Reputation: 347
(1) what is the classification formula from the fit model in example code below named 'model1'? (is it formula A, B or Neither?)
(2) how does 'model1' determine if class == 1 vs. 2?
class(Species{1:2}) = (-31.938998) + (-7.501714 * [PetalLength]) + (63.670583 * [PetalWidth])
class(Species{1:2}) = 1.346075e-14 + (5.521371e-04 * [PetalLength]) + (4.485211e+27 * [PetalWidth])
Use R to fit/train a binary classification model, then interpret the model for the purpose of manual calculating classifications in Excel, not R.
#(Intercept) PetalLength PetalWidth
#-31.938998 -7.501714 63.670583
#(Intercept) PetalLength PetalWidth
#1.346075e-14 5.521371e-04 4.485211e+27
# Load data (using iris dataset from Google Drive because link wasn't working for me today)
#iris <- read.csv(url(""), header = FALSE)
iris <- read.csv(url(""), header = FALSE)
dataSet <- iris
#assign column names
names(dataSet) <- c("SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth", "Species")
#col names
dsColNames <- as.character(names(dataSet))
#num of columns and rows
dsColCount <- as.integer(ncol(dataSet))
dsRowCount <- as.integer(nrow(dataSet))
#class ordinality and name
classColumn <- 5
classColumnName <- dsColNames[classColumn]
y_col_pos <- classColumn
#features ordinality
x_col_start_pos <- 1
x_col_end_pos <- 4
# % of [dataset] reserved for training/test and validation
sampleAmt <- 0.25
mainSplit <- sample(2, dsRowCount, replace=TRUE, prob=c(sampleAmt, 1-sampleAmt))
#split [dataSet] into two sets
dsTrainingTest <- dataSet[mainSplit==1, 1:5]
dsValidation <- dataSet[mainSplit==2, 1:5]
# % of [dsTrainingTest] reserved for training
sampleAmt <- 0.5
secondarySplit <- sample(2, nrow(dsTrainingTest), replace=TRUE, prob=c(sampleAmt, 1-sampleAmt))
#split [dsTrainingTest] into two sets
dsTraining <- dsTrainingTest[secondarySplit==1, 1:5]
dsTest <- dsTrainingTest[secondarySplit==2, 1:5]
nrow(dataSet) == nrow(dsTrainingTest)+nrow(dsValidation)
nrow(dsTrainingTest) == nrow(dsTraining)+nrow(dsTest)
dataSetEnum <- dsTraining[,1:5]
dataSetEnum[,5] <- as.character(dataSetEnum[,5])
dataSetEnum[,5][dataSetEnum[,5]=="Iris-setosa"] <- 1
dataSetEnum[,5][dataSetEnum[,5]=="Iris-versicolor"] <- 2
dataSetEnum[,5][dataSetEnum[,5]=="Iris-virginica"] <- 2
dataSetEnum[,5] <- as.integer(dataSetEnum[,5])
x <- as.matrix(dataSetEnum[,1:4])
y <- as.factor(dataSetEnum[,5:5])
# number of features
N <- ncol(x)
# define function misclassification.rate
if (exists("misclassification.rate") ) rm(misclassification.rate);
#Fit randomGLM model - Ensemble predictor comprised of individual generalized linear model predictors
RGLM <- randomGLM(x, y, classify=TRUE, keepModels=TRUE,randomSeed=1002)
tab1 <- table(y, RGLM$predictedOOB)
# y 1 2
# 1 2 0
# 2 0 12
# accuracy
# variable importance measure
varImp = RGLM$timesSelectedByForwardRegression
# select most important features
impF = colnames(x)[varImp>=5]
# build single GLM model with most important features
model1 = glm(y~.,[, impF]), family = binomial(link='logit'))
#(Intercept) PetalLength PetalWidth
#-31.938998 -7.501714 63.670583
#(Intercept) PetalLength PetalWidth
#1.346075e-14 5.521371e-04 4.485211e+27
# 2.5 % 97.5 %
#(Intercept) -363922.5 363858.6
#PetalLength -360479.0 360464.0
#PetalWidth -916432.0 916559.4
Upvotes: 0
Views: 397
Reputation: 7839
Your model is defined as
model1 <- glm(y~.,[, impF]), family=binomial(link='logit'))
The family=binomial(link='logit'))
bit is saying that the response y is a series of Bernoulli trials, i.e. a variable that takes values 1 or 0 depending on a parameter p, and that p = exp(m) / (1 + exp(m)), where m is a function of the data, called the linear predictor.
The formula y~.
means that m = a + b PetalLength + c PetalWidth, where a, b, c are the model coefficients.
Therefore the probability of y = 1 is
> m <- model.matrix(model1) %*% coef(model1)
> exp(m) / (1+exp(m))
20 3.448852e-11
50 1.253983e-13
65 1.000000e+00
66 1.000000e+00
87 1.000000e+00
105 1.000000e+00
106 1.000000e+00
107 1.000000e+00
111 1.000000e+00
112 1.000000e+00
116 1.000000e+00
118 1.000000e+00
129 1.000000e+00
130 1.000000e+00
We can check that this is the same as the output of fitted.values
> fitted.values(model1)
20 50 65 66 87 105
3.448852e-11 1.253983e-13 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
106 107 111 112 116 118
1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
129 130
1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
Finally, the response can be classified in two categories depending on whether P(Y = 1) is above or below a certain threshold. For example,
> ifelse(fitted.values(model1) > 0.5, 1, 0)
20 50 65 66 87 105 106 107 111 112 116 118 129 130
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4907
A GLM model has a link function and a linear predictor. You have not specified your link function above.
Let Y = {0,1} and X be a n x p matrix. (using pseudo-LaTeX) This leads to \hat Y= \phi(X \hat B) = \eta
- \eta
is the linear predictor
- \phi()
is the link function
The linear predictor is just X %*% \hat B
and the classification back to P(Y=1|X) = \phi^{-1}(\eta)
-- ie the inverse link function. The inverse link function obviously depends on the choice of link. For a logit, you have the inverse logit P(Y=1|X) = exp(eta) / (1+ exp(eta))
Upvotes: 1