Ankita Shah
Ankita Shah

Reputation: 2248

AES encryption in swift

I'm trying to implement AES encryption in swift. The encryption decryption for Android and C# is working properly. I need to implement it in swift. It's current code for android and C# is followed by this.

I tried to use

  1. CryptoSwift
  2. Cross platform AES encryption

But none of it work. When I send the encrypted string on server it's not been decrypted.

Any help will be appreciated

Upvotes: 46

Views: 101262

Answers (11)


Reputation: 155

For someone also met issues when trying to decrypt files from JAVA, here's another approach that without fixed key length:

func encryptAES(data: Data, key: Data, iv: Data) -> Data? {
    var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: data.count + kCCBlockSizeAES128)
    var numBytesEncrypted = 0
    let status = key.withUnsafeBytes { keyUnsafeRawBufferPointer in
        iv.withUnsafeBytes { ivUnsafeRawBufferPointer in
            data.withUnsafeBytes { dataUnsafeRawBufferPointer in
    guard status == kCCSuccess else {
        print("Error: \(status)")
        return nil
    let encryptedData = Data(bytes: buffer, count: numBytesEncrypted)
    return encryptedData

Upvotes: 0

Avadh Bambhroliya
Avadh Bambhroliya

Reputation: 21

This is easy to use the extension and also supported all platforms for decryption as well.

import CryptoSwift

extension String {
    func aesEncrypt() throws -> String {
        do {
            let encrypted = try AES(key: "your_encryption_key", iv: "your_iv", padding: .pkcs7).encrypt([UInt8]( .utf8)!))
            return Data(encrypted).base64EncodedString()
        } catch {
        return ""
    func aesDecrypt() throws -> String {
        do {
            guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: self) else { return "" }
            let decrypted = try AES(key: "your_encryption_key", iv: "your_iv", padding: .pkcs7).decrypt([UInt8](data))
            return decrypted
        } catch {
        return ""

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3611

Swift 5

I refactored @ingconti 's code.

import Foundation
import CommonCrypto

struct AES {

    // MARK: - Value
    // MARK: Private
    private let key: Data
    private let iv: Data

    // MARK: - Initialzier
    init?(key: String, iv: String) {
        guard key.count == kCCKeySizeAES128 || key.count == kCCKeySizeAES256, let keyData = .utf8) else {
            debugPrint("Error: Failed to set a key.")
            return nil
        guard iv.count == kCCBlockSizeAES128, let ivData = .utf8) else {
            debugPrint("Error: Failed to set an initial vector.")
            return nil
        self.key = keyData
        self.iv  = ivData

    // MARK: - Function
    // MARK: Public
    func encrypt(string: String) -> Data? {
        return crypt(data: .utf8), option: CCOperation(kCCEncrypt))

    func decrypt(data: Data?) -> String? {
        guard let decryptedData = crypt(data: data, option: CCOperation(kCCDecrypt)) else { return nil }
        return String(bytes: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8)

    func crypt(data: Data?, option: CCOperation) -> Data? {
        guard let data = data else { return nil }
        let cryptLength = data.count + key.count
        var cryptData   = Data(count: cryptLength)
        var bytesLength = Int(0)
        let status = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes { cryptBytes in
            data.withUnsafeBytes { dataBytes in
                iv.withUnsafeBytes { ivBytes in
                    key.withUnsafeBytes { keyBytes in
                    CCCrypt(option, CCAlgorithm(kCCAlgorithmAES), CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding), keyBytes.baseAddress, key.count, ivBytes.baseAddress, dataBytes.baseAddress, data.count, cryptBytes.baseAddress, cryptLength, &bytesLength)
        guard Int32(status) == Int32(kCCSuccess) else {
            debugPrint("Error: Failed to crypt data. Status \(status)")
            return nil
        return cryptData

Use like this

let password = "UserPassword1!"
let key128   = "1234567890123456"                   // 16 bytes for AES128
let key256   = "12345678901234561234567890123456"   // 32 bytes for AES256
let iv       = "abcdefghijklmnop"                   // 16 bytes for AES128

let aes128 = AES(key: key128, iv: iv)
let aes256 = AES(key: key256, iv: iv)

let encryptedPassword128 = aes128?.encrypt(string: password)
aes128?.decrypt(data: encryptedPassword128)

let encryptedPassword256 = aes256?.encrypt(string: password)
aes256?.decrypt(data: encryptedPassword256)


enter image description here

Upvotes: 50

Gal Yedidovich
Gal Yedidovich

Reputation: 787

I know this is an old question.

Since 2019 You can use CryptoKit from Apple. It introduced AES.GCM

import CryptoKit

let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits256)
let data = Data(...)
do {
    let enc = try AES.GCM.seal(data, using: key).combined!
    let dec = try AES.GCM.SealedBox(combined: data), using: key))
} catch {...}

Also I've made a useful swift package with extension to CryptoKit to allow AES.CBC encryption (

Then, just import CBC

import CryptoKit
import CBC

let data: Data = ... //some data to encrypt
let iv: Data = ... //an initial vector
let key: SymmetricKey = ... //encryption key

//one shot crypto operation
do {
    let encrypted = try AES.CBC.encrypt(data, using: key, iv: iv)
    let decrypted = try AES.CBC.decrypt(encrypted, using: key, iv: iv)
} catch {...}

//using cipher
do {
    let cipher = try AES.CBC.Cipher(.encrypt, using: key, iv: iv)
    var enc = Data()
    enc += try cipher.update(...)
    enc += try cipher.update(...)
    enc += try cipher.finalize()
} catch {...}

Upvotes: 5

Mohammad Sadegh Panadgoo
Mohammad Sadegh Panadgoo

Reputation: 3989

I was looking for AES encryption ECB Mode with PKC5 padding without using any pod. I found a proper way to solve my problem by gathering different information. Maybe it could be helpful for others.

Note: There is no difference between PKCS5 and PKCS7 padding.

import CommonCrypto
func encryptionAESModeECB(messageData data: Data, key: String) -> Data? {
    guard let keyData = String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
    guard let cryptData = NSMutableData(length: Int((data.count)) + kCCBlockSizeAES128) else { return nil }
    let keyLength               = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
    let operation:  CCOperation = UInt32(kCCEncrypt)
    let algoritm:   CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES)
    let options:    CCOptions   = UInt32(kCCOptionECBMode + kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)
    let iv:         String      = ""
    var numBytesEncrypted: size_t = 0
    let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(operation,
                              (keyData as NSData).bytes, keyLength,
                              (data as NSData).bytes, data.count,
                              cryptData.mutableBytes, cryptData.length,
    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
        cryptData.length = Int(numBytesEncrypted)
        let encryptedString = cryptData.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)
        return .utf8)
    } else {
        return nil

func decryptionAESModeECB(messageData: Data, key: String) -> Data? {
    guard let messageString = String(data: messageData, encoding: .utf8) else { return nil }
    guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: messageString, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters) else { return nil }
    guard let keyData = String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
    guard let cryptData = NSMutableData(length: Int((data.count)) + kCCBlockSizeAES128) else { return nil }
    let keyLength               = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
    let operation:  CCOperation = UInt32(kCCDecrypt)
    let algoritm:   CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES)
    let options:    CCOptions   = UInt32(kCCOptionECBMode + kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)
    let iv:         String      = ""
    var numBytesEncrypted: size_t = 0
    let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(operation,
                              (keyData as NSData).bytes, keyLength,
                              (data as NSData).bytes, data.count,
                              cryptData.mutableBytes, cryptData.length,
    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
        cryptData.length = Int(numBytesEncrypted)
        return cryptData as Data
    } else {
        return nil

Use it like this:

let encryptedData = encryptionAESModeECB(messageData: data, key: "keyString")

let decryptedData = decryptionAESModeECB(messageData: data, key: "keyString")

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 8193

Based on @zaph great answer, I create this Playground for:

Swift 5

import Foundation
import CommonCrypto

protocol Cryptable {
    func encrypt(_ string: String) throws -> Data
    func decrypt(_ data: Data) throws -> String

struct AES {
    private let key: Data
    private let ivSize: Int         = kCCBlockSizeAES128
    private let options: CCOptions  = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    init(keyString: String) throws {
        guard keyString.count == kCCKeySizeAES256 else {
            throw Error.invalidKeySize
        self.key = Data(keyString.utf8)

extension AES {
    enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case invalidKeySize
        case generateRandomIVFailed
        case encryptionFailed
        case decryptionFailed
        case dataToStringFailed

private extension AES {

    func generateRandomIV(for data: inout Data) throws {

        try data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { dataBytes in

            guard let dataBytesBaseAddress = dataBytes.baseAddress else {
                throw Error.generateRandomIVFailed

            let status: Int32 = SecRandomCopyBytes(

            guard status == 0 else {
                throw Error.generateRandomIVFailed

extension AES: Cryptable {

    func encrypt(_ string: String) throws -> Data {
        let dataToEncrypt = Data(string.utf8)

        let bufferSize: Int = ivSize + dataToEncrypt.count + kCCBlockSizeAES128
        var buffer = Data(count: bufferSize)
        try generateRandomIV(for: &buffer)

        var numberBytesEncrypted: Int = 0

        do {
            try key.withUnsafeBytes { keyBytes in
                try dataToEncrypt.withUnsafeBytes { dataToEncryptBytes in
                    try buffer.withUnsafeMutableBytes { bufferBytes in

                        guard let keyBytesBaseAddress = keyBytes.baseAddress,
                            let dataToEncryptBytesBaseAddress = dataToEncryptBytes.baseAddress,
                            let bufferBytesBaseAddress = bufferBytes.baseAddress else {
                                throw Error.encryptionFailed

                        let cryptStatus: CCCryptorStatus = CCCrypt( // Stateless, one-shot encrypt operation
                            CCOperation(kCCEncrypt),                // op: CCOperation
                            CCAlgorithm(kCCAlgorithmAES),           // alg: CCAlgorithm
                            options,                                // options: CCOptions
                            keyBytesBaseAddress,                    // key: the "password"
                            key.count,                              // keyLength: the "password" size
                            bufferBytesBaseAddress,                 // iv: Initialization Vector
                            dataToEncryptBytesBaseAddress,          // dataIn: Data to encrypt bytes
                            dataToEncryptBytes.count,               // dataInLength: Data to encrypt size
                            bufferBytesBaseAddress + ivSize,        // dataOut: encrypted Data buffer
                            bufferSize,                             // dataOutAvailable: encrypted Data buffer size
                            &numberBytesEncrypted                   // dataOutMoved: the number of bytes written

                        guard cryptStatus == CCCryptorStatus(kCCSuccess) else {
                            throw Error.encryptionFailed

        } catch {
            throw Error.encryptionFailed

        let encryptedData: Data = buffer[..<(numberBytesEncrypted + ivSize)]
        return encryptedData

    func decrypt(_ data: Data) throws -> String {

        let bufferSize: Int = data.count - ivSize
        var buffer = Data(count: bufferSize)

        var numberBytesDecrypted: Int = 0

        do {
            try key.withUnsafeBytes { keyBytes in
                try data.withUnsafeBytes { dataToDecryptBytes in
                    try buffer.withUnsafeMutableBytes { bufferBytes in

                        guard let keyBytesBaseAddress = keyBytes.baseAddress,
                            let dataToDecryptBytesBaseAddress = dataToDecryptBytes.baseAddress,
                            let bufferBytesBaseAddress = bufferBytes.baseAddress else {
                                throw Error.encryptionFailed

                        let cryptStatus: CCCryptorStatus = CCCrypt( // Stateless, one-shot encrypt operation
                            CCOperation(kCCDecrypt),                // op: CCOperation
                            CCAlgorithm(kCCAlgorithmAES128),        // alg: CCAlgorithm
                            options,                                // options: CCOptions
                            keyBytesBaseAddress,                    // key: the "password"
                            key.count,                              // keyLength: the "password" size
                            dataToDecryptBytesBaseAddress,          // iv: Initialization Vector
                            dataToDecryptBytesBaseAddress + ivSize, // dataIn: Data to decrypt bytes
                            bufferSize,                             // dataInLength: Data to decrypt size
                            bufferBytesBaseAddress,                 // dataOut: decrypted Data buffer
                            bufferSize,                             // dataOutAvailable: decrypted Data buffer size
                            &numberBytesDecrypted                   // dataOutMoved: the number of bytes written

                        guard cryptStatus == CCCryptorStatus(kCCSuccess) else {
                            throw Error.decryptionFailed
        } catch {
            throw Error.encryptionFailed

        let decryptedData: Data = buffer[..<numberBytesDecrypted]

        guard let decryptedString = String(data: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8) else {
            throw Error.dataToStringFailed

        return decryptedString

do {
    let aes = try AES(keyString: "FiugQTgPNwCWUY,VhfmM4cKXTLVFvHFe")

    let stringToEncrypt: String = "please encrypt meeee"
    print("String to encrypt:\t\t\t\(stringToEncrypt)")

    let encryptedData: Data = try aes.encrypt(stringToEncrypt)
    print("String encrypted (base64):\t\(encryptedData.base64EncodedString())")

    let decryptedData: String = try aes.decrypt(encryptedData)
    print("String decrypted:\t\t\t\(decryptedData)")

} catch {
    print("Something went wrong: \(error)")



I also created a Swift Package based on it: ✌🏻

Upvotes: 10

Ayush Bansal
Ayush Bansal

Reputation: 103

I have used CryptoSwift.

First I have install cryptoSwift in the pod file. Then in my view controller I have import CryptoSwift.

Here is the code that I have used:

let value = "xyzzy".  // This is the value that we want to encrypt
let key = "abc".      // This is the key 

let EncryptedValue = try! value.aesEncrypt(key: key)
let DecryptedValue = try! EncryptedValue.aesDecrypt(key: key)

Then, using String extension:

extension String {

    func aesEncrypt(key: String) throws -> String {

        var result = ""

        do {

            let key: [UInt8] = Array(key.utf8) as [UInt8]
            let aes = try! AES(key: key, blockMode: .ECB, padding: .pkcs5) // AES128 .ECB pkcs7
            let encrypted = try aes.encrypt(Array(self.utf8))

            result = encrypted.toBase64()!

            print("AES Encryption Result: \(result)")

        } catch {

            print("Error: \(error)")

        return result

    func aesDecrypt(key: String) throws -> String {

        var result = ""

        do {

            let encrypted = self
            let key: [UInt8] = Array(key.utf8) as [UInt8]
            let aes = try! AES(key: key, blockMode: .ECB, padding: .pkcs5) // AES128 .ECB pkcs7
            let decrypted = try aes.decrypt(Array(base64: encrypted))

            result = String(data: Data(decrypted), encoding: .utf8) ?? ""

            print("AES Decryption Result: \(result)")

        } catch {

            print("Error: \(error)")

        return result

In this I have not used iv and encrypted.toBase64() to encrypt like result = encrypted.toBase64()! in place of result = encrypted.toStringHex()! in encryption

and similar in decryption let decrypted = try aes.decrypt(Array(base64: encrypted)) in place of let decrypted = try aes.decrypt(Array(Hex: encrypted))

Upvotes: 4

Khemmachart Chutapetch
Khemmachart Chutapetch

Reputation: 381

For anyone who cannot transform array of bytes to a String

String(data: Data(decrypted), encoding: .utf8)

This is my example string extension

extension String {

    func decryptAES(key: String, iv: String) -> String {
        do {
            let encrypted = self
            let key = Array(key.utf8)
            let iv = Array(iv.utf8)
            let aes = try AES(key: key, blockMode: CTR(iv: iv), padding: .noPadding)
            let decrypted = try aes.decrypt(Array(hex: encrypted))
            return String(data: Data(decrypted), encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
        } catch {
            return "Error: \(error)"

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 112865

Be sure to use the same parameters which seem to be AES with CBC mode with iv, PKCS5Padding (actually PKCS#7) padding and a 16-byte (128-bit) key.

PKCS#5 padding and PKCS#7 padding are essentially the same, sometimes for historic reasons PKCS#5 padding is specified for use with AES but the actual padding is PKCS#7.

Make sure the encodings of the key, iv and encrypted data all match. Hex dump them on both platforms to ensure they are identical. Encryption functions are not difficult to use, if all the input parameters are correct the output will be correct.

To make this more secure the iv should be random bytes and prepended to the encrypted data for use during decryption.

The Cross platform AES encryption uses a 256-bit key so will not work as-is.


Swift 2

// operation: kCCEncrypt or kCCDecrypt
func testCrypt(data data:[UInt8], keyData:[UInt8], ivData:[UInt8], operation:Int) -> [UInt8]? {
    let cryptLength  = size_t(data.count+kCCBlockSizeAES128)
    var cryptData    = [UInt8](count:cryptLength, repeatedValue:0)

    let keyLength             = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
    let algoritm: CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES128)
    let options:  CCOptions   = UInt32(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

    let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(CCOperation(operation),
                              keyData, keyLength,
                              data, data.count,
                              &cryptData, cryptLength,

    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {

    } else {
        print("Error: \(cryptStatus)")

    return cryptData;

let message       = "Don´t try to read this text. Top Secret Stuff"
let messageData   = Array(message.utf8)
let keyData       = Array("12345678901234567890123456789012".utf8)
let ivData        = Array("abcdefghijklmnop".utf8)
let encryptedData = testCrypt(data:messageData,   keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCEncrypt)!
let decryptedData = testCrypt(data:encryptedData, keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCDecrypt)!
var decrypted     = String(bytes:decryptedData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)!

print("message:       \(message)");
print("messageData:   \(NSData(bytes:messageData,   length:messageData.count))");
print("keyData:       \(NSData(bytes:keyData,       length:keyData.count))");
print("ivData:        \(NSData(bytes:ivData,        length:ivData.count))");
print("encryptedData: \(NSData(bytes:encryptedData, length:encryptedData.count))");
print("decryptedData: \(NSData(bytes:decryptedData, length:decryptedData.count))");
print("decrypted:     \(String(bytes:decryptedData,encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)");


message:       Don´t try to read this text. Top Secret Stuff  
messageData:   446f6ec2 b4742074 72792074 6f207265 61642074 68697320 74657874 2e20546f 70205365 63726574 20537475 6666  
keyData:       31323334 35363738 39303132 33343536 37383930 31323334 35363738 39303132  
ivData:        61626364 65666768 696a6b6c 6d6e6f70  
encryptedData: b1b6dc17 62eaf3f8 baa1cb87 21ddc35c dee803ed fb320020 85794848 21206943 a85feb5b c8ee58fc d6fb664b 96b81114  
decryptedData: 446f6ec2 b4742074 72792074 6f207265 61642074 68697320 74657874 2e20546f 70205365 63726574 20537475 6666  
decrypted:     Don´t try to read this text. Top Secret Stuff  

Swift 3 with [UInt8] type

func testCrypt(data:[UInt8], keyData:[UInt8], ivData:[UInt8], operation:Int) -> [UInt8]? {
    let cryptLength  = size_t(data.count+kCCBlockSizeAES128)
    var cryptData    = [UInt8](repeating:0, count:cryptLength)

    let keyLength             = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
    let algoritm: CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES128)
    let options:  CCOptions   = UInt32(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

    let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(CCOperation(operation),
                              keyData, keyLength,
                              data, data.count,
                              &cryptData, cryptLength,

    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {

    } else {
        print("Error: \(cryptStatus)")

    return cryptData;

Swift 3 & 4 with Data type

func testCrypt(data:Data, keyData:Data, ivData:Data, operation:Int) -> Data {
    let cryptLength  = size_t(data.count + kCCBlockSizeAES128)
    var cryptData = Data(count:cryptLength)

    let keyLength             = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
    let options   = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

    let cryptStatus = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes {cryptBytes in
        data.withUnsafeBytes {dataBytes in
            ivData.withUnsafeBytes {ivBytes in
                keyData.withUnsafeBytes {keyBytes in
                              keyBytes, keyLength,
                              dataBytes, data.count,
                              cryptBytes, cryptLength,

    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {

    } else {
        print("Error: \(cryptStatus)")

    return cryptData;

let message     = "Don´t try to read this text. Top Secret Stuff"
let messageData =!
let keyData     = "12345678901234567890123456789012".data(using:String.Encoding.utf8)!
let ivData      = "abcdefghijklmnop".data(using:String.Encoding.utf8)!

let encryptedData = testCrypt(data:messageData,   keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCEncrypt)
let decryptedData = testCrypt(data:encryptedData, keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCDecrypt)
var decrypted     = String(bytes:decryptedData, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8)!

Example from sunsetted documentation section:

AES encryption in CBC mode with a random IV (Swift 3+)

The iv is prefixed to the encrypted data

aesCBC128Encrypt will create a random IV and prefixed to the encrypted code.
aesCBC128Decrypt will use the prefixed IV during decryption.

Inputs are the data and key are Data objects. If an encoded form such as Base64 if required convert to and/or from in the calling method.

The key should be exactly 128-bits (16-bytes), 192-bits (24-bytes) or 256-bits (32-bytes) in length. If another key size is used an error will be thrown.

PKCS#7 padding is set by default.

This example requires Common Crypto
It is necessary to have a bridging header to the project:
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>
Add the Security.framework to the project.

This is example, not production code.

enum AESError: Error {
    case KeyError((String, Int))
    case IVError((String, Int))
    case CryptorError((String, Int))

// The iv is prefixed to the encrypted data
func aesCBCEncrypt(data:Data, keyData:Data) throws -> Data {
    let keyLength = keyData.count
    let validKeyLengths = [kCCKeySizeAES128, kCCKeySizeAES192, kCCKeySizeAES256]
    if (validKeyLengths.contains(keyLength) == false) {
        throw AESError.KeyError(("Invalid key length", keyLength))

    let ivSize = kCCBlockSizeAES128;
    let cryptLength = size_t(ivSize + data.count + kCCBlockSizeAES128)
    var cryptData = Data(count:cryptLength)

    let status = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes {ivBytes in
        SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, kCCBlockSizeAES128, ivBytes)
    if (status != 0) {
        throw AESError.IVError(("IV generation failed", Int(status)))

    var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0
    let options   = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    let cryptStatus = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes {cryptBytes in
        data.withUnsafeBytes {dataBytes in
            keyData.withUnsafeBytes {keyBytes in
                        keyBytes, keyLength,
                        dataBytes, data.count,
                        cryptBytes+kCCBlockSizeAES128, cryptLength,

    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
        cryptData.count = numBytesEncrypted + ivSize
    else {
        throw AESError.CryptorError(("Encryption failed", Int(cryptStatus)))

    return cryptData;

// The iv is prefixed to the encrypted data
func aesCBCDecrypt(data:Data, keyData:Data) throws -> Data? {
    let keyLength = keyData.count
    let validKeyLengths = [kCCKeySizeAES128, kCCKeySizeAES192, kCCKeySizeAES256]
    if (validKeyLengths.contains(keyLength) == false) {
        throw AESError.KeyError(("Invalid key length", keyLength))

    let ivSize = kCCBlockSizeAES128;
    let clearLength = size_t(data.count - ivSize)
    var clearData = Data(count:clearLength)

    var numBytesDecrypted :size_t = 0
    let options   = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

    let cryptStatus = clearData.withUnsafeMutableBytes {cryptBytes in
        data.withUnsafeBytes {dataBytes in
            keyData.withUnsafeBytes {keyBytes in
                        keyBytes, keyLength,
                        dataBytes+kCCBlockSizeAES128, clearLength,
                        cryptBytes, clearLength,

    if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
        clearData.count = numBytesDecrypted
    else {
        throw AESError.CryptorError(("Decryption failed", Int(cryptStatus)))

    return clearData;

Example usage:

let clearData = "clearData0123456".data(using:String.Encoding.utf8)!
let keyData   = "keyData890123456".data(using:String.Encoding.utf8)!
print("clearData:   \(clearData as NSData)")
print("keyData:     \(keyData as NSData)")

var cryptData :Data?
do {
    cryptData = try aesCBCEncrypt(data:clearData, keyData:keyData)
    print("cryptData:   \(cryptData! as NSData)")
catch (let status) {
    print("Error aesCBCEncrypt: \(status)")

let decryptData :Data?
do {
    let decryptData = try aesCBCDecrypt(data:cryptData!, keyData:keyData)
    print("decryptData: \(decryptData! as NSData)")
catch (let status) {
    print("Error aesCBCDecrypt: \(status)")

Example Output:

clearData:   <636c6561 72446174 61303132 33343536>
keyData:     <6b657944 61746138 39303132 33343536>
cryptData:   <92c57393 f454d959 5a4d158f 6e1cd3e7 77986ee9 b2970f49 2bafcf1a 8ee9d51a bde49c31 d7780256 71837a61 60fa4be0>
decryptData: <636c6561 72446174 61303132 33343536>

One typical problem with CBC mode example code is that it leaves the creation and sharing of the random IV to the user. This example includes generation of the IV, prefixed the encrypted data and uses the prefixed IV during decryption. This frees the casual user from the details that are necessary for CBC mode.

For security the encrypted data also should have authentication, this example code does not provide that in order to be small and allow better interoperability for other platforms.

Also missing is key derivation of the key from a password, it is suggested that PBKDF2 be used is text passwords are used as keying material.

For robust production ready multi-platform encryption code see RNCryptor.

Upvotes: 59

Alex Andrews
Alex Andrews

Reputation: 1498

Found a nice library named RNCryptor implemented in swift language for AES encryption/ decryption.

Installation can be done with Cocoapods or Carthage. Here is the sample code for encryption and decryption.

// Encryption
let data = "sample data string".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
let password = "Secret password"
let encryptedData = RNCryptor.encrypt(data: data, withPassword: password)

// Decryption
do {
    let originalData = try RNCryptor.decrypt(data: encryptedData, withPassword: password)
    // ...
} catch {

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 11666

my two cents:

swift 4 / xcode 9 extension for Data:

extension Data{

    func aesEncrypt( keyData: Data, ivData: Data, operation: Int) -> Data {
        let dataLength = self.count
        let cryptLength  = size_t(dataLength + kCCBlockSizeAES128)
        var cryptData = Data(count:cryptLength)

        let keyLength = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
        let options = CCOptions(kCCOptionPKCS7Padding)

        var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

        let cryptStatus = cryptData.withUnsafeMutableBytes {cryptBytes in
            self.withUnsafeBytes {dataBytes in
                ivData.withUnsafeBytes {ivBytes in
                    keyData.withUnsafeBytes {keyBytes in
                                keyBytes, keyLength,
                                dataBytes, dataLength,
                                cryptBytes, cryptLength,

        if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {

        } else {
            print("Error: \(cryptStatus)")

        return cryptData;


    func testAES() -> Bool {

        let message     = "secret message"
        let key         = "key890123456"
        let ivString     = "abcdefghijklmnop"   // 16 bytes for AES128

        let messageData =!
        let keyData     = .utf8)!
        let ivData      = .utf8)!

        let encryptedData = messageData.aesEncrypt( keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCEncrypt)
        let decryptedData = encryptedData.aesEncrypt( keyData:keyData, ivData:ivData, operation:kCCDecrypt)
        let decrypted     = String(bytes:decryptedData, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8)!

        return message == decrypted


Upvotes: 7

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