In table every row assosiated with checkbox and have option to check all row. I want to get selected rows id of table in array.
Here is plunker code.
<table id="datatable-buttons" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="selectRowId" ng-click="selectedAll()">
<tbody ng-init="get_product()">
<!--step 6-->
<tr ng-repeat="product in filtered = (pagedItems| filter:search | orderBy : predicate :reverse) | startFrom:currentPage * entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit | findobj:multipleVlaue | searchFor:searchString"> <!-- searchFor:searchString -->
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="selctedIds[]" ng-checked="product.deleted">
$scope.selectedAll = function () {
$scope.pagedItems.forEach(function (product) {
if ($scope.selectRowId) {
product.deleted = true;
} else {
product.deleted = false;
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Views: 3716
Reputation: 21
This filter is cleaner:
.filter( function (item) {
return item.$selected;
}).map(function (item) { return });
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Reputation: 6813
If you want something scalable that accommodates things like complex filtering, pagination, etc. then I suggest you write an angular property to each object. So for the checkbox we'd want to toggle this boolean value like so:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.$selected"/>
For your toggle all/none, you'll need to tap a controller function:
$scope.toggleAll = function(bSelect){
itemArray.forEach( function(item){ item.$selected = bSelect; })
The reason I suggest prepending your selected value with a $ like $selected
is that any HTTP calls you make with the objects, Angular will strip any $property
before converting to JSON, just in case your backend has issue.
I'd recommend using a filter to pull the IDs:
<div>{{ itemArray | getSelIds }}</div>
and the filter
.filter( 'geSeltIds', function(){
return function(items){
//if you happen to use lodash
return _.chain(items).filter({$selected:true}).map('id').value()
ids = []
return ids
Upvotes: 3