Reputation: 4951
Is there anything something like "", to retrieve all the sprints in a JIRA Software project.
The JIRA platform API can retrieve projects info and the JIRA Software API can retrieve sprints for a given board. But I need sprints for any given project (combination) or at least boards for a given software project so that I can retrieve sprints in those boards later.
Upvotes: 20
Views: 23037
Reputation: 4951
Let's make some assumptions before writing code:
I am using Jersey client here to retrieve data from JIRA.
private Client jerseyClient = Client.create();
jerseyClient.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter("username", "password"));
private Gson gson = new Gson();
Helper methods
* This method will a GET request to the URL supplied
* @param url to request
* @return String response from the GET request
public String makeGetRequest(String url){
ClientResponse response = jerseyClient.resource(url).accept("application/json").get(ClientResponse.class);
return response.getEntity(String.class);
* This method helps in extracting an array from a JSON string
* @param response from which Array need to be extracted
* @param arrayName
* @return JsonArray extracted Array
public JsonArray extractArrayFromResponse(String response, String arrayName){
JsonObject jsonObject = gson.fromJson(response, JsonObject.class);
return jsonObject.get(arrayName).getAsJsonArray();
Code for retrieving sprints
* This method will retrieve list of sprints in a given project
* @param project for which we are requesting sprints
* @return List of sprints
public List<Sprint> getSprints(String project) {
List<Sprint> sprintList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
//get board URL for the given
String boardUrl = "" + URLEncoder.encode(project, "UTF-8"); //assumption 1
String boardResponse = makeGetRequest(boardUrl);
JsonArray boards = extractArrayFromResponse(boardResponse, "values");
if(boards.size() > 0){
JsonObject board = boards.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); //assumption 2
//get all sprints for above obtained board
String sprintUrl = jsonHandler.extractString(board, "self")+"/sprint";
String sprintsResponse = makeGetRequest(sprintUrl);
JsonArray sprints = extractArrayFromResponse(sprintsResponse, "values");
//loop through all sprints
for (int i = 0; i < sprints.size(); i++) {
JsonElement sprint = sprints.get(i);
JsonObject sprintObj = sprint.getAsJsonObject();
String sprintName = sprintObj.get("name").getAsString();
Sprint sprint = new Sprint(sprintName);
}//end of for loop
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return sprintList;
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 376
You can do it but with two resources:
Use the query parameters projectKeyOrId and type to filter them.
Iterate all the elements and use the url below with the id of each board to get its sprints:{boardId}/sprint-getAllSprints
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 7539
Does this return any results for you?
If so, find the id of the view that contains this project, then try this url:{view-id}?includeHistoricSprints=true&includeFutureSprints=true
Upvotes: 6