Reputation: 51
I want to send the local gallery image to api. I have added that images as a multipart typedfile and iam also sending some string data in the same api as a multipart typedstring.
So when i hit the api am getting this response.
@Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding. (parameter #1)
My code:
//Add the values into Multipart.
MultipartTypedOutput multipartTypedOutput = new MultipartTypedOutput();
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.LOGO_IMAGE, new TypedFile("image/*", new File("" + encodedByte)));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.COMPANY_NAME, new TypedString(companyName));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.TAGS, new TypedString(projectTags));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.PROJECT_DESC, new TypedString(projectDesc));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.CATEGORY, new TypedString(categories));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.STYLE, new TypedString(launchStyle));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.COLOR_CODE, new TypedString(colorCode));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.CONTEST_PACK, new TypedString(contestPackage));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.PAYMENT_GATE, new TypedString(paymentGateway));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart(Constants.USERID, new TypedString(userId));
if (connectionDetector.isOnline()) {
apiManager.getApiService().launchApi(multipartTypedOutput, new LaunchCallback(LaunchStep4Fragment.this));
} else {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), getString(R.string.check_internet), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Interface method
* @param multipartTypedOutput
* @param callback
void launchApi(@Body MultipartTypedOutput multipartTypedOutput , Callback<LaunchResponse> callback);
In api side, they are getting everything as a string. So whether it depends on the parameter type or the code issue?
What should i change to get the result?
Please could someone explain me if i do anything wrong.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 13181
Reputation: 6605
Try to remove @FormUrlEncoded
I had the same error I removed @FormUrlEncoded and it worked
Call<YoklamaStatus> sendYoklamaList2(@Body Yoklama yoklama);
What I was trying to send to server
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 344
Use Retrofit 2
"Accept: application/json",
Call<ResponseBody> uploadImage(@Part("picture\"; filename=\"picture") RequestBody picture, @Part("company_name") RequestBody company_name);
Upvotes: 1