Reputation: 23154
Here is the code:
package com.packt.akka
import{ActorSystem, FSM, Props, Stash}
object UserStorageFSM {
// FSM State
sealed trait State
case object Connected extends State
case object Disconnected extends State
// FSM Data
sealed trait Data {
def data: List[User]
case object EmptyData extends Data {
val data = List.empty
trait DBOperation
object DBOperation {
case object Create extends DBOperation
case object Update extends DBOperation
case object Read extends DBOperation
case object Delete extends DBOperation
case object Connect
case object Disconnect
case class Operation(op: DBOperation, user: User)
case class User(username: String, email: String)
class UserStorageFSM extends FSM[UserStorageFSM.State, UserStorageFSM.Data] with Stash {
import UserStorageFSM._
// 1. define start with
startWith(Disconnected, EmptyData)
// 2. define states
when(Disconnected) {
case Event(Connect, _) =>
println("UserStorage Connected to DB")
goto(Connected) using (EmptyData)
case Event(_, _) =>
stay using (EmptyData)
when(Connected) {
case Event(Disconnect, _) =>
println("UserStorage disconnected from DB")
goto(Disconnected) using EmptyData
case Event(Operation(op, user), oldData) =>
op match {
case DBOperation.Create =>
stay using new Data {
override def data = user ::
case DBOperation.Delete => stay using new Data {
override def data = != user)
case DBOperation.Read => {
stay using oldData
case DBOperation.Update => {
stay using new Data {
override def data: List[User] = user :: != user.username)
stay using EmptyData
// 3. initialize
object FiniteStateMachine extends App {
import UserStorageFSM._
val system = ActorSystem("Hotswap-FSM")
val userStorage = system.actorOf(Props[UserStorageFSM], "userStorage-fsm")
userStorage ! Connect
userStorage ! Operation(DBOperation.Create, User("Admin", "[email protected]"))
userStorage ! Operation(DBOperation.Create, User("Admin1", "[email protected]"))
userStorage ! Operation(DBOperation.Read, User("Admin", "[email protected]"))
userStorage ! Disconnect
It simulates a storage system that allows CRUD operations. The problem here is that the system seems to always contain empty data. What went wrong here?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 140
Reputation: 646
In your handler for Operation
you call stay
in the pattern match on op
, but then at the bottom you call stay using EmptyData
and that is the one that gets used. Remove stay using EmptyData
from the bottom of case Event(Operation(op, user), oldData) =>
and you should start seeing the updated Data
Upvotes: 1