Reputation: 73
im trying to add ads to my android phonegap app but im not getting anywere... i use phonegap 0.3.3
my admob key ad key is like: ca-app-pub-9718633180389415/1973821888
im my config.xml i have:
<plugin name="" spec="4.0.8" source="pgb" />
and then tryed on my index:
function onDeviceReady() {
document.removeEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
// Set AdMobAds options:
publisherId: "ca-app-pub-9718633180389415/1973821888", // Required
interstitialAdId: "ca-app-pub-9718633180389415/1973821888", // Optional
tappxIdiOs: "/XXXXXXXXX/Pub-XXXX-iOS-IIII", // Optional
tappxIdAndroid: "/XXXXXXXXX/Pub-XXXX-Android-AAAA", // Optional
tappxShare: 0.5 // Optional
// Start showing banners (atomatic when autoShowBanner is set to true)
// Request interstitial (will present automatically when autoShowInterstitial is set to true)
but noting is displayd: im using
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1453
Reputation: 882
Not sure if this is useful, but I thought I was using the same plugin as you, when, in fact, I was using this one:
To use that plugin, I wrote the following code:
var AdmobManager = {
// admob configuration
admobCfg: {},
// Initialize admob support, and start showing a banner right away
initAdmob: function () {
// If we don't have admob support, don't try to configure anything
if (!admob)
// Configure the IDs for the iOS and Android banner and interstitial ads
AdmobManager.admobCfg.iosCfg = {
interstitial: "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/IIIIIIIIII"
AdmobManager.admobCfg.androidCfg = {
interstitial: "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/HHHHHHHHHH"
// Choose ad IDs based on platform
AdmobManager.admobCfg.activeCfg = (/(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? AdmobManager.admobCfg.androidCfg : AdmobManager.admobCfg.iosCfg;
// Now we can init admob: set the IDs, and build a param for testing mode
admob.initAdmob(AdmobManager.admobCfg.activeCfg.banner, AdmobManager.admobCfg.activeCfg.interstitial);
AdmobManager.admobCfg.extraParams = new admob.Params();
AdmobManager.admobCfg.extraParams.isTesting = true;
// Request banner ads immediately upon app start
admob.showBanner(admob.BannerSize.BANNER, admob.Position.BOTTOM_CENTER, AdmobManager.admobCfg.extraParams);
// start allowing Admob interstitials
enableAdmobInterstitial: function () {
// If we don't have admob support, don't try to configure anything
if (!admob)
// Set up a listener for showing an interstitial once it arrives
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onInterstitialReceive, function (message) {
}, false);
// Request an interstitial to be sent
I call AdmobManager.initAdmob()
before I even show the login screen, and then, after login, I call AdmobManager.enableAdmobInterstitial()
Of course, once you're done testing, you'll want to change isTesting
to false.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 8989
The author of cordova-admob
plugin here. Have you tried with isTesting: true
? Are you running in real device? Please note that it will not work in browsers (only emulators or real devices).
In your config.xml
<gap:plugin name="phonegap-admob" source="npm"/>
In your javascript:
function onDeviceReady() {
document.removeEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
// Set AdMobAds options:
publisherId: "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/BBBBBBBBBB", // Required
interstitialAdId: "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/IIIIIIIIII", // Optional
isTesting: true // Optional
// Start showing banners (atomatic when autoShowBanner is set to true)
// Request interstitial (will present automatically when autoShowInterstitial is set to true)
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
See more details here:
Upvotes: 2