Vivek Tamrakar
Vivek Tamrakar

Reputation: 522

create pdf invoice using fpdf

PDF Invoice attachment with mail using FPDF first download fpdf from here "" and copy folder to your on drive where you want pdf


define('EURO', chr(128) );
define('EURO_VAL', 6.55957 );
class PDF_Invoice extends FPDF
    // private variables
 var $colonnes;
 var $format;
 var $angle=0;

 // private functions
 function RoundedRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $r, $style = '')
   $k = $this->k;
  $hp = $this->h;
 elseif($style=='FD' || $style=='DF')
 $MyArc = 4/3 * (sqrt(2) - 1);
 $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F m',($x+$r)*$k,($hp-$y)*$k ));
 $xc = $x+$w-$r ;
 $yc = $y+$r;
 $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F l', $xc*$k,($hp-$y)*$k ));

 $this->_Arc($xc + $r*$MyArc, $yc - $r, $xc + $r, $yc - $r*$MyArc, $xc + $r,  $yc);
$xc = $x+$w-$r ;
$yc = $y+$h-$r;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F l',($x+$w)*$k,($hp-$yc)*$k));
$this->_Arc($xc + $r, $yc + $r*$MyArc, $xc + $r*$MyArc, $yc + $r, $xc, $yc + $r);
$xc = $x+$r ;
$yc = $y+$h-$r;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F l',$xc*$k,($hp-($y+$h))*$k));
$this->_Arc($xc - $r*$MyArc, $yc + $r, $xc - $r, $yc + $r*$MyArc, $xc - $r, $yc);
$xc = $x+$r ;
$yc = $y+$r;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F l',($x)*$k,($hp-$yc)*$k ));
$this->_Arc($xc - $r, $yc - $r*$MyArc, $xc - $r*$MyArc, $yc - $r, $xc, $yc - $r);
function _Arc($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
 $h = $this->h;
 $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F c ', $x1*$this->k, ($h-$y1)*$this->k,
 $x2*$this->k, ($h-$y2)*$this->k, $x3*$this->k, ($h-$y3)*$this->k));
function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
    $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.2F %.2F cm 1 0 0 1 %.2F %.2F cm',$c,$s,-$s,$c,$cx,$cy,-$cx,-$cy));
 function _endpage()
 // public functions
function sizeOfText( $texte, $largeur )
 $index    = 0;
 $nb_lines = 0;
 $loop     = TRUE;
 while ( $loop )
    $pos = strpos($texte, "\n");
    if (!$pos)
        $loop  = FALSE;
        $ligne = $texte;
        $ligne  = substr( $texte, $index, $pos);
        $texte = substr( $texte, $pos+1 );
    $length = floor( $this->GetStringWidth( $ligne ) );
    $res = 1 + floor( $length / $largeur) ;
    $nb_lines += $res;
 return $nb_lines;
// Company
function addSociete( $nom, $adresse )
  $x1 = 10;
  $y1 = 40;
   //Positionnement en bas
  $this->SetXY( $x1, $y1 );
  $length = $this->GetStringWidth( $nom );
  $this->Cell( $length, 2, $nom);
  $this->SetXY( $x1, $y1 + 4 );
  $length = $this->GetStringWidth( $adresse );
  //Coordonnées de la société
  $lignes = $this->sizeOfText( $adresse, $length) ;
  $this->MultiCell($length, 4, $adresse);
 // Label and number of invoice/estimate
 function fact_dev( $libelle, $num )
    $r1  = $this->w - 80;
    $r2  = $r1 + 68;
    $y1  = 6;
    $y2  = $y1 + 2;
    $mid = ($r1 + $r2 ) / 2;
    $texte  = $libelle . " EN " . EURO . " N° : " . $num;    
    $szfont = 12;
    $loop   = 0;
    while ( $loop == 0 )
      $this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", $szfont );
      $sz = $this->GetStringWidth( $texte );
      if ( ($r1+$sz) > $r2 )
      $szfont --;
       $loop ++;
   $this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), $y2, 2.5, 'DF');
   $this->SetXY( $r1+1, $y1+2);
   $this->Cell($r2-$r1 -1,5, $texte, 0, 0, "C" );
  // Estimate
 function addDevis( $numdev )
    $string = sprintf("DEV%04d",$numdev);
    $this->fact_dev( "Devis", $string );
 // Invoice
 function addFacture( $numfact )
    $string = sprintf("FA%04d",$numfact);
    $this->fact_dev( "Facture", $string );
 function addDate( $date )
    $r1  = $this->w - 61;
    $r2  = $r1 + 30;
    $y1  = 17;
    $y2  = $y1 ;
    $mid = $y1 + ($y2 / 2);
    $this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), $y2, 3.5, 'D');
    $this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
    $this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1+3 );
    $this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
    $this->Cell(10,5, "DATE", 0, 0, "C");
    $this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1+9 );
    $this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
    $this->Cell(10,5,$date, 0,0, "C");
function addClient( $ref )
$r1  = $this->w - 31;
$r2  = $r1 + 19;
$y1  = 17;
$y2  = $y1;
$mid = $y1 + ($y2 / 2);
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), $y2, 3.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1+3 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
$this->Cell(10,5, "CLIENT", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1 + 9 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$this->Cell(10,5,$ref, 0,0, "C");

function addPageNumber( $page )
$r1  = $this->w - 80;
$r2  = $r1 + 19;
$y1  = 17;
$y2  = $y1;
$mid = $y1 + ($y2 / 2);
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), $y2, 3.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1+3 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
$this->Cell(10,5, "PAGE", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5, $y1 + 9 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$this->Cell(10,5,$page, 0,0, "C");

// Client address
function addClientAdresse( $nom, $adresse )
$r1     = $this->w - 80;
$r2     = $r1 + 68;
$y1     = 40;
/*$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1);
$this->MultiCell( 60, 4, $adresse);*/
//$x1 = 10;
//$y1 = 247;
//Positionnement en bas
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1 );
$length = $this->GetStringWidth( $nom );
$this->Cell( $length, 2, $nom);
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1 + 4 );
$length = $this->GetStringWidth( $adresse );
//Coordonnées de la société
$lignes = $this->sizeOfText( $adresse, $length) ;
$this->MultiCell($length, 4, $adresse);

// Mode of payment
function addReglement( $mode )
$r1  = 10;
$r2  = $r1 + 60;
$y1  = 80;
$y2  = $y1+10;
$mid = $y1 + (($y2-$y1) / 2);
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), ($y2-$y1), 2.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 -5 , $y1+1 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
$this->Cell(10,4, "BUYER NAME", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 -5 , $y1 + 5 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$this->Cell(10,5,$mode, 0,0, "C");

// Expiry date
function addEcheance( $date )
$r1  = 80;
$r2  = $r1 + 40;
$y1  = 80;
$y2  = $y1+10;
$mid = $y1 + (($y2-$y1) / 2);
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), ($y2-$y1), 2.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2 - $r1)/2 - 5 , $y1+1 );
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
$this->Cell(10,4, "DATE", 0, 0, "C");
  $this->SetXY( $r1 + ($r2-$r1)/2 - 5 , $y1 + 5 );
  $this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
 $this->Cell(10,5,$date, 0,0, "C");

// VAT number
function addNumTVA($tva)
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 10);
$r1  = $this->w - 80;
$r2  = $r1 + 70;
$y1  = 80;
$y2  = $y1+10;
$mid = $y1 + (($y2-$y1) / 2);
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), ($y2-$y1), 2.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $mid, $r2, $mid);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + 16 , $y1+1 );
$this->Cell(40, 4, "SHIPPING DATE", '', '', "C");
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$this->SetXY( $r1 + 16 , $y1+5 );
$this->Cell(40, 5, $tva, '', '', "C");

function addReference($ref)
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$length = $this->GetStringWidth( "Références : " . $ref );
$r1  = 10;
$r2  = $r1 + $length;
$y1  = 92;
$y2  = $y1+5;
$this->SetXY( $r1 , $y1 );
$this->Cell($length,4, "Références : " . $ref);

function addCols( $tab )
global $colonnes;

$r1  = 10;
$r2  = $this->w - ($r1 * 2) ;
$y1  = 100;
$y2  = $this->h - 50 - $y1;
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1 );
$this->Rect( $r1, $y1, $r2, $y2, "D");
$this->Line( $r1, $y1+6, $r1+$r2, $y1+6);
$colX = $r1;
$colonnes = $tab;
while ( list( $lib, $pos ) = each ($tab) )
    $this->SetXY( $colX, $y1+2 );
    $this->Cell( $pos, 1, $lib, 0, 0, "C");
    $colX += $pos;
    $this->Line( $colX, $y1, $colX, $y1+$y2);

function addLineFormat( $tab )
 global $format, $colonnes;

while ( list( $lib, $pos ) = each ($colonnes) )
    if ( isset( $tab["$lib"] ) )
        $format[ $lib ] = $tab["$lib"];

function lineVert( $tab )
global $colonnes;

reset( $colonnes );
while ( list( $lib, $pos ) = each ($colonnes) )
    $texte = $tab[ $lib ];
    $longCell  = $pos -2;
    $size = $this->sizeOfText( $texte, $longCell );
    if ($size > $maxSize)
        $maxSize = $size;
return $maxSize;

// add a line to the invoice/estimate
/*    $ligne = array( "REFERENCE"    => $prod["ref"],
                  "DESIGNATION"  => $libelle,
                  "QUANTITE"     => sprintf( "%.2F", $prod["qte"]) ,
                  "P.U. HT"      => sprintf( "%.2F", $prod["px_unit"]),
                  "MONTANT H.T." => sprintf ( "%.2F", $prod["qte"] * $prod["px_unit"]) ,
                  "TVA"          => $prod["tva"] );
    function addLine( $ligne, $tab )
     global $colonnes, $format;

      $ordonnee     = 10;
$maxSize      = $ligne;

reset( $colonnes );
while ( list( $lib, $pos ) = each ($colonnes) )
    $longCell  = $pos -2;
    $texte     = $tab[ $lib ];
    $length    = $this->GetStringWidth( $texte );
    $tailleTexte = $this->sizeOfText( $texte, $length );
    $formText  = $format[ $lib ];
    $this->SetXY( $ordonnee, $ligne-1);
    $this->MultiCell( $longCell, 4 , $texte, 0, $formText);
    if ( $maxSize < ($this->GetY()  ) )
        $maxSize = $this->GetY() ;
    $ordonnee += $pos;
return ( $maxSize - $ligne );}

function addRemarque($remarque)

$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 10);
$length = $this->GetStringWidth( "Remarque : " . $remarque );
$r1  = 10;
$r2  = $r1 + $length;
$y1  = $this->h - 45.5;
$y2  = $y1+5;
$this->SetXY( $r1 , $y1 );
$this->Cell($length,4, "Remarque : " . $remarque);
function addCadreTVAs()
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 8);
$r1  = 10;
$r2  = $r1 + 120;
$y1  = $this->h - 40;
$y2  = $y1+20;
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), ($y2-$y1), 2.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1, $y1+4, $r2, $y1+4);
$this->Line( $r1+5,  $y1+4, $r1+5, $y2); // avant BASES HT
$this->Line( $r1+27, $y1, $r1+27, $y2);  // avant REMISE
$this->Line( $r1+43, $y1, $r1+43, $y2);  // avant MT TVA
$this->Line( $r1+63, $y1, $r1+63, $y2);  // avant % TVA
$this->Line( $r1+75, $y1, $r1+75, $y2);  // avant PORT
$this->Line( $r1+91, $y1, $r1+91, $y2);  // avant TOTAUX
$this->SetXY( $r1+9, $y1);
$this->Cell(10,4, "BASES HT");
$this->SetX( $r1+29 );
$this->Cell(10,4, "REMISE");
$this->SetX( $r1+48 );
$this->Cell(10,4, "MT TVA");
$this->SetX( $r1+63 );
$this->Cell(10,4, "% TVA");
$this->SetX( $r1+78 );
$this->Cell(10,4, "PORT");
$this->SetX( $r1+100 );
$this->Cell(10,4, "TOTAUX");
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 6);
$this->SetXY( $r1+93, $y2 - 8 );
$this->Cell(6,0, "H.T.   :");
$this->SetXY( $r1+93, $y2 - 3 );
$this->Cell(6,0, "T.V.A. :");

function addCadreEurosFrancs()
$r1  = $this->w - 70;
$r2  = $r1 + 60;
$y1  = $this->h - 40;
$y2  = $y1+20;
$this->RoundedRect($r1, $y1, ($r2 - $r1), ($y2-$y1), 2.5, 'D');
$this->Line( $r1+20,  $y1, $r1+20, $y2); // avant EUROS
$this->Line( $r1+20, $y1+4, $r2, $y1+4); // Sous Euros & Francs
$this->Line( $r1+38,  $y1, $r1+38, $y2); // Entre Euros & Francs
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 8);
$this->SetXY( $r1+22, $y1 );
$this->Cell(15,4, "EUROS", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 8);
$this->SetXY( $r1+42, $y1 );
$this->Cell(15,4, "FRANCS", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetFont( "Arial", "B", 6);
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1+5 );
$this->Cell(20,4, "TOTAL TTC", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1+10 );
$this->Cell(20,4, "ACOMPTE", 0, 0, "C");
$this->SetXY( $r1, $y1+15 );
$this->Cell(20,4, "NET A PAYER", 0, 0, "C");

// remplit les cadres TVA / Totaux et la remarque
// params  = array( "RemiseGlobale" => [0|1],
//"remise_tva"     => [1|2...],  // {la remise s'applique sur ce code TVA}
// "remise"         => value,     // {montant de la remise}
//"remise_percent" => percent,   // {pourcentage de remise sur ce montant de TVA}
//                  "FraisPort"     => [0|1],
//                      "portTTC"        => value,     // montant des frais  de ports TTC
//                                                     // par defaut la TVA = 19.6 %
//                      "portHT"         => value,     // montant des frais de ports HT
//                      "portTVA"        => tva_value, // valeur de la TVA a appliquer sur le montant HT
//                  "AccompteExige" => [0|1],
//                      "accompte"         => value    // montant de l'acompte (TTC)
//                      "accompte_percent" => percent  // pourcentage d'acompte (TTC)
//                  "Remarque" => "texte"              // texte
// tab_tva = array( "1"       => 19.6,
//                  "2"       => 5.5, ... );
// invoice = array( "px_unit" => value,
//                  "qte"     => qte,
//                  "tva"     => code_tva );
function addTVAs( $params, $tab_tva, $invoice )

reset ($invoice);
$px = array();
while ( list( $k, $prod) = each( $invoice ) )
    $tva = $prod["tva"];
    @ $px[$tva] += $prod["qte"] * $prod["px_unit"];

$prix     = array();
$totalHT  = 0;
$totalTTC = 0;
$totalTVA = 0;
$y = 261;
reset ($px);
natsort( $px );
while ( list($code_tva, $articleHT) = each( $px ) )
    $tva = $tab_tva[$code_tva];
    $this->SetXY(17, $y);
    $this->Cell( 19,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $articleHT),'', '','R' );
    if ( $params["RemiseGlobale"]==1 )
        if ( $params["remise_tva"] == $code_tva )
            $this->SetXY( 37.5, $y );
            if ($params["remise"] > 0 )
                if ( is_int( $params["remise"] ) )
                    $l_remise = $param["remise"];
                    $l_remise = sprintf ("%0.2F", $params["remise"]);
                $this->Cell( 14.5,4, $l_remise, '', '', 'R' );
                $articleHT -= $params["remise"];
            else if ( $params["remise_percent"] > 0 )
                $rp = $params["remise_percent"];
                if ( $rp > 1 )
                    $rp /= 100;
                $rabais = $articleHT * $rp;
                $articleHT -= $rabais;
                if ( is_int($rabais) )
                    $l_remise = $rabais;
                    $l_remise = sprintf ("%0.2F", $rabais);
                $this->Cell( 14.5,4, $l_remise, '', '', 'R' );
                $this->Cell( 14.5,4, "ErrorRem", '', '', 'R' );
    $totalHT += $articleHT;
    $totalTTC += $articleHT * ( 1 + $tva/100 );
    $tmp_tva = $articleHT * $tva/100;
    $a_tva[ $code_tva ] = $tmp_tva;
    $totalTVA += $tmp_tva;
    $this->SetXY(11, $y);
    $this->Cell( 5,4, $code_tva);
    $this->SetXY(53, $y);
    $this->Cell( 19,4, sprintf("%0.2F",$tmp_tva),'', '' ,'R');
    $this->SetXY(74, $y);
    $this->Cell( 10,4, sprintf("%0.2F",$tva) ,'', '', 'R');

 if ( $params["FraisPort"] == 1 )
    if ( $params["portTTC"] > 0 )
        $pTTC = sprintf("%0.2F", $params["portTTC"]);
        $pHT  = sprintf("%0.2F", $pTTC / 1.196);
        $pTVA = sprintf("%0.2F", $pHT * 0.196);
        $this->SetXY(85, 261 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "HT : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 261 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pHT, '', '', 'R');
        $this->SetXY(85, 265 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "TVA : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 265 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pTVA, '', '', 'R');
        $this->SetXY(85, 269 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "TTC : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 269 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pTTC, '', '', 'R');
        $totalHT += $pHT;
        $totalTVA += $pTVA;
        $totalTTC += $pTTC;
    else if ( $params["portHT"] > 0 )
        $pHT  = sprintf("%0.2F", $params["portHT"]);
        $pTVA = sprintf("%0.2F", $params["portTVA"] * $pHT / 100 );
        $pTTC = sprintf("%0.2F", $pHT + $pTVA);
        $this->SetXY(85, 261 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "HT : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 261 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pHT, '', '', 'R');
        $this->SetXY(85, 265 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "TVA : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 265 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pTVA, '', '', 'R');
        $this->SetXY(85, 269 );
        $this->Cell( 6 ,4, "TTC : ", '', '', '');
        $this->SetXY(92, 269 );
        $this->Cell( 9 ,4, $pTTC, '', '', 'R');
        $totalHT += $pHT;
        $totalTVA += $pTVA;
        $totalTTC += $pTTC;

  $this->Cell(15,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $totalHT), '', '', 'R' );
  $this->Cell(15,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $totalTVA), '', '', 'R' );

  $params["totalHT"] = $totalHT;
  $params["TVA"] = $totalTVA;
  if ( $params["AccompteExige"] == 1 )
    if ( $params["accompte"] > 0 )
        $accompteTTC=sprintf ("%.2F", $params["accompte"]);
        if ( strlen ($params["Remarque"]) == 0 )
            $this->addRemarque( "Accompte de $accompteTTC Euros exigé à la commande.");
            $this->addRemarque( $params["Remarque"] );
    else if ( $params["accompte_percent"] > 0 )
        $percent = $params["accompte_percent"];
        if ( $percent > 1 )
            $percent /= 100;
        $accompteTTC=sprintf("%.2F", $totalTTC * $percent);
        $percent100 = $percent * 100;
        if ( strlen ($params["Remarque"]) == 0 )
            $this->addRemarque( "Accompte de $percent100 % (soit $accompteTTC Euros) exigé à la commande." );
            $this->addRemarque( $params["Remarque"] );
        $this->addRemarque( "Drôle d'acompte !!! " . $params["Remarque"]);
    if ( strlen ($params["Remarque"]) > 0 )
        $this->addRemarque( $params["Remarque"] );
  $re  = $this->w - 50;
  $rf  = $this->w - 29;
  $y1  = $this->h - 40;
  $this->SetFont( "Arial", "", 8);
  $this->SetXY( $re, $y1+5 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $totalTTC), '', '', 'R');
  $this->SetXY( $re, $y1+10 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $accompteTTC), '', '', 'R');
  $this->SetXY( $re, $y1+14.8 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $totalTTC - $accompteTTC), '', '', 'R');
  $this->SetXY( $rf, $y1+5 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $totalTTC * EURO_VAL), '', '', 'R');
  $this->SetXY( $rf, $y1+10 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", $accompteTTC * EURO_VAL), '', '', 'R');
  $this->SetXY( $rf, $y1+14.8 );
  $this->Cell( 17,4, sprintf("%0.2F", ($totalTTC - $accompteTTC) * EURO_VAL), '', '', 'R');

// add a watermark (temporary estimate, DUPLICATA...)
// call this method first
function temporaire( $texte )

PHP-Generator.php with mail code


include ('../../../../wp-load.php');
global $wpdb;
    $query="SELECT * FROM $matched_table INNER JOIN $order_table ON $ =$order_id";


$pdf = new PDF_Invoice( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );
$reportName="Product Order Invoice";    
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 17 );
$pdf->Cell( 0, 15, $reportName, 0, 1, 'C' );
$pdf->addSociete( "MaSociete",
              "MonAdresse\n" .
              "75000 PARIS\n".
              "R.C.S. PARIS B 000 000 007\n" .
              "Capital : 18000 " . EURO );

$pdf->temporaire( "Flatrock Technology Ecommerce" );
$today = date('d/m/Y');
$pdf->addClientAdresse( "MaSociete",
              "MonAdresse\n" .
              "75000 PARIS\n".
              "R.C.S. PARIS B 000 000 007\n" .
              "Capital : 18000 " . EURO );
//$pdf->addReference("Devis ... du ....");
$cols=array( "S.NO"    => 9,
         "PRODUCT NAME"=> 46,
         "SPECIES NAME"=> 42,
         "FINISH NAME"=> 38,
         "ORDER DATE" => 30,
         "PRICE"=> 25 );
$pdf->addCols( $cols);

$cols=array( "S.NO"    => "L",
         "PRODUCT NAME"=> "C",
         "SPECIES NAME"=> "C",
         "FINISH NAME"=> "C",
         "ORDER DATE" => "C",
         "PRICE"=> "C" );
$pdf->addLineFormat( $cols);

$y    = 109;
$line = array( "S.NO"    => "1",
           "PRODUCT NAME"  => $product_name_semail,
           "SPECIES NAME"     => $species_name_semail,
           "FINISH NAME"      => $finish_name_semail,
           "ORDER DATE" => $order_date_semail,
           "PRICE"          =>$order_price_semail );
$size = $pdf->addLine( $y, $line );
$y   += $size + 2;
$pdf->SetXY( 10, 247 );
$pdf->Cell(165,8,'Total Price:',1,0,'R');

$tot_prods = array( array ( "px_unit" => 600, "qte" => 1, "tva" => 1 ),
                array ( "px_unit" =>  10, "qte" => 1, "tva" => 1 ));
$tab_tva = array( "1"       => 19.6,
              "2"       => 5.5);
$params  = array( "RemiseGlobale" => 1,
                  "remise_tva"     => 1,       // {la remise s'applique sur ce code TVA}
                  "remise"         => 0,       // {montant de la remise}
                  "remise_percent" => 10,      // {pourcentage de remise sur ce montant de TVA}
              "FraisPort"     => 1,
                  "portTTC"        => 10,      // montant des frais de ports TTC
                                               // par defaut la TVA = 19.6 %
                  "portHT"         => 0,       // montant des frais de ports HT
                  "portTVA"        => 19.6,    // valeur de la TVA a appliquer sur le montant HT
              "AccompteExige" => 1,
                  "accompte"         => 0,     // montant de l'acompte (TTC)
                  "accompte_percent" => 15,    // pourcentage d'acompte (TTC)
              "Remarque" => "Avec un acompte, svp..." );



            $to   = $buyer_mail;
            $from = $supplier_mail;
            $headers = "From: " . strip_tags($from) . "\r\n";
            $headers.= "CC: [email protected]\r\n";
            $headers.= "BCC: $from\r\n";
            $headers.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
            $headers.= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
            $message = '<html><body>';

            $message .= '<table width="100%"; rules="all" style="border:1px solid #3A5896; padding-left:20px">';
            $message .= '<span style="font-size: 14px;margin-bottom: 5px;padding: 7px 10px; background:#999999; color:#ffffff; float:left; margin-right:5px;">Order Confirmation </span>';
            $message .= "<tr><td><h1>Dear $buyer_data->user_login,</h1><br /><br /><tr><td>We Are Heartly Thanks To You. You can Choose Me For Your Order.<br>Your Order Details Here</td></tr>";
            $message .= "<tr><td style='font-size:14px;'>Product Details<br /><br /></td><tr><td style='width:20%'>Product Name: $product_name_semail</td></tr>";
            $message.='<tr><td style="width:20%">Category: '. $species_name_semail.'</td></td>';
            $message.='<tr><td style="width:20%">Size: '.$finish_name_semail.'</td>';
            $message.="<tr><td style='width:20%'>Price: $order_price_semail</td>";
            $message.="<tr><td style='width:20%'>Shipping Date: $order_date_semail</td>";
            $attachments = array(  WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/plugin-name/folder-name/order-'.$order_id.'.pdf' );   
            $message .= "<tr><td style='font-size:12px'><br><I>Thanks & Regards<br>$supplier_data->user_login</I></td><br><br></tr>"; 
            $message .= "</table>";
            $message .= "</body></html>";

            wp_mail( $to, 'test mail ', $message, $headers,$attachments); 


Upvotes: 0

Views: 3252

Answers (1)

Vivek Tamrakar
Vivek Tamrakar

Reputation: 522

PHP-Generator.php with mail code


include ('../../../../wp-load.php');
global $wpdb;
    $query="SELECT * FROM $matched_table INNER JOIN $order_table ON $ =$order_id";


$pdf = new PDF_Invoice( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );
$reportName="Product Order Invoice";    
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 17 );
$pdf->Cell( 0, 15, $reportName, 0, 1, 'C' );
$pdf->addSociete( "MaSociete",
              "MonAdresse\n" .
              "75000 PARIS\n".
              "R.C.S. PARIS B 000 000 007\n" .
              "Capital : 18000 " . EURO );

$pdf->temporaire( "Flatrock Technology Ecommerce" );
$today = date('d/m/Y');
$pdf->addClientAdresse( "MaSociete",
              "MonAdresse\n" .
              "75000 PARIS\n".
              "R.C.S. PARIS B 000 000 007\n" .
              "Capital : 18000 " . EURO );
//$pdf->addReference("Devis ... du ....");
$cols=array( "S.NO"    => 9,
         "PRODUCT NAME"=> 46,
         "SPECIES NAME"=> 42,
         "FINISH NAME"=> 38,
         "ORDER DATE" => 30,
         "PRICE"=> 25 );
$pdf->addCols( $cols);

$cols=array( "S.NO"    => "L",
         "PRODUCT NAME"=> "C",
         "SPECIES NAME"=> "C",
         "FINISH NAME"=> "C",
         "ORDER DATE" => "C",
         "PRICE"=> "C" );
$pdf->addLineFormat( $cols);

$y    = 109;
$line = array( "S.NO"    => "1",
           "PRODUCT NAME"  => $product_name_semail,
           "SPECIES NAME"     => $species_name_semail,
           "FINISH NAME"      => $finish_name_semail,
           "ORDER DATE" => $order_date_semail,
           "PRICE"          =>$order_price_semail );
$size = $pdf->addLine( $y, $line );
$y   += $size + 2;
$pdf->SetXY( 10, 247 );
$pdf->Cell(165,8,'Total Price:',1,0,'R');

$tot_prods = array( array ( "px_unit" => 600, "qte" => 1, "tva" => 1 ),
                array ( "px_unit" =>  10, "qte" => 1, "tva" => 1 ));
$tab_tva = array( "1"       => 19.6,
              "2"       => 5.5);
$params  = array( "RemiseGlobale" => 1,
                  "remise_tva"     => 1,       // {la remise s'applique sur ce code TVA}
                  "remise"         => 0,       // {montant de la remise}
                  "remise_percent" => 10,      // {pourcentage de remise sur ce montant de TVA}
              "FraisPort"     => 1,
                  "portTTC"        => 10,      // montant des frais de ports TTC
                                               // par defaut la TVA = 19.6 %
                  "portHT"         => 0,       // montant des frais de ports HT
                  "portTVA"        => 19.6,    // valeur de la TVA a appliquer sur le montant HT
              "AccompteExige" => 1,
                  "accompte"         => 0,     // montant de l'acompte (TTC)
                  "accompte_percent" => 15,    // pourcentage d'acompte (TTC)
              "Remarque" => "Avec un acompte, svp..." );



            $to   = $buyer_mail;
            $from = $supplier_mail;
            $headers = "From: " . strip_tags($from) . "\r\n";
            $headers.= "CC: [email protected]\r\n";
            $headers.= "BCC: $from\r\n";
            $headers.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
            $headers.= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
            $message = '<html><body>';

            $message .= '<table width="100%"; rules="all" style="border:1px solid #3A5896; padding-left:20px">';
            $message .= '<span style="font-size: 14px;margin-bottom: 5px;padding: 7px 10px; background:#999999; color:#ffffff; float:left; margin-right:5px;">Order Confirmation </span>';
            $message .= "<tr><td><h1>Dear $buyer_data->user_login,</h1><br /><br /><tr><td>We Are Heartly Thanks To You. You can Choose Me For Your Order.<br>Your Order Details Here</td></tr>";
            $message .= "<tr><td style='font-size:14px;'>Product Details<br /><br /></td><tr><td style='width:20%'>Product Name: $product_name_semail</td></tr>";
            $message.='<tr><td style="width:20%">Category: '. $species_name_semail.'</td></td>';
            $message.='<tr><td style="width:20%">Size: '.$finish_name_semail.'</td>';
            $message.="<tr><td style='width:20%'>Price: $order_price_semail</td>";
            $message.="<tr><td style='width:20%'>Shipping Date: $order_date_semail</td>";
            $attachments = array(  WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/plugin-name/folder-name/order-'.$order_id.'.pdf' );   
            $message .= "<tr><td style='font-size:12px'><br><I>Thanks & Regards<br>$supplier_data->user_login</I></td><br><br></tr>"; 
            $message .= "</table>";
            $message .= "</body></html>";

            wp_mail( $to, 'test mail ', $message, $headers,$attachments); 

Upvotes: 1

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