Reputation: 51
I tried to add entity "blog" with relation one-to-one to fresh jhipster's project, but no results, jhipster generator did not add the entity "blog" to my project
$ yo jhipster:entity blog
The entity blog is being created.
Generating field #1
? Do you want to add a field to your entity? Yes
? What is the name of your field? name
? What is the type of your field? String
? Do you want to add validation rules to your field? No
================= Blog =================
name (String)
Generating field #2
? Do you want to add a field to your entity? No
================= Blog =================
name (String)
Generating relationships to other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? user
? What is the name of the relationship? user
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-one
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? Yes
? When you display this relationship with AngularJS, which field from 'user' do you want to use? id
? Do you want to add any validation rules to this relationship? No
================= Blog =================
name (String)
user (User) one-to-one
Generating relationships to other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? No
================= Blog =================
name (String)
user (User) one-to-one
? Do you want to use a Data Transfer Object (DTO)? No, use the entity directly
? Do you want to use separate service class for your business logic? No, the REST controller should use the repository directly
? Do you want pagination on your entity? No
Everything is configured, generating the entity...
no error message, nothing. I tried add same entity by JDL - same result.
$ yo jhipster:import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh
The jdl is being imported.
file jhipster-jdl.jh:
entity Blog {
name String
relationship OneToOne {
Blog{User} to User
ver JHipster Generator v3.4.2
Workaround this problem - make 2 step :
Upvotes: 1
Views: 800