Reputation: 380
I am trying to write output from R to Latex. I expect to get nicely formatted table from R:
When I use latex() function from Hmisc package, I get this:
How can I transpose the table, making it 2x6 instead of 6x2? I know that there must exist some parameter for this in latex() function, but I can not figure this out.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1909
Reputation: 7163
Summary returns a weird character string that is just plain ugly in my opinion. Here's an alternative for getting similar summary output in a table:
summ <- function(x){
tmp<-quantile(x, c(0,.25,.5,.75,1))
names(tmp)<-c("Min", "1st Qu.", "Median", "3rd Qu.", "Max")
Sapply data with the function to return more flexible data.frame:
t(sapply(swiss, summ) )
Min 1st Qu. Median 3rd Qu. Max
Fertility 35.00 64.700 70.40 78.450 92.5
Agriculture 1.20 35.900 54.10 67.650 89.7
Examination 3.00 12.000 16.00 22.000 37.0
Education 1.00 6.000 8.00 12.000 53.0
Catholic 2.15 5.195 15.14 93.125 100.0
Infant.Mortality 10.80 18.150 20.00 21.700 26.6
With @pachamaltese answer above, the final summary table should be free of the unncessary Min. :
within the table.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3775
You should provide a MWE :)
What I did is this
table <- summary(swiss)
table_transpose <- t(table)
"t" means transpose and it is applicable to a matrix or a table
After running latex()
R saves two .tex files that I have to paste in a file with a suitable structure or it won't compile.
This is the final .tex
Fertility&Min. :35.00 &1st Qu.:64.70 &Median :70.40 &Mean :70.14 &3rd Qu.:78.45 &Max. :92.50 \tabularnewline
Agriculture&Min. : 1.20 &1st Qu.:35.90 &Median :54.10 &Mean :50.66 &3rd Qu.:67.65 &Max. :89.70 \tabularnewline
Examination&Min. : 3.00 &1st Qu.:12.00 &Median :16.00 &Mean :16.49 &3rd Qu.:22.00 &Max. :37.00 \tabularnewline
Education&Min. : 1.00 &1st Qu.: 6.00 &Median : 8.00 &Mean :10.98 &3rd Qu.:12.00 &Max. :53.00 \tabularnewline
Catholic&Min. : 2.150 &1st Qu.: 5.195 &Median : 15.140 &Mean : 41.144 &3rd Qu.: 93.125 &Max. :100.000 \tabularnewline
Infant.Mortality&Min. :10.80 &1st Qu.:18.15 &Median :20.00 &Mean :19.94 &3rd Qu.:21.70 &Max. :26.60 \tabularnewline
\multicolumn{1}{l}{summary}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Fertility}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Agriculture}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Examination}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Education}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Catholic}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Infant.Mortality}\tabularnewline
&Min. :35.00 &Min. : 1.20 &Min. : 3.00 &Min. : 1.00 &Min. : 2.150 &Min. :10.80 \tabularnewline
&1st Qu.:64.70 &1st Qu.:35.90 &1st Qu.:12.00 &1st Qu.: 6.00 &1st Qu.: 5.195 &1st Qu.:18.15 \tabularnewline
&Median :70.40 &Median :54.10 &Median :16.00 &Median : 8.00 &Median : 15.140 &Median :20.00 \tabularnewline
&Mean :70.14 &Mean :50.66 &Mean :16.49 &Mean :10.98 &Mean : 41.144 &Mean :19.94 \tabularnewline
&3rd Qu.:78.45 &3rd Qu.:67.65 &3rd Qu.:22.00 &3rd Qu.:12.00 &3rd Qu.: 93.125 &3rd Qu.:21.70 \tabularnewline
&Max. :92.50 &Max. :89.70 &Max. :37.00 &Max. :53.00 &Max. :100.000 &Max. :26.60 \tabularnewline
And this is the result that needs some makeup
Check here for more tools like xtable Tools for making latex tables in R
Upvotes: 1