
Reputation: 729

How to change few column names in a data table

I have a data table with 10 columns.


Need to generate mean for columns "one" to "total" for which I am using,

DTmean <- DT[,(lapply(.SD,mean)),by = .(town,tc),.SDcols=3:10]

This generates the mean, but then I want the column names to be suffixed with "_mean". How can we do this? Want the first two columns to remain the same as "town" and "tc". I tried the below but then it renames all "one" to "total" to just "_mean"

for (i in 3:10) {

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Answers (1)


Reputation: 83215

If you want to do it the data.table way, you should use setnames as follows:

setnames(DTmean, 3:10, paste0(names(DT)[3:10], '_mean'))


cols <- names(DT)[3:10]
setnames(DTmean, cols, paste0(cols, '_mean'))

Furthermore, you don't need the .SDcols statement as you are aggregating all the other columns. Using DT[, lapply(.SD,mean), by = .(town,tc)] should thus give you the same result as using DT[, (lapply(.SD,mean)), by = .(town,tc), .SDcols=3:10].

On the following example dataset:

DT <- data.table(town = rep(c('A','B'), each=10),
                 tc = rep(c('C','D'), 10),
                 one = rnorm(20,1,1),
                 two = rnorm(20,2,1),
                 three = rnorm(20,3,1),
                 four = rnorm(20,4,1),
                 five = rnorm(20,5,2),
                 six = rnorm(20,6,2),
                 seven = rnorm(20,7,2),
                 total = rnorm(20,28,3))


DTmean <- DT[, lapply(.SD,mean), by = .(town,tc)]
setnames(DTmean, 3:10, paste0(names(DT)[3:10], '_mean'))


> DTmean
   town tc  one_mean two_mean three_mean four_mean five_mean six_mean seven_mean total_mean
1:    A  C 1.7368898 1.883586   3.358440  4.849896  4.742609 5.089877   6.792513   29.20286
2:    A  D 0.8906842 1.826135   3.267684  3.760931  6.210145 7.320693   5.571687   26.56142
3:    B  C 1.4037955 2.474836   2.587920  3.719658  3.446612 6.510183   8.309784   27.80012
4:    B  D 0.8103511 1.153000   3.360940  3.945082  5.555999 6.198380   8.652779   28.95180

In reply to your comment: If you want to calculate both the mean and the sd simultanuously, you could do (adapted from my answer here):

DT[, as.list(unlist(lapply(.SD, function(x) list(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))))), by = .(town,tc)]

which gives:

   town tc  one.mean two.mean three.mean four.mean five.mean six.mean seven.mean total.mean
1:    A  C 0.2981842 0.3556520 1.578174 0.7788545   2.232366 0.9047046  4.896201 1.238877  4.625866 0.7436584 7.607439 1.7262628   7.949366 1.772771   28.94287 3.902602
2:    A  D 1.2099018 1.0205252 1.686068 1.5497989   2.671027 0.8323733  4.811279 1.404794  7.235969 0.7883873 6.765797 2.7719942   6.657298 1.107843   27.42563 3.380785
3:    B  C 0.9238309 0.6679821 2.525485 0.8054734   3.138298 1.0111270  3.876207 0.573342  3.843140 2.1991052 4.942155 0.7784024   6.783383 2.595116   28.95243 1.078307
4:    B  D 0.8843948 0.9384975 1.988908 1.0543981   3.673393 1.3505701  3.957534 1.097837  2.788119 1.9089660 6.463784 0.7642144   6.416487 2.041441   27.88205 3.807119

However, it is highly probable better to store this in long format. To get this you could use data.table's melt function as follows:

cols <- names(DT)[3:10]
DT2 <- melt(DT[, as.list(unlist(lapply(.SD, function(x) list(mn = mean(x), sdev = sd(x))))), by = .(town,tc)], 
            id.vars = c('town','tc'), 
            measure.vars = patterns('.mn','.sdev'),
   = c('mn','sdev'))[, variable := cols[variable]]

or in a much simpler operation:

DT2 <- melt(DT, id.vars = c('town','tc'))[, .(mn = mean(value), sdev = sd(value)), by = .(town,tc,variable)]

which results in:

> DT2
    town tc variable         mn      sdev
 1:    A  C      one  0.2981842 0.3556520
 2:    A  D      one  1.2099018 1.0205252
 3:    B  C      one  0.9238309 0.6679821
 4:    B  D      one  0.8843948 0.9384975
 5:    A  C      two  1.5781743 0.7788545
 6:    A  D      two  1.6860675 1.5497989
 7:    B  C      two  2.5254855 0.8054734
 8:    B  D      two  1.9889082 1.0543981
 9:    A  C    three  2.2323655 0.9047046
10:    A  D    three  2.6710267 0.8323733
11:    B  C    three  3.1382982 1.0111270
12:    B  D    three  3.6733929 1.3505701

In response to your last comments, you can detect outliers as follows:

DT3 <- melt(DT, id.vars = c('town','tc'))
DT3[, `:=` (mn = mean(value), sdev = sd(value)), by = .(town,tc,variable)
    ][, outlier := +(value < mn - sdev | value > mn + sdev)]

which gives:

     town tc variable      value         mn     sdev outlier
  1:    A  C      one  0.5681578  0.2981842 0.355652       0
  2:    A  D      one  0.5528128  1.2099018 1.020525       0
  3:    A  C      one  0.5214274  0.2981842 0.355652       0
  4:    A  D      one  1.4171454  1.2099018 1.020525       0
  5:    A  C      one  0.5820994  0.2981842 0.355652       0
156:    B  D    total 23.4462542 27.8820524 3.807119       1
157:    B  C    total 30.5934956 28.9524305 1.078307       1
158:    B  D    total 30.5618759 27.8820524 3.807119       0
159:    B  C    total 27.5940307 28.9524305 1.078307       1
160:    B  D    total 24.8378437 27.8820524 3.807119       0

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