Reputation: 1032
I am working in my first Angular2 project everything was working fine with it until I attempted to move from the browser transpiling TS to transpiling as part of the build cycle. So now I get everything to transpile to es5, but I am missing something with systemjs as I am getting 404 errors on anything that I have mapped in my System.config, specifically angular2-jwt, here is my config.js
packages: {
app: {
defaultExtension: "js",
main: "main"
map: {
"angular2-jwt": "node_modules/angular2-jwt/angular2-jwt.js"
"angular2-jwt": {"defaultExtension": "js"}
Here is my entry point, main.ts
/// <reference path="../node_modules/angular2/typings/browser.d.ts" />
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {provide} from 'angular2/core';
import {AuthHttp, AuthConfig} from 'angular2-jwt';
import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS, LocationStrategy, HashLocationStrategy, APP_BASE_HREF} from 'angular2/router';
import {HTTP_PROVIDERS, Http} from 'angular2/http';
import {ToastyService, ToastyConfig, Toasty} from 'ng2-toasty/ng2-toasty';
import {ApplicationComponent} from './components/application/application.component';
import {MenuService} from './services/menu/menu-service';
import {MessageService} from './services/messages/message-service';
bootstrap(ApplicationComponent, [
provide(AuthHttp, {
useFactory: (http) => {
return new AuthHttp(new AuthConfig(), http);
deps: [Http]
provide(LocationStrategy, {useClass: HashLocationStrategy})
When I attempt to load the app, now I get...
angular2-polyfills.js:126 GET http://localhost:8080/angular2-jwt 404 (Not Found)
So the browser is attempting to load the file from my import statement path of
import {AuthHttp, AuthConfig} from 'angular2-jwt';
instead of the mapped path of:
map: {
"angular2-jwt": "node_modules/angular2-jwt/angular2-jwt.js"
in my config.js.
What am I missing here? How do I get the browser to pull angular2-jwt from the full path of in node_modules? Thanks!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1847
Reputation: 16540
should be a sibling of packages
packages: {
app: {
defaultExtension: "js",
main: "main"
"angular2-jwt": {"defaultExtension": "js"}
map: {
"angular2-jwt": "node_modules/angular2-jwt/angular2-jwt.js"
Otherwise, the rest looks good to me.
Upvotes: 0