Benjamin Hodgson
Benjamin Hodgson

Reputation: 44634

Efficiently abstracting over datatype arity

As everyone knows, you can easily build n-tuples out of 2-tuples.

record Twople (A B : Set) : Set where
  constructor _,_
    fst : A
    snd : B

n-ple : List Set -> Set
n-ple = foldr Twople Unit

(Agda syntax, but it'll work in Idris, and can be made to work in Haskell, Scala...)

Likewise, you can build n-ary sum types out of binary sums.

data Either (A B : Set) : Set where
  left : A -> Either A B
  right : B -> Either A B

OneOf : List Set -> Set
OneOf = foldr Either Void

Simple, and pretty, but inefficient. Plucking the rightmost item from an n-ple takes O(n) time because you have to unpack every nested Twople on the way. n-ple is more like a heterogeneous list than a tuple. Likewise, in the worst case, a OneOf value lives at the end of n-1 rights.

The inefficiency can be mitigated by manually unpacking the fields, and inlining the constructor cases, of your datatypes:

record Threeple (A B C : Set) : Set where
  constructor _,_,_
    fst : A
    snd : B
    thd : C

data Threeither (A B C : Set) : Set where
  left : A -> Threeither A B C
  middle : B -> Threeither A B C
  right : C -> Threeither A B C

Picking an item from a Threeple and performing case-analysis on a Threeither are both now O(1). But there's a lot of typing involved, and not the good kind - Fourple, Nineither, Hundredple, and so on, must all be separately defined datatypes.

Must I choose between O(1) time and O(1) lines of code? Or can dependent types help me out? Can one efficiently abstract over datatype arity?

Upvotes: 5

Views: 314

Answers (1)

András Kovács
András Kovács

Reputation: 30103

For O(1) field access with O(1) code, we need an array as a primitive object, or some heterogeneous or dependent generalization that is still implemented as an array. Agda doesn't have anything like this.

For n-ary sums, the situation is a bit more nuanced, but things also depend on machine implementation. Here, O(1) could reasonably mean that we're able to pattern match on an arbitrary constructor with one pointer dereference and one constructor tag check, just like with natively defined sum types. In Agda one could try:

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec

record NSum {n}(ts : Vec Set n) : Set₁ where
    ix  : Fin n
    dat : lookup ix ts

Of course, this depends on Data.Fin being implemented as machine (big)integers, which is AFAIK not the case in current Agda. We should try Data.Nat instead, since it's implemented efficiently:

open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (_<_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List

lookup : ∀ {α}{A : Set α}(as : List A) n → T (n < length as) → A
lookup [] zero ()
lookup [] (suc n) ()
lookup (a ∷ as) zero    p = a
lookup (a ∷ as) (suc n) p = lookup as n p

record NSum (ts : List Set) : Set₁ where
  constructor nsum
    ix       : ℕ
    {bound}  : T (ix < length ts)
    dat      : lookup ts ix bound

foo : NSum (ℕ ∷ Bool ∷ ℕ ∷ Bool ∷ [])
foo = nsum 0 10

bar : NSum (ℕ ∷ Bool ∷ ℕ ∷ Bool ∷ []) → ℕ
bar (nsum 2 dat) = dat
bar _            = 3

Note that we used Boolean _<_ instead of the default _<_, because the proof involving the former takes up O(1) space. Also, lookup only runs at compile time for most use cases, so it doesn't spoil our O(1).

Upvotes: 6

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