Reputation: 366
I'm not actually a ruby dev, I'm just trying to get development environment setup from a project and I'm having a world of trouble getting the gems in order so I can load up the server. I do mostly front-end work. Anyways, my error is:
There was an error while trying to load the gem 'ahoy_matey'.
Gem Load Error is: undefined method `hours' for 4:Fixnum
I've been searching google for last two days and can't come across anyone experiencing this issue with "ahoy_matey" gem. I get this error when trying to launch the server or rake migrations.
Ruby 1.9.3
Rails 3.2.13
mysql2 0.3.17
Any help is appreciated.
Full trace:
Bundler::GemRequireError: There was an error while trying to load the gem 'ahoy_matey'. Gem Load Error is: undefined method `hours' for 4:Fixnum Backtrace for gem load error is: /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/ahoy_matey-1.1.0/lib/ahoy.rb:43:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/ahoy_matey-1.1.0/lib/ahoy.rb:39:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/ahoy_matey-1.1.0/lib/ahoy_matey.rb:1:in `require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/ahoy_matey-1.1.0/lib/ahoy_matey.rb:1:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:86:in `require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:86:in `block (2 levels) in require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `each' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `block in require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `each' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler.rb:102:in `require' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/config/application.rb:7:in `' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/Rakefile:5:in `require' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/Rakefile:5:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/rake_module.rb:28:in `load' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/rake_module.rb:28:in `load_rakefile' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:689:in `raw_load_rakefile' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:94:in `block in load_rakefile' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:176:in `standard_exception_handling' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:93:in `load_rakefile' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:77:in `block in run' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:176:in `standard_exception_handling' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/lib/rake/application.rb:75:in `run' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/rake-11.1.2/bin/rake:33:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/rake:23:in `load' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/rake:23:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `' Bundler Error Backtrace: /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:90:in `rescue in block (2 levels) in require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:85:in `block (2 levels) in require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `each' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `block in require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `each' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `require' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/gems/bundler-1.12.1/lib/bundler.rb:102:in `require' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/config/application.rb:7:in `' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/Rakefile:5:in `require' /home/sirtastic/projects/dataraptor/Rakefile:5:in `' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval' /home/sirtastic/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@dr/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `' (See full trace by running task with --trace)
source '' gem 'rails', '3.2.13' gem 'mysql2'#, '~> 0.3.11' gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3' # Because SCSS is compiled for embedded quoters # Gems used only for assets and not required # in production environments by default. group :assets do gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1' # See for more supported runtimes gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby gem 'execjs', :platforms => :ruby gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' end gem 'jquery-rails', '~> 3.0.4' gem 'jquery-ui-rails', '~> 4.0.5' gem 'jquery_datepicker' group :production do gem 'pry', require:false end group :development, :test do gem 'capybara', :require => false gem 'database_cleaner', :require => false # for use with capybara tests gem 'factory_girl', '~> 4.1' # for generating test models gem 'factory_girl_rails', require:false gem 'forgery' # for generating test data gem 'pry' gem 'pry_debug' gem 'pry-nav' gem 'spork-rails', platform: [:mswin, :mingw] # Fast rpsec testing on Windows #### DON'T JUST ADD GEMS TO THE END OF THIS LIST! ALPHABETIZE! ### end group :development do gem 'thin' # Sane development server gem 'bullet' # for identifying areas to speed up database queries gem 'meta_request' # for chrome rails-panel gem 'rack-mini-profiler', require:false #### DON'T JUST ADD GEMS TO THE END OF THIS LIST! ALPHABETIZE! ### end group :test do gem 'launchy', :require => false gem 'rspec-rails' gem "selenium-webdriver", "~> 2.40.0" # for AJAX testing gem 'shoulda', :require => false gem 'simplecov', :require => false # Test coverage gem 'timecop' gem 'vcr', '~> 2.9.3'#'~> 2.5.0' gem "webmock", '~> 1.10.2' #### DON'T JUST ADD GEMS TO THE END OF THIS LIST! ALPHABETIZE! ### end group :dev, :release, :development do gem 'better_errors' gem 'binding_of_caller' # supports better errors by providing IDE in browser when error occurs end gem 'activeuuid', '>= 0.5.0' gem 'ahoy_matey', '1.1.0' #needs this exact version in order to output UUIDs consistently. the next version after does not. gem 'american_date' # by default, dates are parsed/formatted with American style gem 'angularjs-rails', '~> 1.0.7' gem 'attr_encrypted', '~> 1.2' # encrypt activerecord attributes in db gem 'authlogic', '~> 3.2' # user login gem 'aws-sdk' gem 'capistrano', require: false# deployment of application gem 'capistrano-ext', require: false gem 'carrierwave' # file upload solution gem 'daemons' # used for running delayed_job jobs gem 'encryptor', '~> 1.1' # handle encryption of ActiveRecord fields gem 'exception_notification', '~> 4.0.0' gem 'faraday' # REST client for interfacing with external APIs gem 'faraday_middleware' gem 'fog', '~> 1.22' # for Amazon Web Services cloud storage gem 'formatador', '~> 0.2' # This shouldn't need to be here. It is/was a dependency for fog-core, but it wasn't getting bundled (for some reason), so raking assets:precompile consistently failed. 2014-09-17. gem 'haml', '~> 4.0.3' gem 'holidays', '~> 2.1.0' gem 'httpi', '~> 2.2.7' gem 'json', '~> 1.8.1' # Specified so as to 'safely' conduct an update for the sake of stripe gem (2014-05-21) gem 'liquid', '~> 2.5.0' # rendering templates, such as Marketing::Email::Template gem 'mini_magick' # photo resizing gem 'momentjs-rails' gem 'multi_xml' gem 'paperclip', '~> 3.5.0' # handle file attachments to activerecord gem "paypal-recurring" gem 'nested_form' gem 'rails3-jquery-autocomplete'# supports autocomplete fields gem 'redis' # for publishing gem 'remotipart', '~> 1.0' # enables multipart form submissions over ajax gem 'ruby-saml', '~> 1.0.0' gem 'rvm-capistrano', require: false # for deploying to servers where multiple rubies are available gem 'safe_attributes' # takes care of attribute name collisions w/ ActiveRecord (we use 'delay') gem 'savon', '~> 2.7' gem "select2-rails" # makes an autocomplete select box, compatible with x-editable gem 'sidekiq', '~> 2.17.0' # handles background/delayed jobs gem 'spreadsheet', require: false gem "stripe", '~> 1.11.0' gem 'tinymce-rails', '>= 4.0.8' # version 4.0.8 includes important bug fixes gem 'transaction_retry' # Catch mysql deadlock and try again gem 'tzip', '~> 0.0.4' # Find timezone by zip code gem 'whenever', require: false # handles scheduled tasks gem 'wicked_pdf' # creates pdfs from html (is a wrapper for wkhtmltopdf) gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.0' # paginates index pages for activerecord gem 'wkhtmltopdf-binary' # the backend linux tool that creates pdfs from html using QT Webkit rendering engine #### DON'T JUST ADD GEMS TO THE END OF THIS LIST! ALPHABETIZE! ###
Upvotes: 0
Views: 4273
Reputation: 2950
So I see you're running just rails s
. I know this question is old but maybe this might help someone else. So the command you want to be running is:
bundle exec rails s
bundle exec
executes a command in the context of the bundle.
This command executes the command, making all gems specified in the Gemfile
available to require
in Rails.
Essentially, if you would normally have run something like rspec spec/my_spec.rb
, and you want to use the gems specified in the Gemfile
and installed via bundle install
, you should run bundle exec rspec spec/my_spec.rb
Note that bundle exec
does not require that an executable is available on your shell's $PATH
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4171
Looks like you might be requiring your bundle before requiring rails. If you have these two lines in your application.rb
file, they need to be in this order:
require 'rails/all'
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)
Upvotes: 0