Reputation: 2451
i am working with this custom directive from here it is working but when i paste the whole thing in jsfiddle
and convert external template to inline then it is not working.
this is small code snippet of inline template
templateUrl: '<div class="dropdown searchable-multi-select" dropdown on-toggle="toggled(open)">
<a class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-default" data-toggle="dropdown" dropdown-toggle data-target="#"
tooltip="{{ commaDelimitedSelected() }}" ng-class="{'disabled': readOnly}">
<span class="limit-ellipsis" ng-style="{ 'width' : width }">
<small ng-class="{'text-muted': commaDelimitedSelected() === 'Nothing Selected'}">
{{ commaDelimitedSelected() }}
<b class="caret" ng-if="!readOnly && allItems.length"></b>
<ul ng-if="!readOnly && allItems.length" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-form form-control" role="menu">
<li><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="searchQuery" placeholder="Search"></li>
<li ng-repeat="item in ::allItems track by $index"
ng-hide="searchQuery.length && item[displayAttr].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchQuery.toLowerCase()) < 0">
<label class="checkbox clickable" ng-click="updateSelectedItems(item)"
ng-class="{'text-success': isItemSelected(item) }">
{{ item[displayAttr] }}
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove pull-right clickable"
is there any error or anything missing for which code is not working. here is full code please have a look and tell me what i am missing for which code is not working.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2770
Reputation: 2954
I tidied up your directive, that was moaning a lot:
app.directive("searchableMultiselect", function($timeout) {
return {
template: '<div class="dropdown searchable-multi-select" dropdown on-toggle="toggled(open)">'+
'<a class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-default" data-toggle="dropdown" dropdown-toggle data-target="#"'+
'tooltip="{{ commaDelimitedSelected() }}" ng-class="{\'disabled\': readOnly}">'+
'<span class="limit-ellipsis" ng-style="{ \'width\' : width }">'+
'<small ng-class="{\'text-muted\': commaDelimitedSelected() === \'Nothing Selected\'}">'+
'{{ commaDelimitedSelected() }}'+
'<b class="caret" ng-if="!readOnly && allItems.length"></b>'+
'<ul ng-if="!readOnly && allItems.length" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-form form-control" role="menu">'+
'<li><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="searchQuery" placeholder="Search"></li>'+
'<li ng-repeat="item in ::allItems track by $index"'+
'ng-hide="searchQuery.length && item[displayAttr].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchQuery.toLowerCase()) < 0">'+
'<label class="checkbox clickable" ng-click="updateSelectedItems(item)"'+
'ng-class="{\'text-success\': isItemSelected(item) }">'+
'{{ item[displayAttr] }}'+
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove pull-right clickable"'+
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
displayAttr: '@',
selectedItems: '=',
allItems: '=',
readOnly: '=',
addItem: '&',
removeItem: '&'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function (e) {
scope.width = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
scope.updateSelectedItems = function(obj) {
var selectedObj;
for (i = 0; typeof scope.selectedItems !== 'undefined' && i < scope.selectedItems.length; i++) {
if (scope.selectedItems[i][scope.displayAttr].toUpperCase() === obj[scope.displayAttr].toUpperCase()) {
selectedObj = scope.selectedItems[i];
if ( typeof selectedObj === 'undefined' ) {
scope.addItem({item: obj});
} else {
scope.removeItem({item: selectedObj});
scope.isItemSelected = function(item) {
if ( typeof scope.selectedItems === 'undefined' ) return false;
var tmpItem;
for (i=0; i < scope.selectedItems.length; i++) {
tmpItem = scope.selectedItems[i];
if ( typeof tmpItem !== 'undefined'
&& typeof tmpItem[scope.displayAttr] !== 'undefined'
&& typeof item[scope.displayAttr] !== 'undefined'
&& tmpItem[scope.displayAttr].toUpperCase() === item[scope.displayAttr].toUpperCase() ) {
return true;
return false;
scope.commaDelimitedSelected = function() {
var list = "";
angular.forEach(scope.selectedItems, function (item, index) {
list += item[scope.displayAttr];
if (index < scope.selectedItems.length - 1) list += ', ';
return list.length ? list : "Nothing Selected";
However there are further errors, but please take a look. At least there is a drop down now:
Upvotes: 1