Ende Neu
Ende Neu

Reputation: 15783

-Ywarn-unused-import triggering on play routes file

I want to be able to use -Xfatal-warnings and -Ywarn-unused-import, the problem is that the compiler is triggering an error on the file which contains the play routes for my application:

[error] /path/to/app/conf/routes: Unused import
[error] /path/to/app/conf/routes: Unused import
[error] /path/to/app/conf/routes:1: Unused import
[error] GET        /document/:id        my.app.controllers.MyController.getById(id: Int)

same goes for other routes.

Is it possible maybe to tell scalac to ignore a file?

Scala version is 2.11.8.

Upvotes: 53

Views: 3925

Answers (5)

Leszek Gruchała
Leszek Gruchała

Reputation: 2355

I've come up with a working solution for Scala 2.13.7 (no need for any plugin) for Play 2.8.11. Take a look on those examples and adjust to your needs:

scalacOptions ++= Seq(
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=.*views.html.*:s", // Silence import warnings in Play html files
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=<empty>:s", // Silence import warnings on Play `routes` files
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=router:s", // Silence import warnings on Play `routes` files
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=v1:s", // Silence import warnings on Play `v1.routes` files
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=v2:s", // Silence import warnings on Play `v2.routes` files
    "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports&site=views.v1:s", // Silence import warnings on Play `views.v1.routes` files
    "-Wconf:cat=deprecation&site=controllers\\.v1.*&origin=scala.util.Either.right:s", // Silence deprecations in generated Controller classes
  ) // Silence deprecations in generated Controller classes

If you want to understand more, take a look on this documentation and add verbose information on the compiler messages output

scalacOptions += "-Wconf:any:wv",

Pro tip: fail compilation of unused only within CI

scalacOptions ++= {
  // Mark unused errors as info for local development (due to -Werror usage)
  if (insideCI.value) Seq.empty else Seq("-Wconf:cat=unused:i")

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 4055

Had this problem too. Basically Scala 2.12.13 or 2.13.x incorporates the Silencer code into their -Wconf compiler flag see here.


scalacOptions += "-Wconf:cat=unused-imports:s"

It is possible to restrict this rule to certain source file eg routes (see doc) but I had no luck when I tried.

For previous versions of Scala, then you should use the Silencer plugin with:

scalacOptions += "-P:silencer:pathFilters=views;routes",

Upvotes: 0

Matt Stephens
Matt Stephens

Reputation: 51

I just encountered the same problem with Scala 2.12 and Play 2.6 (which you're probably now using).

A Scala compiler plugin called Silencer sorts it out: https://github.com/ghik/silencer

Add the following dependency into build.sbt:

val silencerVersion = "1.2.1"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    compilerPlugin("com.github.ghik" %% "silencer-plugin" % silencerVersion),
    "com.github.ghik" %% "silencer-lib" % silencerVersion % Provided

Then add (also in build.sbt):

scalacOptions += "-P:silencer:globalFilters=Unused import"

The text after the globalFilters= is a list of regex matches for compiler warnings to silence, can be comma-separated. You might need to tweak the regex for your own case, but I found the above example worked fine.

It does mean that it silences any "Unused import" warnings, but if you're in the habit of auto-formatting your code (ctrl+alt+L in Intellij), including tidying up unused imports, then it shouldn't cause a problem.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 336

Here's another option (possibly inferior to that of danielnixon)

I added the following to build.sbt:

import CustomGenerator._

import play.sbt.routes.RoutesKeys
RoutesKeys.routesImport := Seq.empty
routesGenerator := ModifiedInjectedRoutesGenerator

Then added this to project/CustomGenerator.scala (always top level project/):

object CustomGenerator {
  object ModifiedInjectedRoutesGenerator extends play.routes.compiler.RoutesGenerator {
    import play.routes.compiler._
    import play.routes.compiler.RoutesCompiler.RoutesCompilerTask

    def generate(task: RoutesCompilerTask, namespace: Option[String], rules: List[Rule]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
      play.routes.compiler.InjectedRoutesGenerator.generate(task, namespace, rules) map { case(key, value) =>
        var v = value
        if(key.endsWith("/ReverseRoutes.scala")) {
          v = v.replace("import ReverseRouteContext.empty", "implicit val empty = ReverseRouteContext(Map())")
          v = v.replace("import play.core.routing.{ HandlerDef, ReverseRouteContext, queryString, dynamicString }", "import play.core.routing.{ ReverseRouteContext, queryString }")
          v = v.replace("import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable, Call, JavascriptLiteral }", "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, Call }")
        if(key.endsWith("migrations/ReverseRoutes.scala")) {
          v = v.replace("import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, Call }", "import play.api.mvc.{ Call }")
          v = v.replace("import play.core.routing.{ ReverseRouteContext, queryString }", "import play.core.routing.{ ReverseRouteContext }")
        if(key.endsWith("/JavaScriptReverseRoutes.scala")) {
          v = v.replace("import ReverseRouteContext.empty", "")
          v = v.replace("import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable, Call, JavascriptLiteral }", "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, JavascriptLiteral }")
          v = v.replace("import play.core.routing.{ HandlerDef, ReverseRouteContext, queryString, dynamicString }", "")
        if(key.endsWith("migrations/javascript/JavaScriptReverseRoutes.scala")) {
          v = v.replace("import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, JavascriptLiteral }", "")
        if(key.endsWith("/Routes.scala")) {
          v = v.replace("import play.core.routing.HandlerInvokerFactory._", "")
          v = v.replace("import play.core.j._", "")
          v = v.replace("import ReverseRouteContext.empty", "implicit val empty = ReverseRouteContext(Map())")
        (key, v)

    def id: String = "injected+"

Play sbt plugin generates routes code (can be seen under target/scala-2.11/routes). This code snippet removes or inlines all unused imports. You might need to tailor it for your routes.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 4268

A horrible "solution" could be to remove those unused imports after the routes are generated but before the compile task runs. Here's a sketch:

lazy val optimizeRoutesImports = taskKey[Unit]("Remove unused imports from generated routes sources.")

optimizeRoutesImports := {

  def removeUnusedImports(targetFiles: (File) => PathFinder, linesToRemove: Set[String], linesToReplace: Map[String, String]) = {
    val files = targetFiles(crossTarget.value).get
    files foreach { file =>
      val lines = sbt.IO.readLines(file)
      val updatedLines = lines map { line =>
        linesToReplace.getOrElse(line, line)
      } filterNot { line =>
      sbt.IO.writeLines(file, updatedLines, append = false)

    _ / "routes" / "main" / "controllers" / "ReverseRoutes.scala",
    Set("import ReverseRouteContext.empty"),
      "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable, Call, JavascriptLiteral }" ->
        "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable, Call }",
      "import play.core.routing.{ HandlerDef, ReverseRouteContext, queryString, dynamicString }" ->
        "import play.core.routing.{ ReverseRouteContext, queryString, dynamicString }"

    _ / "routes" / "main" / "controllers" / "javascript" / "JavaScriptReverseRoutes.scala",
      "import play.core.routing.{ HandlerDef, ReverseRouteContext, queryString, dynamicString }",
      "import ReverseRouteContext.empty"
      "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable, Call, JavascriptLiteral }" ->
        "import play.api.mvc.{ QueryStringBindable, PathBindable }"

    _ / "routes" / "main" / "router" / "Routes.scala",
    Set("import play.core.j._"),

You'll then want to sort out the task dependencies:

// Our optimize routes imports task depends on the routes task.
optimizeRoutesImports := (optimizeRoutesImports dependsOn (play.sbt.routes.RoutesKeys.routes in Compile)).value

// And compilation depends on the unused routes having been removed.
compile := ((compile in Compile) dependsOn optimizeRoutesImports).value

You'll also likely need to set TwirlKeys.templateImports to a conservative list before enabling -Ywarn-unused-import. Something like this, depending on what types are used in your views:

TwirlKeys.templateImports := Seq("play.api.mvc._", "play.api.i18n.Messages", "controllers.routes")

I also had to knock unused TemplateMagic imports out of Twirl templates (YMMV):

    _ / "twirl" ** "*.template.scala",
    Set("import play.twirl.api.TemplateMagic._"),

If you do that, make sure the task dependencies are set up appropriately.

This works for me. Scala 2.11.8, Play 2.5.10, both -Xfatal-warnings and -Ywarn-unused-import enabled. It's hideous, but it works.

Upvotes: 4

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