Reputation: 2080
I have a data Frame which looks like this,
Head CHR Start End Trans Num
A 1 29554 30039 ENST473358 1
A 1 30564 30667 ENST473358 2
A 1 30976 31097 ENST473358 3
B 1 36091 35267 ENST417324 1
B 1 35491 34544 ENST417324 2
B 1 35184 35711 ENST417324 3
B 1 36083 35235 ENST461467 1
B 1 35491 120765 ENST461467 2
And I need to change the Column Start and End with respect to column Trans and Num. Means, the column Trans has values which are repeating which is mentioned in column Num. And so on. Means I want to change Start as -End+10 and End as- Start from next row (which has same Trans) -10 and so on for all rows .So what I am aiming is to get an output which looks like follows,
Head CHR Start End Trans Num
A 1 30564 30667 ENST473358 1
A 1 30976 31097 ENST473358 2
A 1 30267 NA ENST473358 3
B 1 35277 35481 ENST417324 1
B 1 34554 35174 ENST417324 2
B 1 35721 NA ENST417324 3
B 1 35245 35481 ENST461467 1
B 1 120775 NA ENST461467 2
Any help is much appreciated I could do it without considering the Trans with the following script, but I won't get my desired output.
start = df['Start'].copy()
df['Start'] = df.End + 10
df['End'] = ((start.shift(-1) - 10))
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('Start')] = ''
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('End')] = ''
print (df)
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Views: 86
Reputation: 674
You may want to consider reindexing your data based on how you want to utilize it.
You can index your data based on the column "Trans" and "Num" like so:
#Change how we index the frame
df.set_index(["Trans", "Num"], inplace=True)
Next, we'll grab each index that is unique so we can replace them all (I'm pretty sure this part and the iteration below can be done in bulk, but I just did this quickly. If you are having efficiency problems look into how to not not loop over all the indexes probably.)
#Get only unique indexes
unique_trans = list(set(df.index.get_level_values('Trans')))
Then we can iterate through and apply what you want.
# Access each index
for trans in unique_trans:
# Get the higher number in "Num" for each so we know which to set to NaN
max_num = max(df.ix[trans].index.values)
# Copy your start column as a temp variable
start = df.ix[trans]["Start"].copy()
# Apply the transform to the start column (Equal to end + 10)
df.loc[trans, "Start"] = np.array(df.ix[trans]["End"]) + 10
# Apply the transform to the end column
df.loc[trans, "End"] = np.array(start.shift(-1) - 10)
# By passing a tuple as a row index, we get the element that is both in trans and the max number,
#which is the one you want to set to NaN
df.loc[(trans, max_num), "End"] = np.nan
The result I got from this when running your data was:
Head Chr Start End
Trans Num
ENST473358 1 A 1 30049.0 30554.0
2 A 1 30677.0 30966.0
3 A 1 31107.0 NaN
ENST417324 1 B 1 35277.0 35481.0
2 B 1 34554.0 35174.0
3 B 1 35721.0 NaN
ENST461467 1 B 1 35245.0 35481.0
2 B 1 120775.0 NaN
The full code I used to generate your test case is this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Setup your dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Head", "Chr", "Start", "End", "Trans", "Num"])
df["Head"] = ["A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B"]
df["Chr"] = [1]*8
df["Start"] = [29554, 30564, 30976, 36091, 35491, 35184, 36083, 35491]
df["End"] = [30039, 30667, 31097, 35267, 34544, 35711, 35235, 120765]
df["Trans"] = ["ENST473358", "ENST473358", "ENST473358",
"ENST417324", "ENST417324", "ENST417324",
df["Num"] = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
# Change how we index the frame
df.set_index(["Trans", "Num"], inplace=True)
# Get only unique indexes
unique_trans = list(set(df.index.get_level_values('Trans')))
# Access each index
for trans in unique_trans:
max_num = max(df.ix[trans].index.values)
start = df.ix[trans]["Start"].copy()
df.loc[trans, "Start"] = np.array(df.ix[trans]["End"]) + 10
df.loc[trans, "End"] = np.array(start.shift(-1) - 10)
df.loc[(trans, max_num), "End"] = np.nan
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 16241
You can put your existing code in a function, then group by Trans
and apply the function:
def func(df):
start = df['Start'].copy()
df['Start'] = df.End + 10
df['End'] = ((start.shift(-1) - 10))
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('Start')] = ''
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('End')] = ''
return df
Head CHR Start End Trans Num
0 A 1 30677 30966 ENST473358 1
1 A 1 31107 30257 ENST473358 2
2 A 1 ENST473358 3
3 B 1 35491 34544 ENST417324 1
4 B 1 35184 35711 ENST417324 2
5 B 1 ENST417324 3
6 B 1 35491 120765 ENST461467 1
7 B 1 ENST461467 2
Upvotes: 1