Reputation: 634
I use NotificationCompat.InboxStyle to show a notification.
I was not able to find out how many lines I can add at most with NotificationCompat#addLine() so that all inbox-messages are still visible in the (expanded) notification.
I found this in the documentation of NotificationCompat.InboxStyle:
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings.
According to this, it would be five lines max.
(1) In I found this:
private static final int MAX_CHARSEQUENCE_LENGTH = 5 * 1024;
ArrayList<CharSequence> mTexts = new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
* Append a line to the digest section of the Inbox notification.
public InboxStyle addLine(CharSequence cs) {
return this;
protected static CharSequence limitCharSequenceLength(CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) return cs;
if (cs.length() > MAX_CHARSEQUENCE_LENGTH) {
cs = cs.subSequence(0, MAX_CHARSEQUENCE_LENGTH);
return cs;
This shows that the lines are not limited when creating the InboxStyle.
(2) I found out, by trying, that I could add 7 lines that would show in the expanded view of the notification on my Android phone. When I added 8 lines, it would show "..." as 7th inbox-message.
So now my question(s):
Is the limit of inbox-message-lines always 7 or is the limit device-specific, like depending on the screen-size of the device?
If it is device-specific, which would be the number of lines I could be sure that they are shown on all Android-versions (that support expanded notifications)?
Would that be the limit of five Strings mentioned in the documentation?
Or did I miss something? I just couldn't find out anything about it, and nobody seems to have had this problem before - I appreciate any help, thanks.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3065
Reputation: 679
Check the end line which is
private ArrayList<CharSequence> mTexts = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(5);
in and explanation under it if you don't want to go through all this
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings.
If the platform does not provide large-format notifications, this method has no effect. The user will always see the normal notification view. This class is a "rebuilder": It attaches to a Builder object and modifies its behavior, like so:
Notification noti = new Notification.Builder()
.setContentTitle("5 New mails from " + sender.toString())
.setStyle(new Notification.InboxStyle()
.setSummaryText("+3 more"))
This is what it says in its documentation.
You missed the whole picture of documentation. We display notifications with the following code.
NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this);
notificationManager.notify(1 /* ID of notification */,;
Here is the code of notify in
public Notification build() {
return, getExtender());
Here IMPL is a static interface that has the methods for implementations of notification methods
private static final NotificationCompatImpl IMPL;
interface NotificationCompatImpl {
public Notification build(Builder b, BuilderExtender extender);
public Bundle getExtras(Notification n);
public int getActionCount(Notification n);
public Action getAction(Notification n, int actionIndex);
public Action[] getActionsFromParcelableArrayList(ArrayList<Parcelable> parcelables);
public ArrayList<Parcelable> getParcelableArrayListForActions(Action[] actions);
public String getCategory(Notification n);
public boolean getLocalOnly(Notification n);
public String getGroup(Notification n);
public boolean isGroupSummary(Notification n);
public String getSortKey(Notification n);
Bundle getBundleForUnreadConversation(NotificationCompatBase.UnreadConversation uc);
NotificationCompatBase.UnreadConversation getUnreadConversationFromBundle(
Bundle b, NotificationCompatBase.UnreadConversation.Factory factory,
RemoteInputCompatBase.RemoteInput.Factory remoteInputFactory);
IMPL is defined using SDK_INT as
static {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplApi21();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 20) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplApi20();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplKitKat();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplJellybean();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplIceCreamSandwich();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplHoneycomb();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplGingerbread();
} else {
IMPL = new NotificationCompatImplBase();
Since I use JellyBean I checked into NotificationCompatImplJellybean.Build
static class NotificationCompatImplKitKat extends NotificationCompatImplJellybean {
public Notification build(Builder b, BuilderExtender extender) {
NotificationCompatKitKat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompatKitKat.Builder(
b.mContext, b.mNotification, b.mContentTitle, b.mContentText, b.mContentInfo,
b.mTickerView, b.mNumber, b.mContentIntent, b.mFullScreenIntent, b.mLargeIcon,
b.mProgressMax, b.mProgress, b.mProgressIndeterminate, b.mShowWhen,
b.mUseChronometer, b.mPriority, b.mSubText, b.mLocalOnly,
b.mPeople, b.mExtras, b.mGroupKey, b.mGroupSummary, b.mSortKey);
addActionsToBuilder(builder, b.mActions);
addStyleToBuilderJellybean(builder, b.mStyle);
return, builder);
Here addStyleToBuilderJellybean()
leads to
private static void addStyleToBuilderJellybean(NotificationBuilderWithBuilderAccessor builder,
Style style) {
if (style != null) {
if (style instanceof BigTextStyle) {
BigTextStyle bigTextStyle = (BigTextStyle) style;
} else if (style instanceof InboxStyle) {
InboxStyle inboxStyle = (InboxStyle) style;
} else if (style instanceof BigPictureStyle) {
BigPictureStyle bigPictureStyle = (BigPictureStyle) style;
Here addInboxStyle goes to
public static void addInboxStyle(NotificationBuilderWithBuilderAccessor b,
CharSequence bigContentTitle, boolean useSummary,
CharSequence summaryText, ArrayList<CharSequence> texts) {
Notification.InboxStyle style = new Notification.InboxStyle(b.getBuilder())
if (useSummary) {
for (CharSequence text: texts) {
Here style.addLine(text)
goes to
where it is declared as:
public InboxStyle addLine(CharSequence cs) {
return this;
Now see declaratoin of mTexts
private ArrayList<CharSequence> mTexts = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(5);
This shows that it limits the number of notification lines to 5. I know it is very complex to go through all this but in short at the end after going through all declarations it declares in that this is limited to 5 lines only.
Classes used are:
2) Regarding part 2 of your question. Even I don't understand why it shows 7 lines instead of 5 enter image description here This is the output of adding 8 lines. I am using Google Nexus S-4.1.1 device in emulator. Hence I think that this is device independent.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 301
The answer is simple and straightforward, the maximum is 5 as reported here:
Retrieved from the above link:
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings
Upvotes: -1