Reputation: 315
in my application when user update or insert any data that time if return value is 1 then it displays a bootstrap success alert. but it appears at the end of the page and i want it at middle of the page or at the div box footer. here is my code for that page.
ClassConnection.php :
class connection
Public $ServerName="localhost";
Public $ServerUser="root";
Public $ServerPassword="";
Public $DatabaseName="taksicab";
public $mycon=" ";
public $rs = " " ;
public $sql= " ";
public $myquery = " ";
function open_connection()
$con=mysql_connect($this->ServerName, $this->ServerUser, $this->ServerPassword);
die("Error in connection .......");
return $this->mycon;
function SelectDB()
function DBOperation ($mTable,$mFields,$mValues,$mOperation)
$tFields = explode(",",$mFields);
$tValues = explode(",",$mValues);
if($mOperation == "Insert")
$mSQL = "Insert into " . $mTable . "( " . $mFields . ") values ( " . $mValues . ")";
$query = mysql_query($mSQL);
else if($mOperation == "Update")
for($i=0; $i<count($tFields); $i++)
if($i== (count($tFields)-1))
$mStr = $mStr . " " . $tFields[$i] . " = " . $tValues[$i];
$mStr=$mStr . " " . $tFields[$i] . " = " . $tValues[$i] . " , ";
$mSQL = "Update " . $mTable . " set " . $mStr . " Where " . $tFields[0] . " = " . $tValues[0];
$query = mysql_query($mSQL);
else if($mOperation == "Delete")
$mSQL = "Delete from " . $mTable . " Where " . $tFields[0] . " = " . $tValues[0];
// echo $mSQL;
$this->myquery = $query ;
return $this->myquery;
$mcon=new connection();
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$mTable = "blocked_user_master";
$mFields = "User_Email,Block_Reason,Block_Period";
$mValues = "'".$_POST['user_email']. "','" . $_POST['block_reason'] . "','" . $_POST['block_period'] . "'";
$mOperation = "Insert";
$r = $mcon->DBOperation($mTable,$mFields,$mValues,$mOperation);
$mTable1 = "user_master";
$mFields1 = "User_Email,Blocked";
$mValues1 = "'" . $_POST['user_email'] ."',1";
$mOperation1 = "Update";
$r1 = $mcon->DBOperation($mTable1,$mFields1,$mValues1,$mOperation1);
// echo $r.$r1;
if($r1 && $r == 1)
echo "<div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissible col-xs-5'>
<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>
<h4><i class='icon fa fa-check'></i> Alert!</h4>
</div> ";
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1600
Reputation: 1983
You can do that with fancy javascript which will move div box with output message into wherever you like.
But that's only dirty hack, not the proper way to code.
The proper way is to divide operation and display (at least, MVC is even better). This way you can set some variable indicating name was changes and generate a page from template based on that variable (ie with success msg set on top of page if there is one).
Please don't make your own template engine. Use some existing ones instead (Savant is quite easy to learn).
Edit: Ok, I won't give you ready-to-use code, instead I will tell you how to do it the quick-but-dirty way:
1) create a div in which you want your message to appear, place it wherever you want it to be and give it some id (unique in page scope) ie:
<div id="resultMsg"></div>
2) later in your php code: instead of printing div with a message, print some javascript which will fill your resultMsg container with a message:
echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("resultMsg").innerHTML = "put your generated message here";</script>';
It's quick fix but don't get used to it. Instead learn how to do this the right way. You can start with,-The-Simple-Template-System or use other templating system. It will save you many bigger problems than this one in future :)
Upvotes: 2