Reputation: 1305
Hello i need to gater the data from db(MSSQL) in following way:
<div id="slider">
<div class="scroll">
<div class="scrollContainer">
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature">
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab1">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-1.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Francesca B&B</label>From €80</a>
<li class="list2" id="feature-tab2">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-2.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Condo Real Estate</label>$600</a>
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab3">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-3.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Washington House</label>$400</a>
<li class="list2" id="feature-tab4">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-4.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Cambridge</label>$650</a>
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature2">
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab5">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-1.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Beach House</label>$900</a>
<li class="list2" id="feature-tab6">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-2.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Condo Real Estate</label>$600</a>
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab7">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-3.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Washington House</label>$400</a>
<li class="list2" id="feature-tab8">
<a href="#"><img src="img/thumbnails/featured-4.jpg" alt="" title="" /><label>Cambridge</label>$650</a>
I have no ideea how to implement the recordset to get from 4 to for records and then to solve the problem of the
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature2">
as you could see after 4 records should increase also the navigation-feature2 and then navigation-feature3 .
Thank you
Now i have this and don't do the trick:
<div id="slider">
<div class="scroll" >
<div class="scrollContainer">
<%Set oRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS2.Open "Select * FROM prop_home where packageid='2'",xDb_Conn_Str,3,3
Set picRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
if not ors2.eof then
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature">
<%do while not ors2.eof
picRS2.Open "Select picture FROM pictures where propid='"&ors2("propid")&"'",xDb_Conn_Str
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab<%=counter%>">
<a href="#"><img src="admin/uploads/<%=picrs2("picture")%>" alt="" title="" style="height:auto !important;max-height:104px;max-width:170px;width:auto !important;"/><label><%=ors2("name")%>From €<%=ors2("pricemin")%></label></a>
end if%>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2393
Reputation: 1305
Made it ...
<div id="slider">
<div class="scroll">
<div class="scrollContainer">
<%Set oRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS2.Open "Select * FROM prop_home where packageid='2'",xDb_Conn_Str,3,3
Set picRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
if not ors2.eof then
dim FeatureCounter
FeatureCounter = 1
do while not ors2.eof
if featureCounter =1 then
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature<%if othercounter <> 1 then response.Write(othercounter) end if%>">
<%end if%>
picRS2.Open "Select picture FROM pictures where propid='"&ors2("propid")&"'",xDb_Conn_Str
If counter MOD 2 = 0 Then
end if
<li class="list<%=cl%>" id="feature-tab<%=counter%>">
<a href="#"><img src="admin/uploads/<%=picrs2("picture")%>" alt="" title="" style="height:auto !important;max-height:104px;max-width:170px;width:auto !important;"/><label><%=ors2("name")%>From €<%=ors2("pricemin")%></label></a>
<% picrs2.close
If FeatureCounter mod 4 = 0 then
FeatureCounter = 1 ''//reset the counter
othercounter = othercounter+1
FeatureCounter = FeatureCounter + 1
end if
end if%> </ul>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 18061
It looks like you're closing your database query within the loop
I'd recommend to read your data into arrays and loop over those rather than mixing data access and rendering logic.
How about
<div id="slider">
<div class="scroll" >
<div class="scrollContainer">
Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS.Open "Select ph.*, pic.picture FROM prop_home ph INNER JOIN pictures pic ON ph.propid = pictures.propid where ph.packageid='2'", xDb_Conn_Str, 3, 3
If Not oRS.eof Then
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature">
Do While Not oRS.eof
counter = counter + 1
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab<%=counter%>">
<a href="#">
<img src="admin/uploads/<%=oRS("picture")%>" style="height:auto !important;max-height:104px;max-width:170px;width:auto !important;"/>
<%=oRS("name")%>From €<%=oRS("pricemin")%>
End If
I may err here too but you're closing one more <div/> than you open and you should enclose the
(and surrounding <div/>) inside the
If block.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39413
You need to ask the counter if mod 4 is 0 and change the listing number. Or a simple way is to add a second counter, and reset it every 4 cycles
Like this (Simplified code):
<div id="slider">
<div class="scroll" >
<div class="scrollContainer">
<%Set oRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS2.Open "..."
Set picRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
dim FeatureCounter
FeatureCounter = 1
if not ors2.eof then
do while not ors2.eof
If featureCounter = 1 then
<div class="listings">
<ul class="clear" id="navigation-feature<%= trim(featureCounter)%>">
end if
''// not good to open a new recordset for every record,
''// but leave it here because is not the scope of the answer
picRS2.Open "..."
''// you should also check if picRS2 not EOF
<li class="list1" id="feature-tab<%=counter%>">
<a href="#"><img src="..."></a>
If FeatureCounter = 4 then
FeatureCounter = 1 ''//reset the counter
FeatureCounter = FeatureCounter + 1
end if
end if%>
Upvotes: 2