So I am trying to make a validation where, for example,
if the user drop into a button a file and it already exists into the database it will displays a message("This file already exists") and it should rename the button name from the name of the file onto the actual name of it.
This is the method that I am calling at the moment of dropping a file into a button and it will change and display what I want.
Private Sub UpdateControls()
SQLCon = New SqlConnection
SQLCon.ConnectionString = "........."
Dim query As String
query = "SELECT Filename
FROM infofile
WHERE Filename=@Filename"
If cmdEntrar.Text = query Then
cmdEntrar.Text = "Open file"
cmdEntrar.Text = MeuFicheiro.Name
cmdEntrar.Width = GetButtonSize(MeuFicheiro.Name)
lblArraste.Left = cmdEntrar.Left + cmdEntrar.Width + 15
End If
End Sub
Because I have a Public Sub
where I've called it AddFile and there I will add a bunch of things from a file(name, extension, etc) into my database. But if I add a file that already exists it will clear all the labels from layout and change the name of the button to the original. But that part is not working.
This is the piece of code where the validation is made
Public Sub AddFile(Filename As String, Filetype As String, Filesize As String, Created As Date, Modified As Date, Access As Date, PcName As String)
SQLCon = New SqlConnection
SQLCon.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\MIGG-PC\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TrashCollection\TrashCollection\TrashDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30"
Dim strInsert As String = "INSERT INTO INFOFILE (Filename,Filetype,Filesize,Created,Modified,Access,PcName) " &
"VALUES (" &
"'" & Filename & "'," &
"'" & Filetype & "'," &
"'" & Filesize & "'," &
"'" & Access & "'," &
"'" & Created & "'," &
"'" & Modified & "'," &
"'" & PcName & "')"
SqlCmd = New SqlCommand(strInsert, SQLCon)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Ficheiro existente!")
lblName.Text = String.Empty
lblType.Text = String.Empty
lblSize.Text = String.Empty
lblCreated.Text = String.Empty
lblModify.Text = String.Empty
lblAccess.Text = String.Empty
lblKB.Text = String.Empty
nomePcLbl.Text = String.Empty
pbIcon.Image = Nothing
pbGreenDot.Image = Nothing
pbRedDot.Image = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
And I want to add in this exception the possibility to change the button text to the original one
Any solution for That? Thanks in Advance..
Upvotes: 0
Views: 121
You should be manipulating the page load
where the controls text are cleared.
Would be more useful if you share the code.
Upvotes: 1