

Stuck on Speck Decryption algorithm in C

I want to use the Speck block cipher for crypto on my platform. Some of the code in C is available on but they do not provide decryption.

At the moment, I adapted the code for an implementation of Speck 64/128 (64bit block and 128bit key) and get a (supposedly) successful encryption, now I'd like to decrypt it again. The key is hardcoded, this is simply for benchmarking.

#include <stdint.h>

#define ROR(x, r) ((x >> r) | (x << (32 - r)))
#define ROL(x, r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
#define R(x, y, k) (x = ROR(x, 8), x += y, x ^= k, y = ROL(y, 3), y ^= x)
#define ROUNDS 27

void speckEncrypt(uint32_t pt[2], uint32_t ct[2], uint32_t K[2]) {
   uint32_t y = pt[0], x = pt[1], b = K[0], a = K[1];

   R(x, y, b);
   for (int i = 0; i < ROUNDS - 1; i++) {
      R(a, b, i);
      R(x, y, b);

   ct[0] = y;
   ct[1] = x;

void speckDecrypt(uint32_t pt[2], uint32_t ct[2], uint32_t K[2]) {

static void speck(uint32_t pt[2]){

    uint32_t ct[2];

    uint32_t K[4] = {123456789,123456789,123456789,123456789};

    printf("Plaintext x: %lu", pt[0]);
    printf(", Plaintext y: %lu \n", pt[1]);

    printf("Get key schedule \n");

    speckEncrypt(pt, ct, K);

    printf("Encrypted  encr_x: %lu ",ct[0]);
    printf(", Encrypted  encr_y: %lu \n", ct[1]);

//  speckDecrypt(pt, ct, K);

//  printf("Decrypted x: %lu", pt[0]);
//  printf(", Decrypted y: %lu \n", pt[1]);

I'm not succeeding in implementing speckDecrypt. I've tried looking around for other solutions but consistently fail (e.g., I'm inexperienced with crypto so could anybody help me out?


I've also done the same for a Java implementation, which uses Key Extensions. Could that also be added to this one? The java version works, as far as I can determine.

public void speck(int subm_x,int subm_y){
    byte n = 32;   // Word size
    byte m = 4;   // # of key words
    byte T = 27;   // Number of rounds
    int[] l;  // Used in the key generation
    int[] k;  // Stores subkeys
    int x;   // Encrypted x
    int y;   // Encrypted y
    byte alpha = 8; // Number of shifts, function of n
    byte beta = 3; // Number of shifts, function of n

    k = new int[T];
    l = new int[2*T];

    k[0] = 123456789; //faux random number. Max Int is 2,147,483,647
    k[1] = 123456789; //faux random number. Max Int is 2,147,483,647
    k[2] = 123456789; //faux random number. Max Int is 2,147,483,647
    k[3] = 123456789; //faux random number. Max Int is 2,147,483,647

    l[m-4] = 1123456789;
    l[m-3] = 1113456789;
    l[m-2] = 1111456789;

    x = subm_x;
    y = subm_y;

    /* *************** KEY EXTENSTION ***************** */
    for(int i = 0; i < T-1; i++) {
        l[i+m-1] = (k[i] + rotateRight(l[i], alpha)) ^ i;
        k[i+1] = rotateLeft(k[i], beta) ^ l[i+m-1]; 
    /* *************** ENCRYPTION ********************* */
    for(int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
        x = (rotateRight(x, alpha) + y) ^ k[i];
        y = rotateLeft(y, beta) ^ x;

    /* *************** DECRYPTION ********************* */         
    for(int i = T-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        y = rotateRight(x ^ y, beta);
        x = rotateLeft((x ^ k[i]) - y, alpha);

The purpose is benchmarking them against each other.

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Answers (1)



I've found a solid implementation on and am using the not-combined version (not sure about the differences).

This works and hopefully can help others!

On request, my implementation (as a Contiki process):

#include <stdint.h>
#define SPECK_TYPE uint32_t
#define SPECK_ROUNDS 27
#define SPECK_KEY_LEN 4

#define ROR(x, r) ((x >> r) | (x << ((sizeof(SPECK_TYPE) * 8) - r)))
#define ROL(x, r) ((x << r) | (x >> ((sizeof(SPECK_TYPE) * 8) - r)))

#ifdef SPECK_32_64
#define R(x, y, k) (x = ROR(x, 7), x += y, x ^= k, y = ROL(y, 2), y ^= x)
#define RR(x, y, k) (y ^= x, y = ROR(y, 2), x ^= k, x -= y, x = ROL(x, 7))
#define R(x, y, k) (x = ROR(x, 8), x += y, x ^= k, y = ROL(y, 3), y ^= x)
#define RR(x, y, k) (y ^= x, y = ROR(y, 3), x ^= k, x -= y, x = ROL(x, 8))

void speck_expand(SPECK_TYPE const K[static SPECK_KEY_LEN], SPECK_TYPE S[static SPECK_ROUNDS])
    SPECK_TYPE i, b = K[0];

    for (i = 0; i < (SPECK_KEY_LEN - 1); i++)
        a[i] = K[i + 1];
    S[0] = b;
    for (i = 0; i < SPECK_ROUNDS - 1; i++) {
        R(a[i % (SPECK_KEY_LEN - 1)], b, i);
        S[i + 1] = b;

void speck_encrypt(SPECK_TYPE const pt[static 2], SPECK_TYPE ct[static 2], SPECK_TYPE const K[static SPECK_ROUNDS])
    ct[0]=pt[0]; ct[1]=pt[1];

    for(i = 0; i < SPECK_ROUNDS; i++){
        R(ct[1], ct[0], K[i]);

void speck_decrypt(SPECK_TYPE const ct[static 2], SPECK_TYPE pt[static 2], SPECK_TYPE const K[static SPECK_ROUNDS])
    pt[0]=ct[0]; pt[1]=ct[1];

    for(i = 0; i < SPECK_ROUNDS; i++){
        RR(pt[1], pt[0], K[(SPECK_ROUNDS - 1) - i]);

PROCESS_THREAD(eval_crypto_process, ev, data)


        static struct etimer timer;
        etimer_set(&timer, 5*CLOCK_CONF_SECOND);
        printf("Starting crypto.\n");

        PORTB ^= _BV(PB5);
        PORTB ^= _BV(PB6);

        uint32_t plain[2] = {987654321,987654321};
        uint32_t key[4] = {123456789, 123456789, 123456789, 123456789};

        SPECK_TYPE buffer[2] = {0};
        SPECK_TYPE enc[2] = {0};


        speck_expand(key, exp);

//      printf("Plaintext x: %lu", plain[0]);
//      printf(", Plaintext y: %lu \n", plain[1]);

        speck_encrypt(plain, enc, exp);

//      printf("Encrypted  encr_x: %lu ",enc[0]);
//      printf(", Encrypted  encr_y: %lu \n", enc[1]);

        speck_decrypt(enc, buffer, exp);

//      printf("Decrypted x: %lu", buffer[0]);
//      printf(", Decrypted y: %lu \n", buffer[1]);

        PORTB ^= _BV(PB5);
        PORTB ^= _BV(PB6);

        printf("finished crypto.\n");


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