Reputation: 31
I'm an trying to build a class that describes basically a geospatial conditional statement where one of the parameters is the altitude. Altitude has 4 properties like Min, Max, Units, Invert and I'm trying to make the class support a 2 layer property.
Dim blah as qClass
Set blah = New qClass
blah.Altitude.Min = 100
That is the effect I'm looking for but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement it. (Moderate VBA experience but first time getting into classes)
My Solution: I made a generic class that had the Min/Max/Unit/Invert arguments that I'll use for each parameter so that only has to be set up once then reused.
Settings Class
Private pMin As Integer
Private pMax As Integer
Private pUnit As String
Private pInvert As Boolean
Public Property Get Min() As Integer
Min = pMin
End Property
Public Property Get Max() As Integer
Max = pMax
End Property
Public Property Get Unit() As String
Unit = pUnit
End Property
Public Property Get Invert() As Boolean
Invert = pInvert
End Property
Public Property Let Min(Value As Integer)
pMin = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Max(Value As Integer)
pMax = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Unit(Value As String)
pUnit = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Invert(Value As Boolean)
pInvert = Value
End Property
Parent Class Settings use
'CPA Range Property
Public Property Get CPARange() As cSettings
If pCPARange Is Nothing Then Set pCPARange = New cSettings
Set CPARange = pCPARange
End Property
Public Property Set CPARange(Value As cSettings)
Set pCPARange = Value
End Property
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1127
Reputation: 29264
If you want to do this:
Public Sub Test()
Dim a As New aClass
a.InitializeFromValues 40, 150
Dim q As New qClass
q.Altitude = a
' q.Altitude.Min = 40
' q.Altitude.Max = 150
Dim z As New qClass
z.Altitude.Max = 100
' z.Altitude.Min = 0 (default)
' z.Altitude.Max = 100
End Sub
The you need two classes. I call them qClass
and aClass
=== aClass Definition ===
Private m_min As Double
Private m_max As Double
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_min = 0#
m_max = 0#
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeFromValues(ByVal Min As Double, ByVal Max As Double)
m_min = Min
m_max = Max
End Sub
Public Property Get Min() As Double
Min = m_min
End Property
Public Property Let Min(ByVal X As Double)
m_min = X
End Property
Public Property Get Max() As Double
Max = m_max
End Property
Public Property Let Max(ByVal X As Double)
m_max = X
End Property
=== qClass Definition ===
Private m_alt As aClass
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_alt = New aClass
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeFromValues(ByVal alt As aClass)
Set m_alt = alt
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_alt = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get Altitude() As aClass
Set Altitude = m_alt
End Property
Public Property Set Altitude(ByVal X As aClass)
Set m_alt = X
End Property
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 29421
since you seem to need only properties handling of a geospatial "object" then you could use UDT's
you can declare it in any module as follows:
Option Explicit
Public Type AltitudeType '<~~ first declare the UDT that will be a sub-type of the main one
Min As Long
Max As Long
Units As String 'my guessing...
Invert As Boolean 'my guessing...
End Type
Public Type GeoSpatial '<~~ then declare the main UDT
Altitude As AltitudeType
GeoInfo1 As Long ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
GeoInfo2 As Double ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
GeoInfo3 As String ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
End Type
and then use it in any other module like follows:
Sub main()
Dim GeoSpatials(1 To 10) As GeoSpatial '<~~ initialize the UDT. here I assumed you would need an array
SetDefault GeoSpatials '<~~ launch default setting...
GeoSpatials(1).Altitude.Min = 200 '<~~ ... and then define only peculiar properties
GeoSpatials(2).GeoInfo1 = 2000000 '<~~ etc...
End Sub
Sub SetDefault(geospatArray() As GeoSpatial) '<~~ Sub to initialize each element of the geospatial array
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(geospatArray) To UBound(geospatArray)
With geospatArray(i)
With .Altitude
.Min = 100
.Max = 200
.Units = "Meters"
.Invert = True
End With
.GeoInfo1 = 1000000
.GeoInfo2 = 100.2
.GeoInfo3 = "Geospat"
End With
Next i
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2902
Actually, I'll expand on my comment with an example. I have two custom classes: clsComputer, and clsHDD. clsComputer has 3 properties: pModel, pSerialNumber, and pHDD. pHDD is an instantiation of clsHDD (because a computer can have multiple hard drives that are dissimilar). The really important part is in clsComputer where we check If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing
! If you don't do that and try to access objComputer.HDD.Status
it will crash.
Private pModel As String
Private pSerialNumber As String
' Model property
Public Property Get Model() As String
Model = pModel
End Property
Public Property Let Model(value As String)
pModel = value
End Property
' SerialNumber property
Public Property Get SerialNumber() As String
SerialNumber = pSerialNumber
End Property
Public Property Let SerialNumber(value As String)
pSerialNumber = value
End Property
' HardDrives property
Public Property Get HardDrives(index As Integer) As clsHDD
If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing Then Set pHardDrives(index) = New clsHDD
Set HardDrives = pHardDrives(index)
End Property
Public Property Set HardDrives(index As Integer, value As clsHDD)
Set pHardDrives(index) = value
End Property
' HardDrives property
Public Property Get HardDrives(index As Integer) As clsHDD
If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing Then Set pHardDrives(index) = New clsHDD
Set HardDrives = pHardDrives(index)
End Property
Public Property Set HardDrives(index As Integer, value As clsHDD)
Set pHardDrives(index) = value
End Property
Private pDescription As String
Private pStatus As String
Public Property Get Description() As String
Description = pDescription
End Property
Public Property Let Description(value As String)
pDescription = value
End Property
Public Property Get Status() As String
Status = pStatus
End Property
Public Property Let Status(value As String)
pStatus = value
End Property
Upvotes: 0