
Reputation: 23

Spring Security 4 JSF Managed bean preauthorize annotation

I am hoping that someone can help me with integrating the @PreAuthorize annotation with managed beans. I have been trying to get this to work for the last few hours but apparently there is something I am missing. My research on the web has shown that the global-method-security element can be used with spring or with aspectj. Since I don't want to declare my managed beans as spring beans I have chosen to use aspectj. For some reason though the PreAuthorize annotation is completely ignored. I am not getting any errors and everything compiles and runs fine but there is no security check on the managed bean. Apparently aspectj requires some kind of weaving??? Maybe I am approaching this wrong way and there is an easier way..not sure. Using Tomcat 7 with JSF 2.2 and Spring Security 4. I have the annotation on the class but that may be my problem. I am under the assumption that putting it on the class will use its default constructor method.

Can someone please advise? (configs below)


<b:beans xmlns=""

<http use-expressions="true">
        <frame-options policy="SAMEORIGIN" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/admin/**" access="hasRole('Admin')" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/cms/**" access="hasAnyRole('Admin','CMS_Admin')" />
    <form-login login-page='/login' default-target-url="/" />
    <logout invalidate-session="true" logout-success-url="/" />
    <csrf disabled="true"/>

<b:bean name="bcryptEncoder" class=""/>
<b:bean name="iberisUserDetailsService" class=""/>

    <authentication-provider user-service-ref='iberisUserDetailsService'>
        <password-encoder ref="bcryptEncoder"/>

<global-method-security mode="aspectj" pre-post-annotations="enabled" proxy-target-class="true">


Maven build


Managed Bean

public class ProductManagement

Upvotes: 1

Views: 891

Answers (1)


Reputation: 31679

As you're instructing JSF to create your bean and not Spring, @PreAuthorize makes little sense there. Even when using Spring to create the bean, its use is targeted to methods (even if you can annotate a class to have all its methods processed):

public void create(Contact contact);

Here Spring checks if the current logged user has the USER Role, in order for him to be able to create a contact.

It seems what you want to restrict in your question is the access to a whole view, so why not go the same way as you do in your security.xml declaration?

<intercept-url pattern="/products/product_management.xhtml" access="hasRole('USER')" />

This way Spring security checks the permission in its Web Filter, which is even better.

See also:

Upvotes: 3

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