
Reputation: 198

How to make border of LinearLayout in android as per following design

the semicircles are in center and the corners should be rounded, And the background of semicircle should be transparent I have uses shape drawable to get rounded coreners but adding a semicircle in between seems tricky.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 228

Answers (2)


Reputation: 9067

You can use Vector Drawable to achieve your end result. I used potrace to convert your image into svg format which is included at the bottom.
Use the Android Studio to create a vector drawable from this svg file.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
 width="271.000000pt" height="263.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 271.000000 263.000000"
 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015
<g transform="translate(0.000000,263.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M225 2546 c-40 -17 -84 -63 -101 -103 -12 -27 -14 -228 -14 -1140 0
-1093 0 -1107 20 -1149 12 -24 39 -54 62 -70 l41 -29 456 -3 c251 -2 471 0
489 3 23 4 32 11 32 25 0 11 7 20 15 20 8 0 19 16 25 39 14 54 79 124 142 152
74 33 191 33 265 0 61 -27 125 -92 142 -144 7 -21 17 -37 22 -37 5 0 9 -18 9
-40 0 -40 7 -49 25 -31 6 6 151 11 345 13 l335 3 36 24 c20 14 47 41 60 60
l24 35 3 1105 c1 608 0 1121 -3 1139 -8 42 -59 100 -110 123 -36 17 -73 19
-392 19 l-353 0 0 -35 c0 -24 -5 -35 -15 -35 -8 0 -24 -20 -36 -45 -25 -53
-74 -99 -138 -128 -36 -16 -66 -21 -136 -21 -79 -1 -97 3 -147 27 -90 44 -148
127 -148 211 l0 26 -462 0 c-361 -1 -470 -4 -493 -14z m920 -93 c13 -44 28
-67 70 -109 182 -177 521 -113 592 112 l17 54 335 0 c375 0 383 -1 428 -69
l23 -34 -2 -1113 -3 -1112 -25 -27 c-51 -55 -54 -55 -399 -55 l-319 0 -7 32
c-19 86 -84 160 -180 205 -52 24 -73 28 -150 28 -82 0 -97 -3 -157 -33 -84
-41 -143 -105 -164 -179 l-15 -53 -460 0 c-497 0 -487 -1 -539 55 l-25 27 -3
1111 c-2 1096 -2 1112 18 1145 11 18 34 41 52 52 32 19 52 20 465 20 l432 0
16 -57z"/>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3388

you can use vector asset studio to draw a custom shape and use it as background for your layout

Upvotes: 2

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