Reputation: 985
I am trying to arrange several plots with histograms in a multiplot mode. I have successfully plotted them. (Please see the attached pic)
But I have a problem with plotting the legend (or key).
I want the legend to be at the middle of the last row and the most right column in the multiplot (please see the attached plot).
I have tried to plot the legend but no avail. To have a better understanding of what I did, I have provided the whole script on which I am working.
Hope I get some help to draw the legend and place that at last column and last row.
set terminal postscript eps size 7.8,6.8 enhanced color font 'Helvetica,20'
set output 'yy_HB_all_Chap6_LYOsystems.eps'
set macro
labelFONT="font 'Helvetica,24'"
labelFONTin="font 'Helvetica,18'"
scaleFONT="font 'Helvetica,16'"
scaleFONTx="font 'Helvetica,15'"
keyFONT="font 'Helvetica,24'"
set key spacing 3.5 samplen 3 @keyFONT
set xtics @scaleFONT
set ytics @scaleFONT
set xlabel "Oxygen" @labelFONT
set ylabel "Hydrogen Bond" @labelFONT offset 2.2,0
#set label "Hydrogen Bonds" at -2.0,0.35 rotate by 90 right @labelFONT
set style histogram rowstacked
set style data histograms
set boxwidth 0.75 absolute
set style fill solid 1.00 noborder
#set boxwidth 0.8
#set style fill transparent solid 0.75 noborder
set yrange [0:2.5]
set xrange [0:12]
set multiplot layout 3,2 title ""
##PLOT_1 (1,1)
set label "(a) {/Symbol-Oblique b}Mal-C_{12}(12%wat)" at 1, 2.2 @labelFONTin
plot "HB-data-maltoLyo12per.dat" using 2 t "Lipid-lipid" lc rgb "#191970", '' using 3:xticlabels(5) t "Water-lipid" lc rgb "#6495ED"
###PLOT_2 (1,2)
unset label
set label "(b) {/Symbol-Oblique b}Mal-C_{12}(23%wat)" at 1, 2.2 @labelFONTin
plot "HB-data-maltoLyo23per.dat" using 2 t "Lipid-lipid" lc rgb "#191970", '' using 3:xticlabels(5) t "Water-lipid" lc rgb "#6495ED"
###PLOT_3 (2,1)
unset label
set label "(c) {/Symbol-Oblique b}Mal-C_{12}C_{8}({/Helvetica-Italic R}) " at 1, 2.2 @labelFONTin
plot "HB-data-bcmLyo25perR.dat" using 2 t "Lipid-lipid" lc rgb "#191970", '' using 3:xticlabels(5) t "Water-lipid" lc rgb "#6495ED"
###PLOT_4 (2,2)
unset label
set label "(d) {/Symbol-Oblique b}Mal-C_{12}C_{8}({/Helvetica-Italic S}) " at 1, 2.2 @labelFONTin
plot "HB-data-bcmLyo25perS.dat" using 2 t "Lipid-lipid" lc rgb "#191970", '' using 3:xticlabels(5) t "Water-lipid" lc rgb "#6495ED"
###PLOT_4 (3,1)
unset label
set label "(e) {/Symbol-Oblique b}Mal-C_{12}C_{8}({/Helvetica-Italic RS}) " at 1, 2.2 @labelFONTin
plot "HB-data-bcmLyo25perRS.dat" using 2 t "Lipid-lipid" lc rgb "#191970", '' using 3:xticlabels(5) t "Water-lipid" lc rgb "#6495ED"
#set size 0.3,0.3
#set origin 0.70,0.6
set bmargin at screen 0
set key center @keyFONT
set border 0
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset label
unset tics
set format x ""
set format y ""
set yrange [0:1]
plot 2 ls 1 title "Lipid-lipid",\
2 ls 2 title "Water-lipid"
unset multiplot
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3425
Reputation: 2342
You can do this with a trick:
unset key
just after the set multiplot
command, so no key is displayed for the first plots. Then, before the last one, issue a command that will restore the key and put it in the right place, that is, outside of the current plot:
###PLOT_4 (3,1)
set key at graph 1.5,screen 0.5 center center
Upvotes: 2