Reputation: 11
In Solr I have a custom fieldType called "payloads" which support payloads
<fieldtype name="payloads" stored="true" indexed="true" class="solr.TextField" >
<tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="" encoder="custom"/>
<filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
I have defined a field of this type :
<field name = "somefield" type="payloads" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued = "true" omitNorms="true" />
The contents of "somefield" will look like : ["abcd|payload1", "xyz|payload2", "mnop|payload3" ] ( It can extend to 1K words )
Let say my query term is "xyz". I want to return just "xyz|payload2" or better just "payload2".
I have written a custom DocumentTransformer in Solr which upon matching a document against my query can parse the field and return "payload2".
But if feels like I should be able to extract "payload2" without having to parse the whole field since internally solr might have this information indexed.
I am trying to write another Document Transformer which can just return payload using PostingsEnum:
IndexReader reader = this.context.getSearcher().getIndexReader();
final TermsEnum termsEnum = MultiFields.getTerms(
reader, this.kField).iterator();
String term = "xyz";
PostingsEnum postingsEnum = MultiFields.getTermDocsEnum(
new BytesRef(term));
if (termsEnum.seekExact(new BytesRef(term))) {
PostingsEnum pe = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.ALL);
int nextDoc = pe.advance(docid);
if (nextDoc == docid) {
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(term );
But when I do "pe.getPayload()" I am just getting "null". Any suggestion/pointers on what can be possibly wrong with above code and why the payload is not present ?
(Note: The scenario presented is very simplistic and in actual there are other things present in the document and query, so please don't suggest changing schema or not using payloads.)
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Views: 288