Reputation: 83
In a graph with two y axis, one for a line plot (left) and one for a bar-chart (right), I would like that the bar-chart get under the line chart for a better visibility instead of uper it.
As you can see on this picture (I hope you can see it), the bar chart shows the evolution of the precipitation and the different line the evolution of the chlorophyll index, my problem is that the bar-chart overlay the lines and I want the line to be uper.
This is my script:
yyaxis right
bar (meteo(:,1),meteo(:,14));
ylabel('Precipitation (mm)');
hold on
for i=1:6;
a = [];
b = [];
color = ['r' 'm' 'b' 'c' 'g' 'y'];
for j=0:6
hold on
yyaxis left
title('Evolution of the mean of the chlorophyll index (HNT) - Charlotte variety');
xlabel('Day (2013)')
ylabel('Chlorophyll index (HNT)')
axis([735390 735442 32 50]);
set(gcf,'Position',[645 206 701 477]);
datetick('x','dd mmm','keepticks')
v = get(h,'title');
set(v,'string','Nitrogen rate in kg/ha');
set(h,'Position', [0.1793 0.1494 0.1127 0.2446]);
hold on
plot([735422 735422],[32 49],'Color',[.3 .3 .3]);
hold off
Until now I only got half of the result. I want to put the bar-chart on the left axis (y-axis left) and the line plot on the right axis. I want to keep the Chlorophyll index on the left.
Thank you for your help
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4077
Reputation: 4045
Wrapping @Kouichi C. Nakamura's excellent answer up in a convenient function that applies this to all lines of an axis, gets:
function ax = setZData(ax,val)
ax = arrayfun(@(x)setZData_ax(x,val),ax);
function ax = setZData_ax(ax,val)
ax.ZData = val*ones(size(ax.XData));
Or a complete wrapper
function varargout = plotLeftOverRitht(LR,varargin)
% wrapper to plot the left axis of dual-axis plot over the right axis
%% process input
% input string
if strcmpi(LR,'left')
LR = 'left';
val = 1;
elseif strcmpi(LR,'right')
LR = 'right';
val = 0;
error('plotLeftOverRitht:Input:LR',"The first input must be either 'left' or 'right'.")
% input: axis handle?
if isa(varargin{1},'')
ax = varargin{1};
varargin = varargin(2:end);
ax = gca;
%% main function
% activate left axis
yyaxis( ax, LR);
% call plot
lines = plot( ax, varargin{:});
% set height
% set sorting order
set(ax, 'SortMethod', 'depth')
%% output
if nargout > 0
varargout = ax;
This changes example above to be
days = 0:5:35;
conc = [515 420 370 250 135 120 60 20];
plotLeftOverRitht('left', days,conc, 'LineWidth',4)
plotLeftOverRitht('right', days,fliplr(conc), 'LineWidth',4)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1108
This was very helpful. Just to provide more examples, in case of two line plots, you'll need to explicitly specify ZData
property to control the stack order.
days = 0:5:35;
conc = [515 420 370 250 135 120 60 20];
yyaxis left
p1 = plot(days, conc, 'LineWidth', 4);
yyaxis right
p2 = plot(days, fliplr(conc), 'LineWidth', 4);
% orange is on top
set(gca, 'SortMethod', 'depth')
% orange is still on top
p1.ZData = ones(size(p1.XData));
p2.ZData = zeros(size(p2.XData));
% blue is on top
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 65460
This is actually a really great question because there is really no clearly documented way of doing this and in all examples, whatever is on the right axes is displayed on top. Even in this example on their own website, notice how careful they are to plot the bar
on the left axes.
So as a preface, yyaxis
does not create a separate axes (as yyplot
used to), but rather just applies an additional NumericRuler
to the same axes. If it were simply different axes
we could use uistack
to re-order the axes in any way we want, but because they are the same axes
, we need to look a little closer at the axes
properties which control the z-ordering of the contents.
When we look at these properties, yyaxis
automatically changes the SortMethod
of the axes to children
from it's default value of depth
. This makes any object which appears in the left axes to be below anything added to the right axes. So all we need to do to fix this, is to change the SortMethod
back to the default value (depth
) and then the ordering will be dependent upon z position like it normally would within an axes
So as a demonstration, let's create some data
days = 0:5:35;
conc = [515 420 370 250 135 120 60 20];
temp = [29 23 27 25 20 23 23 17];
Create the plots just like you did (a line and a bar with the bar on the right)
yyaxis right
b = bar(days, temp, 'FaceColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8]);
yyaxis left
p = plot(days, conc, 'LineWidth', 2);
And now if we change the SortMethod
it brings the line object on top.
set(gca, 'SortMethod', 'depth')
Upvotes: 8