Reputation: 966
Given traits for ProblemParser and Solver:
trait ProblemParser[Problem] {
def parse(description: String): Option[Problem]
trait Solver[Problem,Solution] {
def solve(problem: Problem): Option[Solution]
and HLists of parsers and solvers, I'm trying to apply all (type-appropriate) solvers to all the different Problem types that result from successful parses.
I can see how to obtain a HList of Problem Options with ~> :
object parseFn extends (ProblemParser ~> Option) {
def apply[P](x: ProblemParser[P]): Option[P] = x.parse(input)
Q. Given a HList of parsers of different Problem types, how do I then map the solvers over the list of parsed problems? Presumably because Solver takes two type parameters this requires Poly1 rather than ~>?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 214
Reputation: 9820
Your question was a little concise so I split it in a couple of parts to my understanding :
The ProblemParser
type class which can parse a description to a Problem
String => Option[Problem]
A way to parse a list of descriptions to an HList
of Problem
s using ProblemParser
eg List[String] => Option[ProblemA] :: Option[ProblemB] :: HNil
The type class Solver
which can give a Solution
for a Problem
Problem => Option[Solution]
Solving the Problem
s from step 2 using Solver
eg Option[ProblemA] :: Option[ProblemB] :: HNil => Option[SolutionA] :: Option[SolutionB] :: HNil
We start with defining two simple problems, getting the sum or the maximum of a pair of integers :
case class Sum(a: Int, b: Int)
case class Max(a: Int, b: Int)
Now, we create the ProblemParser
type class with two instances for our two problems :
import scala.util.Try
trait ProblemParser[Problem] extends Serializable {
def parse(description: String): Option[Problem]
object ProblemParser {
def apply[A](implicit pp: ProblemParser[A]): ProblemParser[A] = pp
def fromFunction[A](f: String => Option[A]): ProblemParser[A] =
new ProblemParser[A] { def parse(s: String): Option[A] = f(s) }
def intPairParser[A](f: (Int, Int) => A): ProblemParser[A] =
fromFunction { s =>
s.split(",") match {
case Array(l, r) =>
for {
ll <- Try(l.toInt).toOption
rr <- Try(r.toInt).toOption
} yield f(ll, rr)
case _ => None
implicit val sumParser: ProblemParser[Sum] = intPairParser(Sum.apply)
implicit val maxParser: ProblemParser[Max] = intPairParser(Max.apply)
Parsing the descriptions to an HList
of Problem
s is similar to my answer in a different question :
import shapeless._
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
trait FromTraversableParsed[L <: HList] extends Serializable {
type Out <: HList
def apply(l: GenTraversable[String]): Out
object FromTraversableParsed {
def apply[L <: HList]
(implicit from: FromTraversableParsed[L]): Aux[L, from.Out] = from
type Aux[L <: HList, Out0 <: HList] = FromTraversableParsed[L] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit val hnilFromTraversableParsed: Aux[HNil, HNil] =
new FromTraversableParsed[HNil] {
type Out = HNil
def apply(l: GenTraversable[String]): Out = HNil
implicit def hlistFromTraversableParsed[H, T <: HList, OutT <: HList](implicit
ftpT: FromTraversableParsed.Aux[T, OutT],
parseH: ProblemParser[H]
): Aux[H :: T, Option[H] :: OutT] =
new FromTraversableParsed[H :: T] {
type Out = Option[H] :: OutT
def apply(l: GenTraversable[String]): Out =
(if(l.isEmpty) None else parseH.parse(l.head)) :: ftpT(l.tail)
We can now parse some descriptions :
val parse = FromTraversableParsed[Max :: Sum :: HNil]
parse(List("1,2", "1,2")) // Some(Max(1,2)) :: Some(Sum(1,2)) :: HNil
On to the Solver
type class (I made Solution
a dependent type) :
trait Solver[Problem] extends Serializable {
type Solution
def solve(problem: Problem): Option[Solution]
object Solver {
def apply[Problem]
(implicit solver: Solver[Problem]): Aux[Problem, solver.Solution] = solver
type Aux[Problem, Solution0] = Solver[Problem] { type Solution = Solution0}
implicit val solveMax: Aux[Max, Int] =
new Solver[Max] {
type Solution = Int
def solve(max: Max) = Some(math.max(max.a, max.b))
implicit val solveSum: Aux[Sum, Int] =
new Solver[Sum] {
type Solution = Int
def solve(sum: Sum) = Some(sum.a + sum.b)
With a HList
of Problem
s and Solver
instances for these problems, we should be able to map over our HList
and use the correct Solver
s to solve the Problem
s :
object solve extends Poly1 {
implicit def apply[Problem, Solution](
implicit solver: Solver.Aux[Problem, Solution]
): Case.Aux[Option[Problem], Option[Solution]] =
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper
def parseAndSolve[Problems <: HList] =
new PartiallyAppliedParseAndSolve[Problems]
class PartiallyAppliedParseAndSolve[Problems <: HList] {
def apply[OP <: HList](descriptions: List[String])(implicit
ftp: FromTraversableParsed.Aux[Problems, OP],
mapper: Mapper[solve.type, OP]
): mapper.Out = mapper(ftp(descriptions))
With all this machinery in place we can now parse a list of descriptions and solve the parsed problems :
parseAndSolve[Max :: Sum :: HNil](List("1,2", "1,2"))
// Option[Int] :: Option[Int] :: HNil = Some(2) :: Some(3) :: HNil
Upvotes: 1