Reputation: 35176
This Q&A is intended as a canonical(-ish) concerning two-dimensional (and multi-dimensional) interpolation using scipy. There are often questions concerning the basic syntax of various multidimensional interpolation methods, I hope to set these straight too.
I have a set of scattered two-dimensional data points, and I would like to plot them as a nice surface, preferably using something like contourf
or plot_surface
in matplotlib.pyplot
. How can I interpolate my two-dimensional or multidimensional data to a mesh using scipy?
I've found the scipy.interpolate
sub-package, but I keep getting errors when using interp2d
or bisplrep
or griddata
or RBFInterpolator
(or the older Rbf
). What is the proper syntax of these methods?
Upvotes: 129
Views: 57271
Reputation: 35176
Disclaimer: I'm mostly writing this post with syntactical considerations and general behaviour in mind. I'm not familiar with the memory and CPU aspect of the methods described, and I aim this answer at those who have reasonably small sets of data, such that the quality of the interpolation can be the main aspect to consider. I am aware that when working with very large data sets, the better-performing methods (namely griddata
and RBFInterpolator
without a neighbors
keyword argument) might not be feasible.
Note that this answer uses the new RBFInterpolator
class introduced in SciPy
1.7.0. For the legacy Rbf
class see the previous version of this answer.
I'm going to compare three kinds of multi-dimensional interpolation methods (interp2d
/splines, griddata
and RBFInterpolator
). I will subject them to two kinds of interpolation tasks and two kinds of underlying functions (points from which are to be interpolated). The specific examples will demonstrate two-dimensional interpolation, but the viable methods are applicable in arbitrary dimensions. Each method provides various kinds of interpolation; in all cases I will use cubic interpolation (or something close1). It's important to note that whenever you use interpolation you introduce bias compared to your raw data, and the specific methods used affect the artifacts that you will end up with. Always be aware of this, and interpolate responsibly.
The two interpolation tasks will be
The two functions (over the domain [x, y] in [-1, 1]x[-1, 1]
) will be
; range in [-1, 1]
x*y / (x^2 + y^2)
with a value of 0.5 near the origin; range in [-0.5, 0.5]
Here's how they look:
I will first demonstrate how the three methods behave under these four tests, then I'll detail the syntax of all three. If you know what you should expect from a method, you might not want to waste your time learning its syntax (looking at you, interp2d
For the sake of explicitness, here is the code with which I generated the input data. While in this specific case I'm obviously aware of the function underlying the data, I will only use this to generate input for the interpolation methods. I use numpy for convenience (and mostly for generating the data), but scipy alone would suffice too.
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
# auxiliary function for mesh generation
def gimme_mesh(n):
minval = -1
maxval = 1
# produce an asymmetric shape in order to catch issues with transpositions
return np.meshgrid(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n),
np.linspace(minval, maxval, n + 1))
# set up underlying test functions, vectorized
def fun_smooth(x, y):
return np.cos(np.pi*x) * np.sin(np.pi*y)
def fun_evil(x, y):
# watch out for singular origin; function has no unique limit there
return np.where(x**2 + y**2 > 1e-10, x*y/(x**2+y**2), 0.5)
# sparse input mesh, 6x7 in shape
N_sparse = 6
x_sparse, y_sparse = gimme_mesh(N_sparse)
z_sparse_smooth = fun_smooth(x_sparse, y_sparse)
z_sparse_evil = fun_evil(x_sparse, y_sparse)
# scattered input points, 10^2 altogether (shape (100,))
N_scattered = 10
rng = np.random.default_rng()
x_scattered, y_scattered = rng.random((2, N_scattered**2))*2 - 1
z_scattered_smooth = fun_smooth(x_scattered, y_scattered)
z_scattered_evil = fun_evil(x_scattered, y_scattered)
# dense output mesh, 20x21 in shape
N_dense = 20
x_dense, y_dense = gimme_mesh(N_dense)
Let's start with the easiest task. Here's how an upsampling from a mesh of shape [6, 7]
to one of [20, 21]
works out for the smooth test function:
Even though this is a simple task, there are already subtle differences between the outputs. At a first glance all three outputs are reasonable. There are two features to note, based on our prior knowledge of the underlying function: the middle case of griddata
distorts the data most. Note the y == -1
boundary of the plot (nearest the x
label): the function should be strictly zero (since y == -1
is a nodal line for the smooth function), yet this is not the case for griddata
. Also note the x == -1
boundary of the plots (behind, to the left): the underlying function has a local maximum (implying zero gradient near the boundary) at [-1, -0.5]
, yet the griddata
output shows clearly non-zero gradient in this region. The effect is subtle, but it's a bias none the less.
A bit harder task is to perform upsampling on our evil function:
Clear differences are starting to show among the three methods. Looking at the surface plots, there are clear spurious extrema appearing in the output from interp2d
(note the two humps on the right side of the plotted surface). While griddata
and RBFInterpolator
seem to produce similar results at first glance, producing local minima near [0.4, -0.4]
that is absent from the underlying function.
However, there is one crucial aspect in which RBFInterpolator
is far superior: it respects the symmetry of the underlying function (which is of course also made possible by the symmetry of the sample mesh). The output from griddata
breaks the symmetry of the sample points, which is already weakly visible in the smooth case.
Most often one wants to perform interpolation on scattered data. For this reason I expect these tests to be more important. As shown above, the sample points were chosen pseudo-uniformly in the domain of interest. In realistic scenarios you might have additional noise with each measurement, and you should consider whether it makes sense to interpolate your raw data to begin with.
Output for the smooth function:
Now there's already a bit of a horror show going on. I clipped the output from interp2d
to between [-1, 1]
exclusively for plotting, in order to preserve at least a minimal amount of information. It's clear that while some of the underlying shape is present, there are huge noisy regions where the method completely breaks down. The second case of griddata
reproduces the shape fairly nicely, but note the white regions at the border of the contour plot. This is due to the fact that griddata
only works inside the convex hull of the input data points (in other words, it doesn't perform any extrapolation). I kept the default NaN value for output points lying outside the convex hull.2 Considering these features, RBFInterpolator
seems to perform best.
And the moment we've all been waiting for:
It's no huge surprise that interp2d
gives up. In fact, during the call to interp2d
you should expect some friendly RuntimeWarning
s complaining about the impossibility of the spline to be constructed. As for the other two methods, RBFInterpolator
seems to produce the best output, even near the borders of the domain where the result is extrapolated.
So let me say a few words about the three methods, in decreasing order of preference (so that the worst is the least likely to be read by anybody).
The RBF in the name of the RBFInterpolator
class stands for "radial basis functions". To be honest I've never considered this approach until I started researching for this post, but I'm pretty sure I'll be using these in the future.
Just like the spline-based methods (see later), usage comes in two steps: first one creates a callable RBFInterpolator
class instance based on the input data, and then calls this object for a given output mesh to obtain the interpolated result. Example from the smooth upsampling test:
import scipy.interpolate as interp
sparse_points = np.stack([x_sparse.ravel(), y_sparse.ravel()], -1) # shape (N, 2) in 2d
dense_points = np.stack([x_dense.ravel(), y_dense.ravel()], -1) # shape (N, 2) in 2d
zfun_smooth_rbf = interp.RBFInterpolator(sparse_points, z_sparse_smooth.ravel(),
smoothing=0, kernel='cubic') # explicit default smoothing=0 for interpolation
z_dense_smooth_rbf = zfun_smooth_rbf(dense_points).reshape(x_dense.shape) # not really a function, but a callable class instance
zfun_evil_rbf = interp.RBFInterpolator(sparse_points, z_sparse_evil.ravel(),
smoothing=0, kernel='cubic') # explicit default smoothing=0 for interpolation
z_dense_evil_rbf = zfun_evil_rbf(dense_points).reshape(x_dense.shape) # not really a function, but a callable class instance
Note that we had to do some array building gymnastics to make the API of RBFInterpolator
happy. Since we have to pass the 2d points as arrays of shape (N, 2)
, we have to flatten the input grid and stack the two flattened arrays. The constructed interpolator also expects query points in this format, and the result will be a 1d array of shape (N,)
which we have to reshape back to match our 2d grid for plotting. Since RBFInterpolator
makes no assumptions about the number of dimensions of the input points, it supports arbitrary dimensions for interpolation.
So, scipy.interpolate.RBFInterpolator
: multiquadric
, inverse_multiquadric
, inverse_quadratic
, gaussian
, linear
, cubic
, quintic
, thin_plate_spline
(the default). As of SciPy 1.7.0 the class doesn't allow passing a custom callable due to technical reasons, but this is likely to be added in a future version.smoothing
parameterOne drawback of RBF interpolation is that interpolating N
data points involves inverting an N x N
matrix. This quadratic complexity very quickly blows up memory need for a large number of data points. However, the new RBFInterpolator
class also supports a neighbors
keyword parameter that restricts computation of each radial basis function to k
nearest neighbours, thereby reducing memory need.
My former favourite, griddata
, is a general workhorse for interpolation in arbitrary dimensions. It doesn't perform extrapolation beyond setting a single preset value for points outside the convex hull of the nodal points, but since extrapolation is a very fickle and dangerous thing, this is not necessarily a con. Usage example:
sparse_points = np.stack([x_sparse.ravel(), y_sparse.ravel()], -1) # shape (N, 2) in 2d
z_dense_smooth_griddata = interp.griddata(sparse_points, z_sparse_smooth.ravel(),
(x_dense, y_dense), method='cubic') # default method is linear
Note that the same array transformations were necessary for the input arrays as for RBFInterpolator
. The input points have to be specified in an array of shape [N, D]
in D
dimensions, or alternatively as a tuple of 1d arrays:
z_dense_smooth_griddata = interp.griddata((x_sparse.ravel(), y_sparse.ravel()),
z_sparse_smooth.ravel(), (x_dense, y_dense), method='cubic')
The output point arrays can be specified as a tuple of arrays of arbitrary dimensions (as in both above snippets), which gives us some more flexibility.
In a nutshell, scipy.interpolate.griddata
and LinearNDInterpolator
under the hood, respectively. 1d cubic interpolation uses a spline, 2d cubic interpolation uses CloughTocher2DInterpolator
to construct a continuously differentiable piecewise-cubic interpolator.scipy.interpolate.interp2d
The only reason I'm discussing interp2d
and its relatives is that it has a deceptive name, and people are likely to try using it. Spoiler alert: don't use it. interp2d
was deprecated in SciPy version 1.10, and will be removed in SciPy 1.12. See this mailing list discussion for details. It's also more special than the previous subjects in that it's specifically used for two-dimensional interpolation, but I suspect this is by far the most common case for multivariate interpolation.
As far as syntax goes, interp2d
is similar to RBFInterpolator
in that it first needs constructing an interpolation instance, which can be called to provide the actual interpolated values. There's a catch, however: the output points have to be located on a rectangular mesh, so inputs going into the call to the interpolator have to be 1d vectors which span the output grid, as if from numpy.meshgrid
# reminder: x_sparse and y_sparse are of shape [6, 7] from numpy.meshgrid
zfun_smooth_interp2d = interp.interp2d(x_sparse, y_sparse, z_sparse_smooth, kind='cubic') # default kind is 'linear'
# reminder: x_dense and y_dense are of shape (20, 21) from numpy.meshgrid
xvec = x_dense[0,:] # 1d array of unique x values, 20 elements
yvec = y_dense[:,0] # 1d array of unique y values, 21 elements
z_dense_smooth_interp2d = zfun_smooth_interp2d(xvec, yvec) # output is (20, 21)-shaped array
One of the most common mistakes when using interp2d
is putting your full 2d meshes into the interpolation call, which leads to explosive memory consumption, and hopefully to a hasty MemoryError
Now, the greatest problem with interp2d
is that it often doesn't work. In order to understand this, we have to look under the hood. It turns out that interp2d
is a wrapper for the lower-level functions bisplrep
+ bisplev
, which are in turn wrappers for FITPACK routines (written in Fortran). The equivalent call to the previous example would be
kind = 'cubic'
if kind == 'linear':
kx = ky = 1
elif kind == 'cubic':
kx = ky = 3
elif kind == 'quintic':
kx = ky = 5
# bisplrep constructs a spline representation, bisplev evaluates the spline at given points
bisp_smooth = interp.bisplrep(x_sparse.ravel(), y_sparse.ravel(),
z_sparse_smooth.ravel(), kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0)
z_dense_smooth_bisplrep = interp.bisplev(xvec, yvec, bisp_smooth).T # note the transpose
Now, here's the thing about interp2d
: (in scipy version 1.7.0) there is a nice comment in interpolate/
for interp2d
if not rectangular_grid:
# TODO: surfit is really not meant for interpolation!
self.tck = fitpack.bisplrep(x, y, z, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.0)
and indeed in interpolate/
, in bisplrep
there's some setup and ultimately
tx, ty, c, o = _fitpack._surfit(x, y, z, w, xb, xe, yb, ye, kx, ky,
task, s, eps, tx, ty, nxest, nyest,
wrk, lwrk1, lwrk2)
And that's it. The routines underlying interp2d
are not really meant to perform interpolation. They might suffice for sufficiently well-behaved data, but under realistic circumstances you will probably want to use something else.
Just to conclude, interpolate.interp2d
for input points defined on a grid)1I'm fairly certain that the cubic
and linear
kind of basis functions of RBFInterpolator
do not exactly correspond to the other interpolators of the same name.
2These NaNs are also the reason for why the surface plot seems so odd: matplotlib historically has difficulties with plotting complex 3d objects with proper depth information. The NaN values in the data confuse the renderer, so parts of the surface that should be in the back are plotted to be in the front. This is an issue with visualization, and not interpolation.
Upvotes: 218