
Reputation: 33

How can I drop observations within a group following the occurrence of NA?

I am trying to clean my data. One of the criteria is that I need an uninterrupted sequence of a variable "assets", but I have some NAs. However, I cannot simply delete the NA observations, but need to delete all subsequent observations following the NA event.

Here an example:


#    productreference Year assets
# 1                 1 2000      2
# 2                 1 2001      3
# 3                 1 2002     NA
# 4                 1 2003      2
# 5                 2 1999     34
# 6                 2 2000     NA
# 7                 2 2001     45
# 8                 3 2005      1
# 9                 3 2006     23
# 10                3 2007     34
# 11                3 2008     56
# 12                4 1998     56
# 13                4 1999     67
# 14                4 2000     23
# 15                5 2000     23
# 16                5 2001     NA
# 17                5 2002     14
# 18                5 2003     NA

I have already seen that there is a way to carry out functions by group using plyr and I have also been able to create a column with 0-1, where 0 indicates that assets has a valid entry and 1 highlights missing values of NA.

mydf[c("missing")][is.na(mydf[c("missing")])] <- 1

I have a very large data set so cannot manually delete the rows and would greatly appreciate your help!

Upvotes: 3

Views: 358

Answers (4)


Reputation: 5000

You can do it using base R and a for loop. This code is a bit longer than some of the code in the other answers. In the loop we subset mydf by productreference and for every subset we look for the first occurrence of assets==NA, and exclude that row and all following rows.

mydf2 <- NULL
for (i in 1:max(mydf$productreference)){
  s1 <- mydf[mydf$productreference==i,]
  s2 <- s1[1:ifelse(all(!is.na(s1$assets)), NROW(s1), min(which(is.na(s1$assets)==T))-1),]
  mydf2 <- rbind(mydf2, s2)
  mydf2 <- mydf2[!is.na(mydf2$assets),]

Upvotes: 1

Mike H.
Mike H.

Reputation: 14370

Here is the same approach using data.table:

dt <- as.data.table(mydf)

dt[,nas:= cumsum(is.na(assets)),by="productreference"][nas==0]

#    productreference Year assets nas
# 1:                1 2000      2   0
# 2:                1 2001      3   0
# 3:                2 1999     34   0
# 4:                3 2005      1   0
# 5:                3 2006     23   0
# 6:                3 2007     34   0
# 7:                3 2008     56   0
# 8:                4 1998     56   0
# 9:                4 1999     67   0
#10:                4 2000     23   0
#11:                5 2000     23   0

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 887951

Here is a base R option

mydf[unsplit(lapply(split(mydf, mydf$productreference),
     function(x) cumsum(is.na(x$assets))==0), mydf$productreference),]    
#   productreference Year assets
#1                 1 2000      2
#2                 1 2001      3
#5                 2 1999     34
#8                 3 2005      1
#9                 3 2006     23
#10                3 2007     34
#11                3 2008     56
#12                4 1998     56
#13                4 1999     67
#14                4 2000     23
#15                5 2000     23

Or an option with data.table

setDT(mydf)[, if(any(is.na(assets))) .SD[seq(which(is.na(assets))[1]-1)] 
                    else .SD, by = productreference]

Upvotes: 2

Gregor Thomas
Gregor Thomas

Reputation: 146224

I believe this is what you want:

group_by(mydf, productreference) %>%
    filter(cumsum(is.na(assets)) == 0)
# Source: local data frame [11 x 3]
# Groups: productreference [5]
#    productreference  Year assets
#               (dbl) (dbl)  (dbl)
# 1                 1  2000      2
# 2                 1  2001      3
# 3                 2  1999     34
# 4                 3  2005      1
# 5                 3  2006     23
# 6                 3  2007     34
# 7                 3  2008     56
# 8                 4  1998     56
# 9                 4  1999     67
# 10                4  2000     23
# 11                5  2000     23

Upvotes: 5

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