Reputation: 41
At the beginning: I do apologize for my bad English and bad spelling, I'm new in this Forum and if I'm doing something wrong feel free to point it out and I just started programming so I'm what is called a noob ;)
I have a very specific problem. I'm trying to write a Batch-File to install a server for a game and I have to download about three files. For that I'm using the bitsadmin
command, but sometimes the download fails and I want the batch to delete this bad file and download it again if it fails.
Here is one of the used code fragments:
rem Download SteamCMD
>>%directory%RustServer\temp\log1.txt bitsadmin /transfer Download_SteamCMD
/download /priority normal %directory%SteamCMD\
set "do_cmd_exist="
for /F "skip=8 delims=" %%i in (>>%directory%RustServer\temp\log1.txt) do if not defined do_cmd_exist set "do_cmd_exist=%%i"
if "%do_cmd_exist%" == "Transfer complete." (
goto cmd_exist
) else (
del %directory%SteamCMD\
del %directory%RustServer\temp\log1.txt
goto cmd_not_exist
(without the free lines it looked really messed up)
So I'm trying to write a log of the command and check the log to see if it says transfer complete. But it is not working.
I'm open to any suggestions, but I don't like to use 3rd partner programs.
To see all of the code - I put it on my Pastebin page.
Thanks for taking the time just to read this... xD
Upvotes: 0
Views: 135
Reputation: 30153
Although I can't testify correctness of bitsadmin
command line, next commented code snippet could help with log file parsing:
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set "directory=define variable `directory` with no double quotes here"
rem for better readability and to avoid typo mistakes
set "_log_file=%directory%RustServer\temp\log1.txt"
set "_zip_file=%directory%SteamCMD\"
set "_switches=/transfer Download_SteamCMD /download /priority normal"
set "_zip__URL="
rem Download SteamCMD
rem let user watch batch progress
echo %date% %time% attempt to download
>"%_log_file%" bitsadmin %_switches% %_zip__URL% "%_zip_file%"
set "do_cmd_exist="
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ( 'findstr /i /C:"Transfer complete." "%_log_file%"'
) do if not defined do_cmd_exist set "do_cmd_exist=%%i"
if defined do_cmd_exist (
rem let user watch batch progress
echo %date% %time% %do_cmd_exist%
goto cmd_exist
) else (
del "%_zip_file%"
del "%_log_file%"
goto cmd_not_exist
Erratum (mea culpa): please compare for /F
Loop command: against the results of another command.
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ( 'findstr /i /C:"Transfer complete." "%_log_file%"'
rem forgot apostrophes ^ here and here ^
Resources (required reading):
etc. special page) Command Line arguments (Parameters)>>
, >
, 2>&1
etc. special page) Redirection.Upvotes: 1