
Reputation: 164

SoftLayer Command Line Interface - SLCLI - Instance Private only node

I'm looking to instance a private only virtual machine on SoftLayer using the SLCLI. So far this command creates an instance but critically it automatically assigns a Public Interface which I do not want and does not create the machine on the specific Private VLAN I want either:

# slcli vs create --image 1060669 --hostname ejkpoc --domain ejk.co.uk --cpu 1 --memory 1 --datacenter lon02 --postinstall --billing hourly

Any ideas from the community on what to change the commands to to get the desired result? I'll keep hacking away in parallel ...

Thanks EJK

***************** UPDATE

So having tried some more I now have the correct structure for the command line:

slcli vs create --billing=hourly --image=1060669 --hostname=ejkpoc --domain=ejk.co.uk --cpu=1 --memory=1 --datacenter=lon02 --postinstall= --vlan-private=1138

But this errors with:

SoftLayerAPIError(SoftLayer_Exception_Public): Could not obtain network VLAN with id #1138.

Cheers EJK

**************** UPDATE

Definitely the right VLAN ... 1138

enter image description here

And 1138 is the only integer value I have to act as an ID ...

Thank EJK

*********** UPDATE

Nelson was right the VLAN ID is located in the URL so mine was


this line now works and machines are creating on the right private VLAN .. BUT!!! They are coming with a public VLAN too even though I don't want that .. command so far that works

slcli vs create --billing=hourly --image=1060669 --hostname=ejkpoc --domain=ejk.co.uk --cpu=1 --memory=1 --datacenter=lon02 --postinstall= --vlan-private=1227409

The major trouble with the assignment of a public for me is that all of the postinstall bootstrap with attaches to Chef etc. is now registering the FQDN of the public - yuck! Cheers EJK

************ UPDATE

All working now ... I missed out the "--private" option on the above SLCLI command ... Many thanks Nelson !!!

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1056

Answers (1)

run the command:

slcli vs create --help

you will see that to create a VSI in a private network you only need to add the --private paramter. also it list how to create the VSI in a specific VLAN:

$ slcli vs create --help
Usage: slcli vs create [OPTIONS]

  Order/create virtual servers.

  -H, --hostname TEXT         Host portion of the FQDN  [required]
  -D, --domain TEXT           Domain portion of the FQDN  [required]
  -c, --cpu INTEGER           Number of CPU cores  [required]
  -m, --memory INTEGER        Memory in mebibytes  [required]
  -d, --datacenter TEXT       Datacenter shortname  [required]
  -o, --os TEXT               OS install code. Tip: you can specify
  --image TEXT                Image ID. See: 'slcli image list' for reference
  --billing [hourly|monthly]  Billing rate  [default: hourly]
  --dedicated / --public      Create a dedicated Virtual Server (Private Node)
  --san                       Use SAN storage instead of local disk.
  --test                      Do not actually create the virtual server
  --export PATH               Exports options to a template file
  -i, --postinstall TEXT      Post-install script to download
  -k, --key TEXT              SSH keys to add to the root user (multiple
                              occurrence permitted)
  --disk TEXT                 Disk sizes (multiple occurrence permitted)
  --private                   Forces the VS to only have access the private
  --like TEXT                 Use the configuration from an existing VS
  -n, --network TEXT          Network port speed in Mbps
  -g, --tag TEXT              Tags to add to the instance (multiple occurrence
  -t, --template PATH         A template file that defaults the command-line
  -u, --userdata TEXT         User defined metadata string
  -F, --userfile PATH         Read userdata from file
  --vlan-public INTEGER       The ID of the public VLAN on which you want the
                              virtual server placed
  --vlan-private INTEGER      The ID of the private VLAN on which you want the
                              virtual server placed
  --wait INTEGER              Wait until VS is finished provisioning for up to
                              X seconds before returning
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

  See 'slcli vs create-options' for valid options

Upvotes: 2

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