Reputation: 5655
Here is my ndb Model
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from mainsite.rainbow.models.CFCSocialUser import CFCSocialUser
class CFCSocialGroup(ndb.Model):
def remove_duplicate(self, value):
raise Exception("Duplicate user detected")
name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
created_on = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated_on = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
created_by = ndb.StructuredProperty(CFCSocialUser)
members = ndb.StructuredProperty(CFCSocialUser, repeated=True, validator=remove_duplicate)
def create_group(name):
"""Create a new group"""
group = CFCSocialGroup(name=name)
return group
def add_member(self, social_user):
"""Add a member to the local group"""
I am trying to ensure that I do not add the same user to a given group. So I trying to validate the value of members property (StructuredProperty).
My tests is
from unittest import TestCase
from mainsite.rainbow.models.CFCSocialGroup import CFCSocialGroup
from tests.test_CFCSocialUser import create_user
from tests.cfcsocialtests.testbase import CFCTestBase_NDB
from import *
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
class TestCFCSocialGroup(CFCTestBase_NDB):
def test_duplicate_addition(self):
"""Test to detect duplicate users in groups"""
user1 = create_user()
user2 = create_user()
group = CFCSocialGroup.create_group('Group1')
The test fails to raise an exception.
Here is the debug code
FAILED (errors=1)
MacBook-Pro:tests vinay$ nosetests -v
Test to detect duplicate users in groups ... FAIL
FAIL: Test to detect duplicate users in groups
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/nose/tools/", line 67, in newfunc
raise AssertionError(message)
AssertionError: test_duplicate_addition() did not raise Exception
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
root: DEBUG: Using threading.local
root: WARNING: No ssl package found. urlfetch will not be able to validate SSL certificates.
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet): creating new queue for ('set', 32, '', None)
root: DEBUG: initial generator put( yielded <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec250 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_set_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _memcache_set_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _memcache_set_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d0ec490>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: memcache.Set
root: DEBUG: Sending {'NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw': 1} to suspended generator _memcache_set_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); result True>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _memcache_set_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec250 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_set_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); result True>
root: DEBUG: Sending True to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec510 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet): creating new queue for None
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( yielded <Future 10d0ec510 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ec510 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _finished_callback
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec610 created by run_queue( for tasklet _put_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _put_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _put_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d0ec890>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: datastore_v3.Put
root: DEBUG: Sending [Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')] to suspended generator _put_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec510 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _put_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec610 created by run_queue( for tasklet _put_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ec510 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
root: DEBUG: Sending Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph') to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet): creating new queue for (0, '', None)
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( yielded <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _finished_callback
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec850 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_del_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _memcache_del_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _memcache_del_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d0ec210>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: memcache.Delete
root: DEBUG: Sending [2] to suspended generator _memcache_del_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); result 2>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _memcache_del_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec850 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_del_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); result 2>
root: DEBUG: Sending 2 to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( returned Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0d2e90 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _finished_callback
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ec990 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet): creating new queue for ('set', 32, '', None)
root: DEBUG: initial generator put( yielded <Future 10d0ec990 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ec990 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ecd10 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_set_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _memcache_set_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _memcache_set_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d0ecf50>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: memcache.Set
root: DEBUG: Sending {'NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw': 1} to suspended generator _memcache_set_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec990 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); result True>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _memcache_set_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ecd10 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_set_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ec990 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_set_tasklet).add(('NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw', 0), ('set', 32, '', None)); result True>
root: DEBUG: Sending True to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0ecfd0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet): creating new queue for None
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( yielded <Future 10d0ecfd0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ecfd0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _finished_callback
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d132110 created by run_queue( for tasklet _put_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _put_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _put_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d132450>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: datastore_v3.Put
root: DEBUG: Sending [Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')] to suspended generator _put_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ecfd0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _put_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d132110 created by run_queue( for tasklet _put_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10d0ecfd0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_put_tasklet).add(CFCSocialUser(key=Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph'),, 3, 2), email='[email protected]', username='Vinay Joseph'), None); result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
root: DEBUG: Sending Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph') to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet): creating new queue for (0, '', None)
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( yielded <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put( suspended generator put(; pending> is now blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _finished_callback
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet): 1 items
root: DEBUG: all_pending: add <Future 10d0eca10 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_del_tasklet(; pending>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _help_tasklet_along
root: DEBUG: Sending None to initial generator _memcache_del_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: initial generator _memcache_del_tasklet( yielded <google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object at 0x10d0ece10>
root: DEBUG: idler: _on_idle
root: DEBUG: idler _on_idle removed
root: DEBUG: rpc: memcache.Delete
root: DEBUG: Sending [2] to suspended generator _memcache_del_tasklet(
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); result 2>
root: DEBUG: suspended generator _memcache_del_tasklet( returned None
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0eca10 created by run_queue( for tasklet _memcache_del_tasklet(; result None>
root: DEBUG: nowevent: _on_future_completion
root: DEBUG: <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; pending> is no longer blocked waiting for <Future 10b0ae1d0 created by add( for AutoBatcher(_memcache_del_tasklet).add(NDB9:agx0ZXN0YmVkLXRlc3RyHwsSDUNGQ1NvY2lhbFVzZXIiDFZpbmF5IEpvc2VwaAw, (0, '', None)); result 2>
root: DEBUG: Sending 2 to suspended generator put(
root: DEBUG: suspended generator put( returned Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')
root: DEBUG: all_pending: success: remove <Future 10d0ec150 created by _put_async( for tasklet put(; result Key('CFCSocialUser', 'Vinay Joseph')>
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------
Ran 1 test in 0.035s
FAILED (failures=1)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 165
Reputation: 55600
Given this code in
class Member(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
def remove_duplicates(prop, value):
raise Exception('Duplicate')
class Club1(ndb.Model):
members = ndb.StructuredProperty(Member, repeated=True, validator=remove_duplicates)
I can create a Member
> m = Member(name='Alice')
creating a Club1
instance with this Member
instance triggers the validation:
> c1 = models.Club1(members=[m])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 60, in remove_duplicates
raise Exception('Duplicate')
Exception: Duplicate
However, creating an empty Club1
instance and then appending a Member
does not: this is effectively your test case.
> c1 = models.Club1()
> c1.members.append(m)
> c1.put()
Key('Club1', 6682831673622528)
We can subclass ndb.StructuredProperty
and put the validation in the subclass:
class MembersStructuredProperty(ndb.StructuredProperty):
def _validate(self, value):
raise Exception('Duplicate')
class Club2(ndb.Model):
members = MembersStructuredProperty(Member, repeated=True)
Creating a Club2
instance with a Member
triggers the validation as before:
> c2 = models.Club2(members=[m])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 56, in _validate
raise Exception('Duplicate')
Exception: Duplicate
And now so does appending a Member
and then trying to write to the Datastore:
> c2 = models.Club2()
> c2.members.append(m)
> c2.put()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 56, in _validate
raise Exception('Duplicate')
Exception: Duplicate
So subclassing ndb.StructuredProperty
should allow your test to pass.
I don't know why ndb's property validation behaves like this, arguably it's a bug, or at least undocumented behaviour.
As @DanCornilescu observes in the comments, this is a known bug in the SDK
Upvotes: 1