Reputation: 11140
I was wondering if Clojure has any facility better than the ones described on How to verify if a String in Java is a valid URL for detecting if a given String is a valid URL.
Is there anyone wrapping Apache Commons Validator? Is there a stand-alone library out there of which I am unaware?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1506
Reputation: 13354
If Apache Commons Validator does what you want, you can use it directly from Clojure. Add it to your dependencies:
[commons-validator "1.5.1"]
Then you can use the library basically the same way you would use it from Java by leveraging Clojure's Java interop features.
As an example, here's a direct translation of the answer by Esteban Cacavelos to the question you linked:
;;...your imports
(import (org.apache.commons.validator.routines UrlValidator))
(defn -main [& args]
;; Get an UrlValidator
(let [default-validator (UrlValidator.)]
(if (.isValid default-validator "")
(println "valid"))
(if (not (.isValid default-validator "http//"))
(println "INvalid")))
;; Get an UrlValidator with custom schemes
(let [custom-schemes (into-array ["sftp" "scp" "https"])
custom-validator (UrlValidator. custom-schemes)]
(if (not (.isValid custom-validator ""))
(println "valid")))
;; Get an UrlValidator that allows double slashes in the path
(let [double-slash-validator (UrlValidator. UrlValidator/ALLOW_2_SLASHES)]
(if (.isValid double-slash-validator "")
(println "INvalid"))))
Upvotes: 7