Reputation: 31337
Here's the thing, I don't have access to code that inserts data into a given table. However, I need to add related additional data into another table. So, I was thinking about grabbing the last inserted ID and from there... insert the related data into that other table.
Since I don't have access to the statement, I believe that mysql last insert id function will be of no use here.
All the PDO::lastInsertId examples that I see, are also attached to some "insert query" before it, so no use as well.
How can I grab the last inserted ID on the cases were we DON'T have access to the original insert statement ?
Data flow: It starts here: signup.tpl Where we have:
onclick="checkoutvalidate();return false"
On the js we have:
function checkoutvalidate() {
$.post("order/index.php", 'a=validatecheckout&'+$("#orderfrm").serialize(),
if (data) {
} else {
So, now, let's look for "validatecheckout" into index.php And we found it:
We can't read along this lines, anything concerning the insertion. The immediately after that I can get is, after the conditional statement - right ?
if ($a=="validatecheckout") {
$errormessage = '';
$productinfo = getProductInfo($pid);
if ($productinfo['type']=='server') {
if (!$hostname) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernohostname'];
else {
$result = select_query("tblhosting","COUNT(*)",array("domain"=>$hostname.'.'.$domain,"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Cancelled"),"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Terminated"),"domainstatus"=>array("sqltype"=>"NEQ","value"=>"Fraud")));
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$existingcount = $data[0];
if ($existingcount) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorserverhostnameinuse'];
if ((!$ns1prefix)OR(!$ns2prefix)) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernonameservers'];
if (!$rootpw) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrorservernorootpw'];
if (is_array($configoption)) {
foreach ($configoption AS $opid=>$opid2) {
$result = select_query("tblproductconfigoptions","",array("id"=>$opid));
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$optionname = $data["optionname"];
$optiontype = $data["optiontype"];
$qtyminimum = $data["qtyminimum"];
$qtymaximum = $data["qtymaximum"];
if ($optiontype==4) {
$opid2 = (int)$opid2;
if ($opid2<0) $opid2=0;
if ((($qtyminimum)OR($qtymaximum))AND(($opid2<$qtyminimum)OR($opid2>$qtymaximum))) {
$errormessage .= "<li>".sprintf($_LANG['configoptionqtyminmax'],$optionname,$qtyminimum,$qtymaximum);
$errormessage .= checkCustomFields($customfield);
if (!$_SESSION['uid']) {
if ($_REQUEST['signuptype']=="new") {
$firstname = $_REQUEST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_REQUEST['lastname'];
$companyname = $_REQUEST['companyname'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$address1 = $_REQUEST['address1'];
$address2 = $_REQUEST['address2'];
$city = $_REQUEST['city'];
$state = $_REQUEST['state'];
$postcode = $_REQUEST['postcode'];
$country = $_REQUEST['country'];
$phonenumber = $_REQUEST['phonenumber'];
$password1 = $_REQUEST['password1'];
$password2 = $_REQUEST['password2'];
$temperrormsg = $errormessage;
$errormessage = $temperrormsg.checkDetailsareValid($firstname,$lastname,$email,$address1,$city,$state,$postcode,$phonenumber,$password1,$password2);
$errormessage .= checkPasswordStrength($password1);
} else {
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
if (!validateClientLogin($username,$password)) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['loginincorrect'];
if (($CONFIG['EnableTOSAccept'])AND(!$_REQUEST['accepttos'])) $errormessage .= "<li>".$_LANG['ordererrortermsofservice'];
$_SESSION['cart']['paymentmethod'] = $_REQUEST['paymentmethod'];
if ($errormessage) echo $_LANG['ordererrorsoccurred']."<br /><ul>".$errormessage."</ul>";
else {
if ($_REQUEST['signuptype']=="new") {
$userid = addClient($firstname,$lastname,$companyname,$email,$address1,$address2,$city,$state,$postcode,$country,$phonenumber,$password1);
Thanks in advance, MEM
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1096
Reputation: 38961
After the insert statement you can fire another query:
and this will return one row with one column containing the id.
-> 195
This works per connection so there is no problem if another thread writes into the table. But your SELECT needs to be executed 'RIGHT AFTER'/'As the next query' after the insert query ran
An example:
$dbConnection = MyMagic::getMeTheDatabase("please");
$result = $dbConnection->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");
// ... fetch that one value and you are good to go
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 22698
If you don't have access to the last INSERT line, you can make a subquery to find the last inserted id:
select max(id) from <table>
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 22340
If the column is a simple auto_incrementing integer, you could use SELECT MAX(MyAutoincrementingColumn) FROM MyTable
. You might risk selecting a row that has been inserted by another user in the meantime, if your users are not using transactions.
Upvotes: 0