Reputation: 6815
I have an inputfile.txt which looks like this: 3 4 2 0 8 1 5 3
I'm trying to write inside an outputfile.txt
each character of inputfile incremented by 1.
So inside outputfile.txt I should see 4 5 3 1 9 2 6 4
I have tried to write this piece of code but I have several doubts.
.section .data
buff_size: .long 18
.section .bss
.lcomm buff, 18
.section .text # declaring our .text segment
.globl _start # telling where program execution should start
popl %eax # Get the number of arguments
popl %ebx # Get the program name
popl %ebx # Get the first actual argument - file to read
# open the file
movl $5, %eax # open
movl $0, %ecx # read-only mode
int $0x80
# read the file
movl $0, %esi
movl %eax, %ebx # file_descriptor
analyzecharacter: #here I want to read a single character
movl $3, %eax
movl $buff, %edi
leal (%esi,%edi,1), %ecx
movl $1, %edx
int $0x80
add $1, %esi #this point is not clear to me, what I'd like to do is to increment the index of the buffer in order to be positioned on the next cell of buffer array, I've added 1 but I think is not correct
cmp $8, %esi # if I've read all 8 characters then I'll exit
je exit
popl %ebx # Get the second actual argument - file to write
movl $5, %eax # open
movl $2, %ecx # read-only mode
int $0x80
#increment by 1 and write the character to STDOUT
movl %eax, %ebx # file_descriptor
movl $4, %eax
leal (%esi,%edi,1), %ecx
add $1, %ecx #increment by 1
movl $1, %edx
int $0x80
jmp analyzecharacter
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80
I have 2 problems/doubts:
1- my first doubt is about this instruction: add $1, %esi
. Is this the right way to move through buffer
2- The second doubt is: When I analyze each character should I always invoke openoutputfile
label? I think that in this way I'm reopening the file and the previous content is overwritten.
Indeed if I run the program I see only a single character \00
(a garbage character, caused by the value of %esi in this instruction I guess: leal (%esi,%edi,1), %ecx
I hope my problems are clear, I'm pretty new to assembly and I've spent several hours on this.
I'm using GAS Compiler and the syntax is AT&T.
Moreover I'm on Ubuntu 64 bit and Intel CPU.
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Views: 5466
Reputation: 16626
So, how I would do the code... Thinking about it, I'm so used to Intel syntax, that I'm unable to write AT&T source from my head on the web without bugs (and I'm too lazy to actually do the real thing and debug it), so I will try to avoid writing instructions completely and just describe the process, to let you fill up the instructions.
So let's decide you want to do it char by char, version 1 of my source:
; verify the command line has enough parameters, if not jump to exitToOs
; open both input and output files at the start of the code
; read single char
; if no char was read (EOF?), jmp finishProcessing
; process it
; write it
jmp processingLoop
; close both input and output files
; exit back to OS
After going trough my checklist, there's one subtle problem with this design, it's not rigorously checking file system errors, like failing to open either of the files, or writing the character (but your source doesn't care either). Otherwise I think it should work well.
So let's extend it in version 2 to be more close to real ASM instructions (asterisk marked instructions are by me, so probably with messed syntax, it's up to you to make final version of those):
; verify the command line has enough parameters, if not jump to exitToOs
popl %eax # Get the number of arguments
* cmpl $3,eax ; "./binary fileinput fileoutput" will have $3 here?? Debug!
* jnz exitToOs
; open both input and output files at the start of the code
movl $5, %eax # open
popl %ebx # Get the program name
; open input file first
popl %ebx # Get the first actual argument - file to read
movl $0, %ecx # read-only mode
int $0x80
cmpl $-1, %eax ; valid file handle?
jz exitToOs
* movl %eax, ($varInputHandle) ; store input file handle to memory
; open output file, make it writable, create if not exists
movl $5, %eax # open
popl %ebx # Get the second actual argument - file to write
* ; next two lines should use octal numbers, I hope the syntax is correct
* movl $0101, %ecx # create flag + write only access (if google is telling me truth)
* movl $0666, %edx ; permissions for out file as rw-rw-rw-
int $0x80
cmpl $-1, %eax ; valid file handle?
jz exitToOs
movl %eax, ($varOutputHandle) ; store output file handle to memory
; read single char to varBuffer
movl $3, %eax
movl ($varInputHandle), %ebx
movl $varBuffer, %ecx
movl $1, %edx
int $0x80
; if no char was read (EOF?), jmp finishProcessing
cmpl $0, %eax
jz finishProcessing ; looks like total success, finish cleanly
;TODO process it
* incb ($varBuffer) ; you wanted this IIRC?
; write it
movl $4, %eax
movl ($varOutputHandle), %ebx # file_descriptor
movl $varBuffer, %ecx ; BTW, still set from char read, so just for readability
movl $1, %edx ; this one is still set from char read too
int $0x80
; done, go for the next char
jmp processingLoop
movl $0, ($varExitCode) ; everything went OK, set exit code to 0
; close both input and output files, if any of them is opened
movl ($varOutputHandle), %ebx # file_descriptor
call closeFile
movl ($varInputHandle), %ebx
call closeFile
; exit back to OS
movl $1, %eax
movl ($varExitCode), %ebx
int $0x80
cmpl $-1, %ebx
ret z ; file not opened, just ret
movl $6, %eax ; sys_close
int $0x80
; returns 0 when OK, or -1 in case of error, but no handling here
varExitCode: dd 1 ; no idea about AT&T syntax, "dd" is "define dword" in NASM
; default value for exit code is "1" (some error)
varInputHandle: dd -1 ; default = invalid handle
varOutputHandle: dd -1 ; default = invalid handle
varBuffer: db ? ; (single byte buffer)
Whoa, I actually wrote it fully? (of course it needs the syntax check + cleanup of asterisks, and ";" for comments, etc...)
But I mean, the comments from version 1 were already so detailed, that each required only handful of ASM instructions, so it was not that difficult (although now I see I did submit the first answer 53min ago, so this was about ~1h of work for me (including googling and a bit of other errands elsewhere)).
And I absolutely don't get how some human may want to use AT&T syntax, which is so ridiculously verbose. I can easily understand why the GCC is using it, for compilers this is perfectly fine.
But maybe you should check NASM, which is "human" oriented (to write only as few syntax sugar, as possible, and focus on instructions). The major problem (or advantage in my opinion) with NASM is Intel syntax, e.g. MOV eax,ebx
puts number ebx
into eax
, which is Intels fault, taking LD
syntax from other microprocessors manufacturers, ignoring the LD = load meaning, and changing it to MOV = move to not blatantly copy the instruction set.
Then again, I have absolutely no idea why ADD $1,%eax
is the correct way in AT&T (instead of eax,1
order), and I don't even want to know, but it doesn't make any sense to me (the reversed MOV
makes at least some sense due to LD
origins of Intel's MOV
OTOH I can relate to cmp $number,%reg
since I started to use "yoda" formatting in C++ to avoid variable value changes by accident in if
(compare: if (0 = variable)
vs if (variable = 0)
, both having typo =
instead of wanted ==
.. the "yoda" one will not compile even with warnings OFF).
But ... oh.. this is my last AT&T ASM answer for this week, it annoys hell out of me. (I know this is personal preference, but all those additional $
and %
annoys me just as much, as the reversed order).
Please, I spend serious amount of time writing this. Try to spend serious time studying it, and trying to understand it. If confused, ask in comments, but it would be pitiful waste of our time, if you would completely miss the point and not learn anything useful from this. :) So keep on.
Final note: and search hard for some debugger, find something what suits you well (probably some visual one like old "TD" from Borland in DOS days would be super nice for newcomer), but it's absolutely essential for you to improve quickly, to be able to step instruction by instruction over the code, and watch how the registers and memory content do change values. Really, if you would be able to debug your own code, you would soon realize you are reading second character from wrong file handle in %ebx
... (at least I hope so).
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 16626
Just to clear 1) early: add $1, %esi
is indeed equivalent to inc %esi
While you are learning assembler, I would go for the inc
variant, so you don't forget about its existence and get used to it. Back in 286-586 times it would be also faster to execute, today the add
is used instead - because of the complexity of micro architecture (μops), where inc
is tiny fraction more complicated for CPU (translating it back to add μops I guess, but you shouldn't worry about this while learning basics, aim rather for "human" readability of the source, do not any performance tricks yet).
Is it the right way?
Well, you should firstly decide whether you want to parse it per character (or rather go for byte
, as character is nowadays often utf8 glyph, which can have size from 1 to 6 or how many bytes; I'm not even sure) OR to process it with buffers.
Your mix of the two is making it easy to do additional mistakes in the code.
From a quick look I see:
That's probably all major blunders you did, but that's actually so many, that I would suggest you to start over from scratch.
I will try to do a quick my version in next answer (as this one is getting a bit long), to show you how I would do it. But at first please try (hard) to find all the points I did highlight above, and understand how your code works. If you will fully understand what your instructions do, and why they really do the error I described, you will have much easier time to design your next code, plus debugging it. So the more of the points you will really find, and fully understand, the better for you.
"BTW notes":
I never did linux asm programming (I'm now itching to do something after reading about your effort), but from some wiki about system calls I read:
All registers are preserved during the syscall.
Except return value in eax
of course.
Keep this in mind, it may save you some hassle with repeating register setup before call, if you group syscalls appropriately.
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