
Reputation: 5353

Why codeigniter shopping cart class doesn't allow any special character in the name?

I have a question just like in the title - Why codeigniter shopping cart class doesn't allow any special character in the name? When I'm adding some item with normal name containing only standard characters it works like charm. However if I add something like, say, "word / word" or something like that it won't add anything to the shopping cart. Can someone provide me with some hints on that one please?

Upvotes: 14

Views: 11407

Answers (5)

Vijay Chauhan
Vijay Chauhan

Reputation: 387

I have changed $product_name_safe = FALSE; on system/libraries/Cart.php and fixed

Upvotes: 0

Miomir Dancevic
Miomir Dancevic

Reputation: 6852

This all does not help on UTF8 Characters (etc Serbian), but i have made something like, before putting in chart use like this

$name=ucfirst(url_title(convert_accented_characters($name), ' ', TRUE));

And modified ./application/config/foreign_chars.php

$foreign_characters = array(
    '/ä|æ|ǽ/' => 'ae',
    '/ö|œ/' => 'oe',
    '/ü/' => 'ue',
    '/Ä/' => 'Ae',
    '/Ü/' => 'Ue',
    '/Ö/' => 'Oe',
    '/À|Á|Â|Ã|Ä|Å|Ǻ|Ā|Ă|Ą|Ǎ/' => 'A',
    '/à|á|â|ã|å|ǻ|ā|ă|ą|ǎ|ª/' => 'a',
    '/Ç|Ć|Ĉ|Ċ|Č/' => 'C',
    '/ç|ć|ĉ|ċ|č/' => 'c',
    '/Ð|Ď|Đ/' => 'D',
    '/ð|ď|đ/' => 'd',
    '/È|É|Ê|Ë|Ē|Ĕ|Ė|Ę|Ě/' => 'E',
    '/è|é|ê|ë|ē|ĕ|ė|ę|ě/' => 'e',
    '/Ĝ|Ğ|Ġ|Ģ/' => 'G',
    '/ĝ|ğ|ġ|ģ/' => 'g',
    '/Ĥ|Ħ/' => 'H',
    '/ĥ|ħ/' => 'h',
    '/Ì|Í|Î|Ï|Ĩ|Ī|Ĭ|Ǐ|Į|İ/' => 'I',
    '/ì|í|î|ï|ĩ|ī|ĭ|ǐ|į|ı/' => 'i',
    '/Ĵ/' => 'J',
    '/ĵ/' => 'j',
    '/Ķ/' => 'K',
    '/ķ/' => 'k',
    '/Ĺ|Ļ|Ľ|Ŀ|Ł/' => 'L',
    '/ĺ|ļ|ľ|ŀ|ł/' => 'l',
    '/Ñ|Ń|Ņ|Ň/' => 'N',
    '/ñ|ń|ņ|ň|ʼn/' => 'n',
    '/Ò|Ó|Ô|Õ|Ō|Ŏ|Ǒ|Ő|Ơ|Ø|Ǿ/' => 'O',
    '/ò|ó|ô|õ|ō|ŏ|ǒ|ő|ơ|ø|ǿ|º/' => 'o',
    '/Ŕ|Ŗ|Ř/' => 'R',
    '/ŕ|ŗ|ř/' => 'r',
    '/Ś|Ŝ|Ş|Š/' => 'S',
    '/ś|ŝ|ş|š|ſ/' => 's',
    '/Ţ|Ť|Ŧ/' => 'T',
    '/ţ|ť|ŧ/' => 't',
    '/Ù|Ú|Û|Ũ|Ū|Ŭ|Ů|Ű|Ų|Ư|Ǔ|Ǖ|Ǘ|Ǚ|Ǜ/' => 'U',
    '/ù|ú|û|ũ|ū|ŭ|ů|ű|ų|ư|ǔ|ǖ|ǘ|ǚ|ǜ/' => 'u',
    '/Ý|Ÿ|Ŷ/' => 'Y',
    '/ý|ÿ|ŷ/' => 'y',
    '/Ŵ/' => 'W',
    '/ŵ/' => 'w',
    '/Ź|Ż|Ž/' => 'Z',
    '/ź|ż|ž/' => 'z',
    '/Æ|Ǽ/' => 'AE',
    '/ß/'=> 'ss',
    '/IJ/' => 'IJ',
    '/ij/' => 'ij',
    '/Œ/' => 'OE',
    '/š/' => 's',
    '/đ/' => 'd',
    '/č/' => 'c',
    '/ć/' => 'c',
    '/ž/' => 'z',
    '/Š/' => 'S',
    '/Đ/' => 'D',
    '/Č/' => 'C',
    '/Ć/' => 'C',
    '/Ž/' => 'Z',
    '/ƒ/' => 'f'

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 143

I just found this question from google while facing the same problem, but the answer ipalaus provided didn't fix my problem, because it still does not allow greek characters. After some more digging I found this :

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class MY_Cart extends CI_Cart {

    var $product_name_rules = '\d\D';


which basically allows everything. Enjoy!

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 639

You can also optionally just modify the regular expression to allow quotes like so:

$this->cart->product_name_rules = "\.\:\-_\"\' a-z0-9";

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 2273

If you look on Cart.php you will see on line 31 var $product_name_rules = '\.\:\-_ a-z0-9';.

A nice way to change this variable is putting a MY_Cart.php on your application\libraries\MY_Cart.php with this code:

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class MY_Cart extends CI_Cart {

    var $product_name_rules = '[:print:]';


Or you can also modify it when you add the product, using:

$this->cart->product_name_rules = '[:print:]';

Upvotes: 31

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