Reputation: 99
I'm using a long process which creates and populates a series of 'route' workbooks and populates a master 'summary' workbook while doing this.
In brief, the error occurs immediately at the start of importing the data from the route workbook as soon as I try to use the relevant worksheet in the summary.
While quoting the entire code would be impractical, I have copied from where I think to be 'relevant' here:
' Get Route Number
RNum = wshCtrl.Cells(2, 2 + i).Value ' Number for routes being processed (blank if not processed)
RawRNum = wshCtrl.Cells(4, 2 + i).Value ' Raw Number
' Get Route Direction
RDir = wshCtrl.Cells(9, 2 + i).Value
' Get Name of Worksheet
NamewshRoute = "Route " & RawRNum & " - " & RDir
' Check if Route Worksheet exists
Set wshRoute = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wshRoute = Sheets(NamewshRoute)
On Error GoTo 0
' If Route Worksheet doesn't exist and Route being processed
If wshRoute Is Nothing And RNum <> "" Then
' Create Route Worksheet
' Copy Template
wshTemplate.Copy After:=wshTemplate
' Rename Copied Template
Worksheets("Template (2)").Name = NamewshRoute
' Set as Route Worksheet
Set wshRoute = Sheets(NamewshRoute)
' Enter Route Number and Direction
wshRoute.Cells(2, 3).Value = RNum
wshRoute.Cells(2, 4).Value = RDir
' If Route Worksheet doesn't exist and Route isn't being processes
ElseIf wshRoute Is Nothing Then
' Do Nothing
' Else Route Worksheet already exists and Route being processed
' Update Progress Bar
Percent = j / (NumRoutes + 0.5) - (1 / (NumRoutes + 1) * 8 / 8)
RefreshStatusBar Percent, "Processing " & NamewshRoute, "Initialising Route"
' Update Date
wshRoute.Range("AW9").Value = Month & Year
The error occurs on one of the following two lines:
wshRoute.Cells(2, 3).Value = RNum
wshRoute.Range("AW9").Value = Month & Year
depending on whether the worksheet exists or not.
Note that:
This code worked fine (I have been using for approximately a year) until I added another macro at the start. The new macro opens a different workbook and creates 'data' files. It doesn't interact with the 'Summary' workbook in any way. If I run the code without the extra new macro, it runs fine again.
Any suggestions please fire them through. This is high priority for me so I will be testing promptly.
Thanks, Cameron
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4922
Reputation: 99
After a bit of back and forth... thanks to all those who contributed.
The problem was I was trying to modify protected sheets
I found this by placing Application.DisplayAlerts = False
before the line causing the error. When this happened, the original 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error was substituted for a 'The cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only.' error.
I fixed it by making sure all of my worksheets were unprotected when the macro was running.
On a side note - I got caught out with not qualifying my sheets with workbooks.
Thanks again for all of your suggestions.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 166835
Try adding these debug statements and see what you get:
Set wshRoute = Sheets(NamewshRoute)
Debug.Print wshRoute Is Nothing
Debug.Print wshRoute.Name & " is in workbook " & wshRoute.Parent.Name
Debug.Print wshRoute.Cells(2, 3) Is Nothing
Debug.Print "RNum is type " & TypeName(RNum)
wshRoute.Cells(2, 3).Value = RNum
Upvotes: 2