EXPANDED;
        } else {
            top = mMaxOffset;
            targetState = STATE_COLLAPSED;
    } else {
        //top = mMaxOffset;
        //targetState = STATE_COLLAPSED;
        int currentTop = child.getTop();
        if (currentTop > mAnchorPoint) {
            top = mMaxOffset;
            targetState = STATE_COLLAPSED;
        else {
            top = mAnchorPoint;
            targetState = STATE_ANCHOR_POINT;
    if (mViewDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(child, child.getLeft(), top)) {
        ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, new SettleRunnable(child, targetState));
    } else {
    mNestedScrolled = false;

public final void setState(@State int state) {
    if (state == mState) {
    if (mViewRef == null) {
        // The view is not laid out yet; modify mState and let onLayoutChild handle it later
         * New behavior (added: state == STATE_ANCHOR_POINT ||)
        if (state == STATE_COLLAPSED || state == STATE_EXPANDED ||
                state == STATE_ANCHOR_POINT ||
                (mHideable && state == STATE_HIDDEN)) {
            mState = state;
    V child = mViewRef.get();
    if (child == null) {
    int top;
    if (state == STATE_COLLAPSED) {
        top = mMaxOffset;
    } else if (state == STATE_ANCHOR_POINT) {
        top = mAnchorPoint;
    } else if (state == STATE_EXPANDED) {
        top = mMinOffset;
    } else if (mHideable && state == STATE_HIDDEN) {
        top = mParentHeight;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal state argument: " + state);
    if (mViewDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(child, child.getLeft(), top)) {
        ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, new SettleRunnable(child, state));

public static <V extends View> BottomSheetBehaviorGoogleMapsLike<V> from(V view) {
    ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = view.getLayoutParams();
    if (!(params instanceof CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The view is not a child of CoordinatorLayout");
    CoordinatorLayout.Behavior behavior = ((CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) params)
    if (!(behavior instanceof BottomSheetBehaviorGoogleMapsLike)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The view is not associated with BottomSheetBehaviorGoogleMapsLike");
    return (BottomSheetBehaviorGoogleMapsLike<V>) behavior;

You can even use callbacks with behavior.setBottomSheetCallback(new BottomSheetBehaviorGoogleMapsLike.BottomSheetCallback() {....

And here is how its looks like

Upvotes: 19

Gautam Surani
Gautam Surani

Reputation: 1185

there are some easy way to changing BottomSheetBehavior change state with anchor FloatingActionButton

< xmlns:android=""



    app:layout_anchorGravity="top|end" />

now you can change state click on FloatingActionButton

bottomSheetBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(bottom_sheet);

    request_show_fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            if (bottomSheetBehavior.getState() == BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_COLLAPSED) {
            } else {


Upvotes: 1

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