Reputation: 25
This is a simple example of what I need, for any given table, I need to get all the instances of the primary keys, this is a little example, but I need a generic way to do it.
create table foo
a numeric
,b text
,c numeric
constraint pk_foo primary key (a,b)
insert into foo(a,b,c) values (1,'a',1),(2,'b',2),(3,'c',3);
select <the magical thing>
1 |1|a|
2 |2|b|
3 |3|c|
.. ...
I need to control if the instances of the primary keys are changed by the user, but I don't want to repeat code in too many tables! I need a generic way to do it, I will put <the magical thing> in a function to put it on a trigger before update and blah blah blah...
Upvotes: 1
Views: 203
Reputation: 4582
In PostgreSQL you must always provide a resulting type for a query. However, you can obtain the code of the query you need, and then execute the query from the client:
create or replace function get_key_only_sql(regclass) returns string as $$
select 'select '|| (
select string_agg(quote_ident(att.attname), ', ' order by col)
from pg_index i
join lateral unnest(indkey) col on (true)
join pg_attribute att on (att.attrelid = i.indrelid and att.attnum = col)
where i.indrelid = $1 and i.indisprimary
group by i.indexrelid
limit 1) || ' from '||$1::text
$$ language sql;
Here's some client pseudocode using the function above:
sql = pgexecscalar("select get_key_only_sql('mytable'::regclass)");
rs = pgopen(sql);
Upvotes: 1