Reputation: 19
i wrote a "tic tac toe" game in python(pycharm). At the end of the game i asked the user if he wants to play again: if he pressed 'y' the game began again, and if he pressed 'n' the game/code stopped. do you know how can i show him an error massege like: "you entered a wrong answer! please try again:" when he doesn't press any of this letters but somthing else? for example: "Would you like to play again? "fnj"(his answer). And show this massage until he enter a correct answer?
class color:
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
def playTicTacToe():
rows,cols = 3,3
winLength = 3
board = makeNewBoard(rows, cols)
moves = 0
player = 1
while moves < rows*cols:
row,col = getMove(board, player)
board = setPiece(board, row, col, player)
if (didWin(board, player, winLength)):
print ""
#print '%s The Player %s color.GREEN + color.Bold + "-->" + color.END, """ IS THE WINNER OF THE GAME!!!""" + color.END % (color.GREEN,getPieceLabel(player),
print color.RED + color.BOLD + "The Player" + color.END, getPieceLabel(player), color.RED + color.BOLD + "IS THE WINNER OF THE GAME!!! " + color.END
player = otherPlayer(player)
moves += 1
print color.RED + color.BOLD + "TIE GAME!" + color.END
def makeNewBoard(rows, cols):
return [([0]*cols) for row in xrange(rows)]
def getRows(board):
return len(board)
def getCols(board):
return len(board[0])
def getPiece(board, row, col):
return board[row][col]
def setPiece(board, row, col, value):
board[row][col] = value
return board
def isEmpty(board, row, col):
return (getPiece(board, row, col) == 0)
def isOnBoard(board, row, col):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
return ((row >= 0) and (row < rows) and
(col >= 0) and (col < cols))
def getPieceLabel(piece):
if (piece == 1):
return "|" + color.PURPLE + color.BOLD + "X" + color.END + "|"
elif (piece == 2):
return "|" + color.BLUE + color.BOLD + "O" + color.END + "|"
return color.BOLD + "|_|" + color.END
def printBoard(board):
print "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for row in xrange(rows):
for col in xrange(cols):
piece = getPiece(board, row, col)
label = getPieceLabel(piece)
print label,
def didWin(board, player, winLength):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for startRow in xrange(rows):
for startCol in xrange(cols):
if (didWin1(board, player, winLength, startRow, startCol)):
return True
return False
def didWin1(board, player, winLength, startRow, startCol):
for drow in xrange(-1,+2):
for dcol in xrange(-1,+2):
if ((drow != 0) or (dcol != 0)):
if (didWin2(board, player, winLength,
startRow, startCol, drow, dcol)):
return True
return False
def didWin2(board, player, winLength,
startRow, startCol, drow, dcol):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for step in xrange(winLength):
row = startRow + step*drow
col = startCol + step*dcol
if (not isOnBoard(board, row, col)):
return False
elif (getPiece(board, row, col) != player):
return False
return True
def otherPlayer(player):
return 1 if (player == 2) else 2
def oops(msg):
print " ", msg, color.RED + color.BOLD + "Try again." + color.END
def readInt(prompt):
while True:
return int(raw_input(prompt))
oops(color.RED + color.BOLD + "Input must be an integer." + color.END)
def getMove(board, player):
while True:
print "Enter move for player:" + getPieceLabel(player)
row = readInt(" Row --> ") - 1
col = readInt(" Col --> ") - 1
if (not isOnBoard(board, row, col)):
oops(color.RED + color.BOLD + """\n \n Out of range (not on the board)!""" + color.END)
elif (not isEmpty(board, row, col)):
oops(color.RED + color.BOLD +"""\n Already occupied!""" + color.END)
return (row, col)
def finish():
answer = raw_input(color.PURPLE + color.BOLD + """Would you like to play again?! (press \'y\' for yes and \'n\' for no):""" + color.END)
if answer.lower() == "n":
print ""
print color.BLUE + color.BOLD + "Bye Bye! See you next time! :)" + color.END
return True
if answer.lower() == "y":
print (color.BLUE + color.BOLD + """\nGreat choice! The game will start again""" + color.END)
return False
def main():
while True:
if finish():
if __name__ == '__main__':
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You can modify the finish function as follows:
def finish():
while True:
answer = raw_input(color.PURPLE + color.BOLD + """Would you like to play again?! (press \'y\' for yes and \'n\' for no):""" + color.END)
if answer.lower() == "n":
print ""
print color.BLUE + color.BOLD + "Bye Bye! See you next time! :)" + color.END
return True
elif answer.lower() == "y":
print (color.BLUE + color.BOLD + """\nGreat choice! The game will start again""" + color.END)
return False
print 'Not valid input...'
By this way the program ignores invalid inputs and asks the user again.
PS. I would suggest to insert a mechanism for exiting before the completion of the game in the case the user wants to terminate the game.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3784
if answer.lower() == "n":
print color.BLUE + color.BOLD + "Bye Bye! See you next time! :)" + color.END
return True
elif answer.lower() == "y":
print (color.BLUE + color.BOLD + """\nGreat choice! The game will start again""" + color.END)
return False
print (color.BLUE + color.BOLD + """\nyou entered a wrong answer! please try again:""" + color.END)
return False
Upvotes: 0