Reputation: 147
These two functions are almost identical:
dig :: MappingClassifierM FileSummary IO Partitioner -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
dig classifier =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify classifier clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig classifier
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster) categories
dig classifier
cluster (key, val) = Cluster (key : clusterKey) val
classify = classifyM
dig' :: BinaryClassifierM FileSummary IO -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
dig' classifier =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify classifier clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig' classifier
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster) categories
dig' classifier
cluster = Cluster (Content : clusterKey)
classify = classifyBinary
The only difference is in the the functions defined in the where clause.
The following constraints apply:
function depends on the "type" of the classifier that is being passed as first parameter.cluster
function depends on the actual implementation of the classifier.I want to generalize the two functions so as to create a single function that handles both implementations to avoid duplication.
I don't know if I'm on the right direction. Based on my limited knowledge of Haskell so far, I'd think that I have to create a class "Classifier", for which BinaryClassifier and MappingClassifierM would be instances of, but I'm facing with several compilation errors when I try to implement it.
So, my question is: How do an experienced Haskell programmer generalize these two functions to avoid duplication?
For additional context, below are the the relevant type signatures for the two different cases I'm trying to generalize:
type MappingClassifierM a m k = a -> m k
classifyM :: (Monad m, Ord k) => MappingClassifierM a m k -> [a] -> m [(k, [a])]
dig :: MappingClassifierM FileSummary IO Partitioner -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
type BinaryClassifierM a m = a -> a -> m Bool
classifyBinary :: Monad m => BinaryClassifierM a m -> [a] -> m [[a]]
dig' :: BinaryClassifierM FileSummary IO -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 309
Reputation: 147
I was able to find an alternative solution using classes allowing some language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
class Classifier classifier a m c | classifier -> m c where
classify :: (Monad m) => classifier -> [a] -> m [c]
cluster :: classifier -> [Partitioner] -> c -> Cluster Partitioner a
instance Classifier (MappingClassifierM FileSummary IO Partitioner) FileSummary IO (P
classify = classifyM
cluster _ x (key, val) = Cluster (key : x) val
instance Classifier (BinaryClassifierM FileSummary IO) FileSummary IO [FileSummary] w
classify = classifyBinary
cluster _ clusterKey = Cluster (Content : clusterKey)
dig :: (Classifier classifier FileSummary IO c) => classifier -> Conduit (Cluster Par
dig classifier =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify classifier clusterValue
when (length clusterValue == length categories) $
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
when (length clusterValue /= length categories) $
mapM_ (yield . (cluster classifier clusterKey)) categories
dig classifier
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 961
My method was to let the compiler do most of the thinking for me. First, I took the common code and made it its own function
dig'' classifier =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify classifier clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig'' classifier
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster) categories
dig'' classifier
This lead to a couple of problems. First, the compiler whines that cluster
and classify
are undefined, so we'll need to add them onto the function as parameters. You'll also notice that classifier is never used outside of the classify function, so we'll combine them into one value. Also, since we've changed the parameters of our function, our recursive calls change, so we'll need to take care of those.
dig'' cluster =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig'' cluster classify
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster) categories
dig'' cluster classify
Here's where I noticed that the cluster
in the where clause needed clusterKey
, so it will need to be passed in as a parameter somehow.
dig'' cluster =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig'' cluster classify
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster clusterKey) categories
dig'' cluster classify
Finally, use a type hole to let ghc figure out the data type for me.
dig'' :: _
dig'' cluster =
await >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ( Cluster clusterKey clusterValue ) -> do
categories <- liftIO $ classify clusterValue
if (length clusterValue == length categories)
then do
yield $ Cluster clusterKey clusterValue
dig'' cluster classify
else do
mapM_ (yield . cluster clusterKey) categories
dig'' cluster classify
I got a value of
(Foldable t, MonadIO m) =>
([a] -> a1 -> Cluster a b)
-> ([b] -> IO (t a1)) -> Conduit (Cluster a b) m (Cluster a b)
but your results may differ, since I largely made up all my data types. For example, I suspect that the [a]
and [b]
will be different for your code.
Now, to get back to the original functions. Here we have the advantage of already knowing the types for our result.
dig :: MappingClassifierM FileSummary IO Partitioner -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
dig classifier = dig'' ????
Now we just need the two parameters for dig''
. The first parameter is just filling in for the cluster
definition, so we get
(\clusterKey (key, val) -> Cluster (key : clusterKey) val)
The second parameter was classify, to which we'd rolled in the classifier, so it's simply (classifyM classifier)
Thus, the final definition is
dig :: MappingClassifierM FileSummary IO Partitioner -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
dig classifier = dig'' (\clusterKey (key, val) -> Cluster (key : clusterKey) val) (classifyM classifier)
Similarly, you can also find
dig' :: BinaryClassifierM FileSummary IO -> Conduit (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary) IO (Cluster Partitioner FileSummary)
dig' classifier = dig'' (\clusterKey -> Cluster (Content : clusterKey)) (classifyBinary classifier)
Upvotes: 1