Reputation: 75
First time post, so forgive any improper etiquette i may bring.
My title briefly describes the problem i have. I have a school project where I start with a MFC application with a single document view and i need to display just a simple text onto my view BUT this text comes from a simple INI file.
LPCTSTR path = _T("C:\\Users\\Steve\\Documents\\WhereDataIs.ini");
TCHAR INIValue[256];
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("SETUP"), _T("Introduction"), _T("File Could Not Be Found"), INIValue, 256, path);
Okay now my ini file just contains this...
Introduction = Here is your data
Up to this point, everything is going well. The next step is to grab the 'static text box' i created in the resource editor and change it to the data from the ini which is just 'Here is your data'.
SetDlgItemText(StringToChange, INIValue);
and this works perfect. So i managed to change what i wanted as desired but now comes the hard part. I need to bold the entire string before using
SetDlgItemText(StringToChange, INIValue);
I have run into so many problems in the last 5 days. I have tried everything i have run across on google and stack overflow. I ran into trying to use a RTF control? trying to convert to html bolding it and then coming back? issues with 8bit or 16bit? unicode or something along those lines. i've ran into macros like _T("some string") that apparently doesn't take a variable of type string. Nothing has worked for me. What i really could use is some kind of example, it doesn't have to relate to mine at all. Something i can work with a base from. And before you link me to another website or a previous post - i guarantee you I've already looked at it and tried it. I'd really like someone to post a small part of code to help get me started.
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Views: 302
Reputation: 6566
You need to use font with bold style to achieve what you need:
m_font.CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, FALSE, FALSE, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
make CFont m_font;
a member of your class (put it in header file).
If you want more flexibility use RichEdit control. Here is helper function that appends text using different styles:
void AddToRichText(CRichEditCtrl &rEdit, const CString& sNewText, COLORREF color, BOOL bBold, BOOL bUnderline, BOOL bItalic)
int iTotalTextLength = rEdit.GetWindowTextLength();
rEdit.SetSel(iTotalTextLength, iTotalTextLength);
cf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);
if (!bBold)
dwEffects |= CFE_BOLD;
if (!bUnderline)
dwEffects |= CFE_UNDERLINE;
if (!bItalic)
dwEffects |= CFE_ITALIC;
cf.dwEffects = (unsigned long)~dwEffects;
cf.crTextColor = color;
rEdit.HideSelection(TRUE, FALSE);
Upvotes: 1