Aaron Bondy
Aaron Bondy

Reputation: 1

Extracting Multiple Dates from a single cell

I have a single cell that is including all historical updates, each update displays a date/time stamp and then the user's name before their notes. I need to extract all the date/time/name stamps to total their occurrences. +EDIT+ I need to get the name and date portion from each stamp so that i am able to chart the information in a pivot table. Output of something like; "3/3/2016 Rachel Boyers; 3/2/2016 Rachel Boyers; 3/2/2016 James Dorty"

EX: "3/3/2016 9:28:36 AM Rachel Boyers: EEHAW! Terri replied!!! Hello Rachel, I cannot find a match using the 4232A or the 12319 part number. 3/2/2016 7:39:06 AM Rachel Boyers: Sent EM to Terri - Eng per EM reply. 3/2/2016 7:35:06 AM James Dorty: 2/29/16 sent another EM to Kim. Received Auto response as follows: Thank you for your mail. Kim 12/7/2015 12:26:25 PM Frank De La Torre: Again VM - pushing FU out until after the holidays.

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Views: 951

Answers (3)


Reputation: 5770

Edited based on added information

Edit (5/16/2016): I made some changes to the code, as you'll find below. One change, based on the new information, allows you to use the JoinArrayWithSemiColons function as either a standard worksheet function, or as function to be used in a module. So, what does this mean? It means that (assuming your cell to parse is A1), in cell B1 you can write a function like =JoinArrayWithSemiColons(A1) just like you'd write a normal worksheet function. However, if you'd still like to perform the action over a range of cells using VBA, you can run a procedure like TestFunction() as found in the code posted below. Also note, the ExtractDateTimeUsers function doesn't necessarily ever need to be called directly by the user because it's now being used exclusively as a helper function for the JoinArray... function.

Let me know if this helps to clear things up a bit.

Old Post

You can accomplish this using some Regular Expressions. See the code below for an example. In my case, I have a function to return a multidimensional array of results. In my test procedure, I call this function, then assign the results to an EMPTY matrix of cells (in your test case, you will have to determine where to put it). You do NOT have to assign the result to a group of cells, but rather you can do whatever you want with the array.

Private Function ExtractDateTimeUsers(nInput As String) As Variant()
    Dim oReg As Object
    Dim aOutput() As Variant
    Dim nMatchCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim vMatches As Object

    Set oReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

    With oReg
        .MultiLine = False
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "([0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{2,4}) ([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} [AP]M) (.*?):"
    End With

    If oReg.Test(nInput) Then
        Set vMatches = oReg.Execute(nInput)
        nMatchCount = vMatches.Count
        ReDim aOutput(0 To nMatchCount - 1, 0 To 2)

        For i = 0 To nMatchCount - 1
            aOutput(i, 0) = vMatches(i).Submatches(0)
            aOutput(i, 1) = vMatches(i).Submatches(1)
            aOutput(i, 2) = vMatches(i).Submatches(2)
        Next i
        ReDim aOutput(0 To 0, 0 To 0)
        aOutput(0, 0) = "No Matches"
    End If

    ExtractDateTimeUsers = aOutput
End Function

Function JoinArrayWithSemiColons(sInput As String) As String
    Dim vArr As Variant

    vArr = ExtractDateTimeUsers(sInput)

    If vArr(0, 0) = "No Matches" Then
        JoinArrayWithSemiColons = "No Matches"
        Exit Function
    End If

    'Loop through array to build the output string
    For i = LBound(vArr, 1) To UBound(vArr, 1)
        sOutput = sOutput & "; " & vArr(i, 0) & " " & vArr(i, 2)
    Next i

    JoinArrayWithSemiColons = Mid(sOutput, 3)
End Function

Sub TestFunction()
    'Assume the string we are parsing is in Column A
    '(I defined a fixed range, but you can make it dynamic as you need)

    Dim rngToJoin As Range
    Dim rIterator As Range

    Set rngToJoin = Range("A10:A11")

    For Each rIterator In rngToJoin
        rIterator.Offset(, 1).Value = JoinArrayWithSemiColons(rIterator.Value)
    Next rIterator

End Sub

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 1254

Just another way to do it. Maybe a little slower, but short and easy to read...

Public Function DateCount(str As String) As Variant
Dim pos As Integer, endpos As Integer, namepos As Integer
Dim Text As String, Output() As String, counter As Integer
    pos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "/")
    Do While pos > 0
        endpos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "M ")
        Text = Mid(str, pos - 1, endpos - pos + 2)
        If IsDate(Text) Then
            counter = counter + 1
            ReDim Preserve Output(1 To 2, 1 To counter)
            namepos = InStr(endpos, str, ":")
            Output(1, counter) = Text
            Output(2, counter) = Mid(str, endpos + 2, namepos - endpos - 2)
            pos = namepos
        End If
        pos = InStr(pos + 1, str, "/")

' Only Count
getCounts = counter
' complete List
getCounts = Output
End Function

Upvotes: 0

Dirk Reichel
Dirk Reichel

Reputation: 7979

As simple (non-regex) function you can use something like this:

Public Function getCounts(str As String) As Variant

  Dim output() As Variant, holder As Variant, i As Long

  ReDim output(0, 0)
  holder = Split(str, " ")

  For i = 0 To UBound(holder) - 2
    If IsDate(holder(i) & " " & holder(i + 1) & " " & holder(i + 2)) Then

      If UBound(output) Then
        ReDim Preserve output(1 To 3, 1 To UBound(output, 2) + 1)
        ReDim output(1 To 3, 1 To 1)
      End If

      output(1, UBound(output, 2)) = holder(i)
      output(2, UBound(output, 2)) = holder(i + 1) & " " & holder(i + 2)
      i = i + 3

      While Right(holder(i), 1) <> ":" And i < UBound(holder)
        output(3, UBound(output, 2)) = output(3, UBound(output, 2)) & " " & holder(i)
        i = i + 1

      output(3, UBound(output, 2)) = Trim(output(3, UBound(output, 2))) & " " & Left(holder(i), Len(holder(i)) - 1)

    End If

  If Application.Caller.Rows.Count > UBound(output, 2) Then
    i = UBound(output, 2)
    ReDim Preserve output(1 To 3, 1 To Application.Caller.Rows.Count)

    For i = i + 1 To UBound(output, 2)
      output(1, i) = ""
      output(2, i) = ""
      output(3, i) = ""

  End If

  getCounts = Application.Transpose(output)

End Function

Just put it in a module to use it as UDF. (Outputs a 3-column-table)

If you have any questions, just ask :)

Upvotes: 3

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